
  • 网络nikon;Nikkor
  1. 它的竞争对手主要是尼康F系列和它的继任者,并持有初级市场份额,在大多数国家。

    It competes primarily with the Nikon F series and its successors , and holds the primary market share in most countries .

  2. 我一直在关注这一切,并调整着我的尼康相机UV滤色镜的视角。

    I was observing everything with concern , and I was checking the view in the UV filter of my Nikon .

  3. 3月15日,中央电视台在为世界消费者权益日(WorldConsumerRightsDay)制作的“3.15晚会”中表示,尼康出品的D600数码相机拍摄的照片中有黑点。

    In a March 15 show , CCTV said in a programme broadcast to mark World Consumer Rights Day that Nikon 's D600 digital camera produces photos with black spots .

  4. 在今年的尼康微观世界显微摄影(Nikon'sSmallWorldphotomicrography)大赛中,有几张获奖作品拍摄的是动物卵中小生命诞生的最初形态,这些动物包括海星和蝴蝶。

    Some of the winning images in this year 's Nikon 's Small World photomicrography contest capture some of the first moments inside the eggs of animals including starfish and butterflies .

  5. 如果平衡来说,对于观看正常放大的jpeg图片来说,佳能和尼康的算法更受欢迎

    On balance , for viewing at normal magnifications ( when color noise is still visible ), the Canon and Nikon approach is preferable for JPEGs

  6. 尽管由于近期智能手机和平板电脑的风行令小尺寸LCD面板表现较为活跃,但尼康第三季度售出的18台LCD光刻机中仍有12台是面向大尺寸面板(7/8G)的产品。

    Although small-size LCD capex has been robust recently for tablet and smart phone panels , 12 of the18 units shipped were for large size ( 7 / 8G ) panels .

  7. 使用一架具有PC接口的Nikon(尼康)LM1500光学显微镜,经由1200万像素镜头对样本进行分析并输入至LuciaG软件。

    Samples were analysed using a Nikon LM1500 optical microscope with a PC interface via a12 megapixel camera into Lucia G software .

  8. 日本尼康(Nikon)成为中国官方中央电视台(CCTV)攻击的最新一家外资企业,这一消息显然令投资者十分紧张。

    Japan 's Nikon has become the latest foreign company to receive brickbats from China 's state-run CCTV network , and investors are clearly nervous .

  9. 她把其中一架转过来,在取景器上有“尼康”字样,商标的左上角有一个“f”,她在杉树桥递给他的那架相机。

    Turning one around , she could read " nikon " on the viewfinder and , just to the upper left of the Nikon label , the letter f.it was the camera she had handed him at Cedar bridge .

  10. 小米就此加入苹果(Apple)和尼康(Nikon)等大品牌的行列,受到央视的谴责,这突显出这家科技公司在短短4年里取得的进展有多大。

    In a measure of how far Xiaomi has come in just four years as a technology company , it has now joined Apple and Nikon in being censured on air .

  11. 这家一向韬光养晦的小公司终于破壁而出,于本周早些时候公布了其总体发展规划,正式向相机业巨掣佳能公司(Canon)和尼康公司(Nikon)发起了挑战。

    The tiny company came out of stealth mode earlier this week , unveiling its master plan to take on heavyweights like Canon and Nikon .

  12. 一如往常的,Cyndie将自己的尼康数码相机带在身边。

    As usual , Cyndie has her Nikon digital camera at her side .

  13. 以前从没用过尼康D3,但在仅用了一天之后,我就对它的效果非常满意(以下删去若干字)。

    I had never used Nikon D3 cameras before , but after only one day I got very satisfying results ( th is sentence has been modified ) .

  14. 尼康高速闪光灯有两种不同的TTL模式:普通TTL模式和TTL均衡补充(TTLBL)模式。

    Nikon Speedlights let the photographer choose between two different TTL modes : A plain TTL mode , and the TTL BaLanced fill ( TTL BL ) mode .

  15. 今年夏天,米其林北美分公司没有经过审查就将其帐户转到了美国奥姆尼康集团下的TBWA。

    This summer , Michelin North America moved its account to Omnicom Group 's TBWA without a review .

  16. 另外这款相机也是首款尼康旗下可既可拍摄1080p高清视频,又可录制立体声音频,同时还设置了HDMI音视频输出接口的便携机型。

    It 's also the first compact camera from Nikon to shoot video at1080p and provides a'real'experience with stereo audio and HDMI video output .

  17. 此前央视曾批评苹果的iPhone定位功能对中国的国家安全构成威胁,而尼康未能去除其D600相机镜头的斑点。

    Previously , CCTV had criticised Apple for threatening Chinese national security with its iPhone location features ; and Nikon for failing to remove spots from the lens of its D600 camera .

  18. 报道称,许多消费者发现尼康D600相机拍出的照片多次出现了黑点。

    The report said many consumers found black spots repeatedly appearing in photos taken with the D600 Nikon camera model .

  19. 方法使用ZWF-J6型微粒分析仪和尼康YSZ-H型显微镜,检测和观察血管造影术中造影剂不溶性微粒的数量和形状。

    Methods The number of insoluble particles in angiography was detected by the ZWF-J6 particle analysis instruments and the shape was observed by a YSZH microscope .

  20. 是的,她,还是她,以及另一个她的眼神里,都没有一丝对尼康F16以及对小分队的摄像机和虹膜仪的信任。

    Yes , her , even in her eyes and in another 's too , there is not the slightest confidence in the Nikon F-16 or the search party 's camera or the iris detector .

  21. 这张泄漏的图片上显示的日期是5月14日,这暗示尼康最近才刚刚拍摄了这组图片,而D300S的发布日也为期不远了。

    The photo being previewed in the capture is also dated May14th , hinting that Nikon has only just recently processed the capture and that the camera maker is nearing a release for the D300s .

  22. 我的朋友有佳能和尼康单反相机。

    My friend has a Canon SLR and a Nikon DSLR .

  23. 中国是尼康的一个关键市场。

    China is a key market for the Japanese camera maker .

  24. 我们有佳能。穷士和尼康相机。

    We 've got Canon , Fuji , and Nikon .

  25. 尼康表示该公司将修正这一节目指出的问题。

    Nikon has said it will fix the alleged flaws .

  26. 让尼康的激光测距仪引路一个更好的游戏。

    Let Nikon 's Laser Rangefinders lead the way to a better game .

  27. 尼康决策层去年发布了类似的声明。

    Nikon executive made a similar statement last year .

  28. 从尼康的主题知识系统,到企业的知识管理模式

    From the Knowledge of Nicon , to the Knowledge Management in the Enterprise

  29. 另外,尼康光刻机业务也开始扭亏为盈。

    Nikon is also reversing its losses in lithography .

  30. 我拿了妈妈的尼康相机。

    I 've got my mom 's nikon .