
chánɡ shì cuò wù
  • trial and error
  1. 其主要理论基础有人本主义、建构主义、后现代课程理论、对话理论、团体动力学理论、多元阅读理论和尝试错误理论等。

    Its theoretical bases consist , among others , of humanism , constructivism , postmodern curriculum theory , dialogical theory , group dynamics theory , multi-reading theory , and theory of trial and error .

  2. 尝试错误矫正尝试错误矫正

    Trial and error correction

  3. 尝试错误在科技写作课程教学中的应用初探

    Attempt Mistake Is Practiced in the Science and Technology Writing Curriculum

  4. 一个尝试错误的人生,不但比无所事事的人生更荣耀,并且更有意义。

    A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable , but more useful than a life spent doing nothing .

  5. 但是,正处于研发中的最尖端的工具是“可被教的机器人”个电脑化的角色,他能够学习、尝试犯错误,并且像一个真实世界的学生一样提问题。

    But the most cutting-edge tool under development is the " teachable agent " — a computerized character who learns , tries , makes mistakes and asks questions just like a real-world pupil .

  6. h1元素的字体大小较小(实际上,我通过一些尝试和错误偶然发现了所需的大小)。

    The font size of the h1 element is smaller ( actually , I hit upon the size I wanted through a little trial and error ) .

  7. 尝试和错误是知识的来源。

    This involves a lot of trial and error , and .

  8. 巴尼斯说:我们经历了多次尝试和错误。

    " It was a lot of trial and error ," says Barnes .

  9. 无论如何,这就是尝试和错误的入口之处。

    Regardless , this is where the trial and error starts to come into play .

  10. 人们对外部世界的认识过程是尝试和错误的过程。

    The process that people get to know the external world was process of trial and error .

  11. 正如史蒂夫•乔布斯所指出的,尝试和错误一直都是苹果模式的一部分。

    As Steve Jobs has noted , trial and error has always been part of the Apple model .

  12. 自由体验工作各种状态如美好经历,负担,企图,尝试和错误。

    Exploit the liberty in casting your work as beautiful experiments , iterations , attempts , trials , and errors .

  13. 但是大多数这种建议都太宽泛而且不具体,使得开发团队必须自己从尝试和错误中学习。

    But much of this advice is broad and non-specific , leaving development teams to learn by trial and error .

  14. 一个修行人常常觉得自己正在黑暗中摸索,由于尝试和错误,经常浪费着时间。

    Often an aspirant feels he is groping in the dark and is always wasting time due to trial and error .

  15. 从而让应用程序从容地退出验证、打印错误消息,甚至可以尝试从错误中恢复并继续验证。

    This lets your application gracefully exit validation , print error messages , or even to try to recover from the error and continue validating .

  16. 当人们渴望神的义,却尝试用错误的东西来填充他们生命中的那个空白,将是十分悲哀的。

    It is tragic when people hunger for God 's righteousness , but they attempt to fill that void in their own lives with the wrong things .

  17. 这个钩子可以用来发送错误通知,将现场相关信息输出到日志文件,或者甚至尝试从错误中自动恢复。

    You can use this hook to send error notifications , dump postmortem information to a log , or even try to recover from the error automatically .

  18. 一个人可以通过实践、尝试、错误和学习&一切自己的努力,来掌握打字和语言,或成为一个很好的溜冰者。

    A person can learn to type and master languages or become a very good skater through practice , trial and error , study – everything of one 's own effort .

  19. 受访者还为新人提供了建议,包括向职场老人学习、通过尝试和错误取得进步、少说多做、学习新技术和新想法。

    The respondents also offered advice for newbies , including learning from veterans , making progress through trial and error , talking less and acting more and learning about new technology and ideas .

  20. 函数尝试使用错误的文件描述符(例如,它不引用打开的文件,或者用于尝试写入以只读方式打开的文件)。

    EBADF & A function tried to use a bad file descriptor ( it doesn 't refer to an open file , for example , or it was used in an attempt to write to a file that was opened read-only ) .

  21. 中文就是尝试去弥补错误的意思。

    Make it up to-try to compensate for doing something wrong .

  22. 成长是一个不断尝试和犯错误的过程,需要实验。

    Growth is a process of trial and error : experimentation .

  23. 如果你仔细观察,真的只是不断尝试和不断错误。

    If you look closely , it 's really trial and error .

  24. 乐于尝试,从错误中学习。

    Experiment and learn from your mistakes .

  25. 获取与上次从此源进行的复制尝试关联的错误代码。

    Gets the error code that is associated with the last replication attempt from this source .

  26. 记住你已经尝试过的错误,不要再次浪费你的时间。

    Know what you 've already tried , don 't waste your time trying it again .

  27. 指示在建立连接时,在终止尝试并生成错误之前等待的时间。

    Indicates how long to wait while establishing a connection before terminating the attempt and generating an error .

  28. 不要总是因为工作中犯的一些错误而自责不已,要尝试在这些错误中汲取教训。

    Instead of beating yourself up over a mistake here and there , try to find the lesson to be learned from these instances .

  29. 在此基础上,波普尔认为,科学中追求真理的目标是通过不断尝试与清除错误来实现的,科学的根本方法是试错法。

    Based on this , Popper holds that only by continuous trial and error s elimination can one find truth , and this way to seek truth is the method of trial and error .

  30. 即使尝试的结果是错误的,他们也不惧怕。

    They 're not frightened of being wrong .