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shī tǐ huǒ huà
  • cremation
  1. 采取尸体火化措施之后,这种传染病开始消退。

    When cremation began , the epidemic begin to subside .

  2. 她想把克里斯的尸体火化。

    She wants Chris to be cremated .

  3. 所以寺庙近两个月来不能接受任何尸体火化。

    So the temple can 't receive any dead bodies to cremate for almost two months now .

  4. 支付了这笔费用后,失去亲人的家庭就可以让逝者“入住”,一边排队等待将尸体火化。横滨市的每个火葬场都十分繁忙。

    For that fee , bereaved families can check in their dead while they wait their turn in the queue for one of the city 's overworked crematoriums .

  5. 家人对他的死深信不疑,并将其尸体火化,葬在了湖南省湘潭县谭家垅村。

    His family had cremated the dead body , which was believed to be his , before burying the ash at the village of Tanjialong in Xiangtan county , Hunan Province .

  6. 从B门进入预备室的尸体经过火化及冷却后仍然从B门出预备室捡取骨灰。

    When the body comes into the preparation room from Door B , after cremated and cooled , ashes will still come out of Door B to be picked up .

  7. 爱因斯坦在1955年去世,他的尸体被火化后,骨灰遵照遗嘱被分散。

    When Einstein died in1955 , his body was cremated and his ashes scattered , as was his wish .

  8. 在中国西南的重庆市,由于柴油告急,一家殡仪馆无法点燃火化炉,导致10具尸体无法火化。

    In China 's southern city of Chongqing , a crematorium has been unable to fire its furnaces because of a lack of diesel , leaving 10 corpses to go unburned .

  9. 埃克斯卡利伯是一条12岁的搜救犬,马德里地区政府官员哈维尔·罗德里格斯(JavierRodríguez)向记者证实了它的死亡,它的尸体将被火化。

    The death of Excalibur , a 12-year-old rescue dog , was confirmed to reporters by Javier Rodr í guez , an official from Madrid 's regional government , and the body is expected to be cremated .

  10. 他们的尸体在海边火化了。

    The bodies were cremated on the shore .

  11. 死人的尸体在埋葬或火化前存放的地方。

    A place where dead bodies are kept before burial or cremation .

  12. 因患检疫传染病而死亡的尸体,必须就近火化。

    The corpse of anyone who died from a quarantinable infectious disease must be cremated at a nearby place .

  13. 对因患检疫传染病而死亡的病人尸体,必须就近火化,不准移运。是火持续不断地焚烧,不是每个尸体。

    The corpse of anyone who died from a quarantinable epidemic disease must be cremated at a nearby place . It was the fire that continued to burn , not individual dead bodies .

  14. 医疗机构有权要求死者家属在前款规定的尸体存放期限内,将尸体移送殡葬馆火化。

    A medical institution has the right to demand that the family member of the deceased must transport the corpse to the funeral house for cremation within the above regulated time limit .