
  • 网络Student organizations;kami
  1. 学生组织再次要?降低学费。

    Student organizations renewed their call for a reduction in tuition fees .

  2. 学生组织的建设实际上就是人力资源管理的问题。

    In fact , the construction of student organizations is manpower resources management .

  3. 委员会为本地区的中小学生组织了一系列的活动和比赛。

    The council has organised a series of events and competitions for school children in the area

  4. 颇有影响力的缅甸人权组织88世代学生组织(88Generation)上月呼吁中国就其缅甸投资合同展开重新谈判。

    Influential Myanmar human-rights group 88 Generation last month called for China to renegotiate its investment contracts .

  5. 西安大略大学台湾同学会(TAW)是一个西安大略大学内的非营利性学生组织。

    The Taiwanese Association at Western ( TAW ) is a non-profit student-run ? organization at the University of Western Ontario .

  6. YvonneFangmeyer是威斯康星大学学生组织办公室主任,在二月组织了一次学生参加校园组织的调查。

    Yvonne Fangmeyer , director of the student organization office at the University of Wisconsin , conducted a survey in February of students involved in campus organizations .

  7. 我的探索之旅的第二步就是我参加了一个学生组织,&它的名字叫“了解中国文化的根源”,简称ARCC。

    The next steps in my journey led me to join an organization called Awareness of Roots in Chinese Culture , or ARCC for short .

  8. 全球最大的学生组织AIESEC(国际经济学商学学生联合会),是一个为青年人提供发现和发展自我潜能机会,并对社会积极贡献的国际平台。

    AIESEC , the world 's largest student organization , is the international platform for young people to discover and develop their potential so as to have a positive impact on society .

  9. 一次,班主任曾跟我母亲提到上学期G2-A班的学生组织起来不与外教在课堂上合作,我想知道是哪个学生起主要串联作用的?

    Once , the supervisor told my mother that students in G2-A were organised to not cooperate with foreign teachers on class , I wonder which student organised this ?

  10. 警方正调查学生组织中的搞颠覆阴谋的集团。

    The police is investigating subversive group in the student organization .

  11. 加强学生组织系统及专业化管理。

    To build up student organization , systematic management & professionalism .

  12. 研究型大学学生组织的工作定位与作用发挥

    Orientation and Exertion of Students ' Organizations in Research Universities

  13. 高校学生组织机制创新:建设学习型学生组织

    Student Organization Innovation in Universities : Building Learning-oriented Student Organizations

  14. 它跟其他的学生组织和团体不一样。

    It 's different from other student clubs or unions .

  15. 在学生组织句子的过程中巩固本节课学习的新知识。

    To consolidate all the words that have been learnt just now .

  16. 创新型组织的界定大学生网上虚拟群体是网络环境下的新型学生组织。

    Virtual student groups online constitute a new-type student organization .

  17. 他们是孟加拉国学生组织的代表。

    They were the representative of Bangladeshi student organization .

  18. 建设学习型学生组织,是培养善于学习的创新型人才的重要途径。

    Building learning-oriented student organizations is an important way of cultivating innovative talents .

  19. 高校学生组织的功能定位与内涵重构

    Function Orientation and Connotation Reconstruction of College Student Organizations

  20. 李每周会遇见学生组织和打篮球。

    Li would meet with fellow students every week to organize and play basketball .

  21. 对八年制医学生组织胚胎学教学内容改革的思考

    Consideration on reform for histological and embryological teaching contents on eight-year program medical students

  22. 越来越多的学生组织会议开始之前首先询问大家希望用什么名字和代词称呼。

    Student organizations increasingly began meetings by asking everyone to state preferred names and pronouns .

  23. 学校为她以及其他国际学生组织了一次去迪斯尼的出游活动。

    The university organized a trip to Disneyland for her and the other international students .

  24. 这种对接是大学生踏入社会的前奏,走向社会的过度。因此,大学生社团具有其它学生组织无法替代的功能。

    Therefore , community college students can not be replaced with other student organizations function .

  25. 体育教学对高校理工类学生组织能力培养的研究

    Study on the Cultivation of Science and Engineering Students ' Organizing Ability in Physical Education

  26. 他们建立了一个学生组织。

    They have established a student organization .

  27. 对学生组织成员重点应放在教育、培养和引导方面。

    Members of the student organization should focus on education , training and guidance areas .

  28. 加强学生组织建设,保障自我教育的集体条件;

    The strengthening of the construction of organizations to guarantee a collective condition for self-education ;

  29. 浅议高校学生组织制度化管理与文化建设

    On the Institutional Management and Culture Construction Of Students ' Organizations in Colleges and Universities

  30. 指导警察院校学生组织之管见

    My Humble Opinion on the Guiding Work to the Organization of Students in Police College