
  • 网络Yin Weimin
  1. 人力资源和社会保障部部长尹蔚民

    Yin Weimin , minister of human resources and social security

  2. 尹蔚民表示,网上流传的针对不同群体的延迟退休时间表系误读。中央政府制定延迟退休方案将会小步慢走、渐进到位,而且会提前公示、预先预告。

    Yin said the online guideline for when people of different ages should retire is fake , and the central government will take much slower , gradual steps in extending the retirement6 age , and will inform the public in advance .

  3. 人力资源和社会保障部部长尹蔚民说,

    Yin Weimin , Minister of HR and Social Security Ministry , said ,

  4. 尹蔚民昨日在对媒体发表讲话时表示,130万煤炭工人和50万钢铁工人可能失去工作。

    Speaking to the media yesterday , Yin Weimin said 1.3m coal workers and 500000 steel workers could expect to lose their jobs .

  5. 尹蔚民称,检查应以建筑业、劳动密集型制造业和餐饮业等经常雇佣农民工的行业为重点。

    The checks should focus on sectors where migrant workers are frequently hired , such as the construction industry , labor-intensive manufacturing industries and restaurants , Yin said .

  6. 人力资源和社会保障部部长尹蔚民日前表示,拖欠农民工工资的用人单位应被纳入全国黑名单。

    Employers who default on paying migrant workers ' wages should be placed on a national blacklist , the head of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said .

  7. 尹蔚民表示,年轻的求职者,主要是高校毕业生的增加(今年的高校毕业生是765万,比去年增加了16万),也给就业市场增加了压力。

    Yin said pressure to find a job will also increase as the number of younger job-seekers - mainly college graduates - will rise to 7.65 million this year , 160000 more than in 2015 .

  8. 中国人力资源和社会保障部部长尹蔚民称,近200万中国煤炭和钢铁工人将因为削减过剩产能的政府政策而失去工作岗位,此言突显中国劳动者面临潜在困境。

    Almost 2m Chinese coal and steel workers will lose their jobs because of government policies to cut overcapacity , according to the minister of human resources , highlighting looming woes for China 's workforce .

  9. 尹蔚民表示,在承受严重裁员的同时,今年中国经济将看到1500万年轻人涌入就业市场,比往年有所增加。

    At the same time as sustaining heavy job losses , Mr Yin said the Chinese economy would see an influx of 15m young people entering the job market this year , an increase from previous years .

  10. 人社部部长尹蔚民上周表示:“养老金“入市”的相应细则预计将很快出台,养老金将通过委托机构投资者投资股市。”

    Yin Weimin , the minister of Human Resources and Social Security , said last week : " Detailed guidelines about how the investments will be conducted are expected shortly and the investments will be made through commissioned institutional investors . "

  11. 中国人社部部长尹蔚民在周一的新闻发布会上表示,2016年的中国就业市场将十分复杂,由于政府化解产能过剩会造成一部分职工下岗。

    Yin Weimin , minister of human resources and social security , said Monday at a press conference that China will experience a complicated job market in 2016 as some workers will be laid off as the government moves to reduce overcapacity .

  12. 尹蔚民称,随着春节临近,各级政府应全面排查任何可能遭拖欠的工资,为公司和用人单位设定解决欠薪问题的最后期限。

    Yin Weimin , the minister , said that governments at all levels should " thoroughly check " on any wages that may be in arrears as Chinese New Year approaches , and set a deadline for companies and employers to clear up the situation .