
  • 网络Nyiragongo Volcano;Mount Nyiragongo
  1. 尼拉贡戈火山的火山管道构造复杂,宛如树木盘根错节。

    Nyiragongo has an intricate plumbing system , widespread as the roots of a tree .

  2. 获得欧盟资助的意大利地震学家达利奥·特德斯库在过去15年中一直对于尼拉贡戈火山进行研究。

    Italian seismologist Dario Tedesco has spent the last 15 years studying Nyiragongo , with funding from the European Union .

  3. 尼拉贡戈火山是世界上最危险的火山之一,科学家表示,山脚下的城镇重现庞培古城的悲剧只是时间的问题。

    Mount Nyiragongo is one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world-and scientists say it is only a matter of time before it makes the city below a modern day Pompeii .