
ní bó ěr rén
  • Nepalese
  1. 有没有让数百万在国外谋生的尼泊尔人回国的计划?

    Q.Is there any plan to call back millions of Nepalese gone abroad in search of livelihood ?

  2. 据一名神父说,这些尼泊尔人属于新慕道团,在世青节不代表尼泊尔教会。

    According to a priest the Nepalese going as part the neo-cathecumenate group do not represent the Nepal church at WYD .

  3. 照片上的稻田彰显了尼泊尔人生活中至今未变的一些东西。

    Which shows that some aspects of Nepalese life hasn 't changed .

  4. 这次地震造成8800多尼泊尔人死亡,数十万人无家可归。

    Morethan 8800 Nepalis were killed , and hundreds of thousands made homeless .

  5. 灵性高雅的尼泊尔人,正专心一致地观看师父的录影带。

    The noble and spiritual Nepalese people attentively watch one of Masteris videotapes .

  6. 很多尼泊尔人是印度裔,而且印度教在两国都是主要宗教。

    Many Nepalese are ethnic Indians , and both countries have a Hindu religious majority .

  7. 数千名尼泊尔人和包括前美国总统卡特在内的850名国际选举观察员密切监察这次选举过程。尼泊尔50多个政党的近4千名侯选人在星期四的全国选举中竞争。

    Nearly 4000 candidates from more than 50 parties were on the ballot across Nepal , Thursday .

  8. 桑吉塔、佩德罗、洛伦佐和十几名新加入的志愿者一起照顾这些背井离乡的尼泊尔人。

    Sangita , Pedro , Lorenzo and half a dozennew volunteers banded together to care for these uprooted Nepalis .

  9. 1953年,来自新西兰的埃德蒙希拉里和尼泊尔人邓金诺吉,终于登上了珠穆朗玛峰的顶峰。

    In1953 , Edmund Hillary from new zealand , and Tenzing Norgay from nepal , finally reached the top of Mount qomolangma .

  10. 目的:①定义和建立尼泊尔人安氏Ⅱ类1分类错(牙合)畸形的颅面特征。

    Objectives : 1 . To identify and establish the craniofacial features of Nepalese with Angle Class II division 1 malocclusion . 2 .

  11. 由于空中交通的堵塞,许多来自印度的商业航班被分流至其他机场或被取消。这些商业航班要么携带着救援物资,要么坐着希望帮助危难中亲友的痛苦的尼泊尔人。

    Many commercial flights from India , carrying relief supplies and anguished Nepalis hoping to aid distressed relatives , were diverted or cancelled because of the congestion .

  12. 尼泊尔人桑德克·里特博士领衔做出了巨大努力,他曾帮助开发低成本、高产量,取代接目镜的手术技术。

    The massive endeavor is being led by Nepalese Dr. Sanduk Ruit , who helped develop the low-cost , high-volume , surgical technique that replaces the eye lens .

  13. 1953年,新西兰人埃德蒙•希拉里爵士和尼泊尔人丹增•诺尔盖首次登顶珠峰,使得尼泊尔成为一处颇受欢迎的旅游目的地。

    New Zealander Sir Edmund Hillary and Nepal 's Tenzing Norgay Sherpa were the first to ascend to Qomolangma 's summit in1953.That feat opened Nepal as a popular tourist destination .

  14. 大约5万名无家可归的尼泊尔人很可能永远背井离乡,因为新的戈西河似乎不太可能在可以预见的未来回到原来的河道。

    The50,000 or so Nepalis left homeless are , in all probability , permanently displaced since the new Kosi seems unlikely to return to its old channel in the foreseeable future .

  15. 尼泊尔人热爱和平,愿意与南北邻居建立良好关系,但印度必须理解他人并且不干涉他国事务。

    Nepalese people are peace lovers and would like to have a good friendship with north and south , but India has to understand and do not intervene in any matter .

  16. 而在加德满都山谷外,几乎没有那个地区可以生产出这么多财富。许多尼泊尔人现在满心希望的省府结构即使在政治上可能,但也缺少资金支持。

    Yet few regions outside the Kathmandu valley generate much wealth and , even if politically possible , the sort of provincial structures that many Nepalis now expect may be unaffordable .

  17. 目前尚不清楚这一次有多少夏尔巴人在大本营遇难,但地区长官达卡尔表示,周一找到的11具遗体中有7个为尼泊尔人。

    How many Sherpas were among the fatalities at base camp this time was unclear , but Mr. Dhakal , the district official , said the 11 bodies retrieved on Monday included seven Nepalis .

  18. 阿富汗官方在一份声明中说:“爆炸造成了至少7人死亡。2名美国人,3名尼泊尔人和2名阿富汗人,包括1名孩子已经被证实死亡。”

    " The explosion * Killed at least seven people ," karzai 's office said in a statement . " two americans , three Nepalese and two Afghan nationals , including a child , have been confirmed dead . "

  19. 尽管我跟所有尼泊尔人一样惧怕地震——就这一点来说,奥克兰和加德满都这两个身为我家乡的地方已经成了姐妹城市——但在我的内心深处,却希望去年4月开始的这场地震能够多延续几个月。

    And though I dread earthquakes as much as any Nepali -- myhometowns of Oakland and Kathmandu are sister cities in this respect - I findmyself hoping that some of the tremors that began last April will continue formany months to come .

  20. 他参加的珠峰登山队由11名队员组成,其中包括6名尼泊尔夏尔巴人和5名日本人。

    Arayama , a corporate management consultant from Kamakura , south of Tokyo , was part of an11-person team that included six Nepalese Sherpas and five Japanese climbers .

  21. 下午四点半到了日喀则,第二天去樟木的车票已经买光了,看来这个季节去尼泊尔的人不少呀。

    To Xigaze , the second day of the camphor wood to buy tickets have been light , and this time it seems to you a lot of people in Nepal .

  22. 这次探险队没有从尼泊尔雇佣夏尔巴人做挑夫,而是雇佣了罕萨人。

    This time the party took porters from Hunza instead of Sherpas from Nepal .

  23. 登顶珠峰次数最多和最快登顶的记录今天分别由两位尼泊尔的夏尔巴人创造。

    The records for the most and the fastest ascents fell today to two Nepalese Sherpas .

  24. 尼泊尔一些雪尔帕人宣布他们将对埃佛勒斯峰进行一次清洁探险。

    A team of Sherpas in Nepal have announced that they will go on a clean-up expedition on Mount Everest .

  25. 汇款是尼泊尔经济的支柱,因为尼泊尔人会到海湾地区、伊拉克、阿富汗和马来西亚工作。

    Remittances are the mainstay of the economy as Nepalis travel to the Gulf , Iraq , Afghanistan and Malaysia for work .

  26. 雪崩发生在尼泊尔境内的珠峰地段,当时一行约50人正在为定于下周开始的登山季进行技术准备,其中大多数人为尼泊尔夏尔巴人。

    The avalanche on the Nepalese side of the mountain hit while a group of around 50-people , mostly Nepalese sherpas , were doing the technical preparations for this year 's climbing season , which is set to begin next week .