
ní lóng xiàn
  • nylon thread;nylon wire;nylon yarn
  1. 根据进口舱单,里面的货物是尼龙线。

    The contents inside is nylon yarn as per the import manifest .

  2. 甚至可能有一些金属丝或者尼龙线勒到肉里。

    There may even be some wire or nylon biting into the flesh

  3. 2h后抽出尼龙线栓,建立脑IR模型。

    Then pull out nylon fish line after 2h , the IR model were set up .

  4. n.线尼龙线比棉线结实。

    thread Nylon thread is stronger than cotton thread .

  5. 自制单J管和留置医用尼龙线防治儿童创伤性后尿道狭窄

    Self-designed single J tube and medical nylon string for the prevention and treatment of child traumatic posterior urethral stricture

  6. 方法将一端锐化的尼龙线经过颈外动脉引入颈内动脉颅内段,刺穿大脑前动脉造成蛛网膜下腔出血(SAH)。

    Methods SAH was produced by passing a nylon thread up through the right internal carotid artery and piercing a hole in the right anterior cerebral artery .

  7. 9例术后3个月内再次出现尿道狭窄,采用自制单J管在尼龙线引导下行尿道扩张术。

    Urethral stricture recurred in 9 patients 3 months after the operation , and they were all cured by performance of urethra dilatation with self-designed single J tube under the guidance of the medical nylon string .

  8. 结论应用硅胶涂层尼龙线结合局部脑血流监测,缺血2h以上同时予以血流监测,可制作梗死体积稳定的大鼠局灶性脑缺血模型。

    Conclusion Combined with regional cerebral blood flow monitoring , liquid silicon glue coated nylon suture embolization for more than 2 hours can produce stable infarct volume rat focal ischemia model .

  9. 结论自制单J管和医用尼龙线治疗儿童尿道会师术后后尿道狭窄效果显著,具有取材方便、简单、实用的优点。

    Conclusions Application of self-designed single J tube and medical nylon string is effective , simple and economical for the treatment of child traumatic posterior urethral stricture . It is easy both for the doctors ' training and for the children 's cooperation .

  10. 方法:采用尼龙线栓法制作大鼠局灶性永久性大脑中动脉闭塞模型,用免疫组织化学方法观察了缺血后3h、6h、24h、7d、14天时,HGF表达的动态变化。

    Methods : We made focal permanent cerebral ischemia model by occluding the middle cerebral artery with nylon line in rats , to investigate the changes of HGF expression in brain tissue by immunohistochemistry . Serum HGF levels of TIA patients and cerebral infarction patients were serially determined by ELISA .

  11. 方法应用内插有尼龙线的PE-50导管制作大鼠大脑中动脉(MCA)缺血3h模型,在再灌注前5min向MCA缺血区输注3.5ml10℃盐水,然后实施再灌注。

    Methods A PE-50 catheter with a silicon was used to block the middle cerebral artery ( MCA ) of rats for 3 hours in cold saline infusion group , and locally infuse the MCA-supplied territory with 3.5 ml 10 ℃ saline for 5 minutes before reperfusion .

  12. 5-0尼龙线缝合皮肤。

    Closure of the skin circumferentially with interrupted 5 0 nylon sutures .

  13. 尼龙线与丝线用于手术皮肤缝合的比较

    Comparison of Nylon and Silk on the Skin Suture

  14. 试验证明,10-0尼龙线是角膜手术较理想的缝线。

    The experiment showed that 10-0 nylon suture was the better in corneal sutures .

  15. 结论10-0尼龙线不能携载TGF-β反义寡核苷酸。

    Conclusion The 10-0 nylon suture can not carry TGF - β 2 anti-sense oligodeoxynucleotide .

  16. 他直起腰身,用手指快速地从绕线轮上放出尼龙线。

    He straightened his back , his fingers freeing nylon line from a speedily revolving reel .

  17. 目的探讨10-0尼龙线携载TGF-β2反义寡核苷酸的的可能性。

    Objective To investigate the possibility of 10-0 nylon suture carrying TGF - β 2 anti-sense oligodeoxynucleotide .

  18. 专业生产各种规格的纯涤纶线、全棉线、尼龙线、锦纶线。

    Line of pure dacron specializing in various kinds of specifications 、 The whole cotton thread , nylon line , polyamide fibre line .

  19. 把湿的蚕丝棉兜用甩干机脱去水分,再用尼龙线串起来拿到太阳下晒干。

    Dehydrate the wet silk pockets with the drying machine , and then string them together with nylon lines and dry in the sun .

  20. 本实验共用大鼠96只,动态观察术后5~90天期间肝脏组织对涤纶线、丝线、尼龙线和肠线的反应。

    The author studies dynamically the changes of the liver tissue reaction to various suture materials during the period 5-90 days in the 96 rats .

  21. 将植片置于植床,8-0可吸收线间断缝合,10-0尼龙线间断缝合前层角膜瓣,术后观察1~12个月。

    The donor button was placed in the recipient bed and sutured using 8-0 absorbable suture , the flap was sutured using 10-0 nylon suture . Postoperative observation for 1 ~ 12 months .

  22. 方法取新鲜羊膜治疗复发性翼状胬肉12例,睑球粘连10例,眼化学伤及烫伤10例,蚕蚀性角膜溃疡4例,清除创面后,100无损伤尼龙线缝合羊膜于创面上。

    Methods AMT was performed on 36 cases with ocular surface disease , 12 cases recurrent pterygium , 10 cases symblepharon , 10 cases chemical burn or burn , 4 cases Mooren ulcer .

  23. 公司主要生产“星鱼牌”多种规格,各种颜色的锦纶丝渔网、网片,尼龙线渔网、网片,等等。

    The company mainly produces " Star fish card ," a variety of specifications , the various colors of silk nylon fishing nets , mesh , nylon line fishing nets , net films .

  24. 尼龙护套线表面焦烧原因分析及对策

    Analysis of Surface Scorch of Nylon Sheathed Wire and Counter-Measures

  25. 斜交轮胎应用低收缩尼龙帘线取消硫化后充气

    Removing Post-cure inflation of Bias Tire by Using Low Shrinkage Nylon Cord

  26. 影响尼龙66POY线密度不匀率因素的探讨

    The influential factors on Nylon 66 POY denier irregularity

  27. 实验结果表明:纵向拉伸载荷对尼龙帘线-橡胶复合材料的横向拉伸力学性能有很大的影响。

    Experiment results indicate that the effects of longitudinal constant tensile loads on transverse tensile behaviors are obvious .

  28. 针对当前部分斜交轮胎采用硫化罐生产,探讨应用低收缩尼龙帘线,以取消硫化后充气工序。

    A study was made on removing the post-cure inflation of bias tire cured with autoclave by using the low shrinkage nylon cord .

  29. 方法用头端处理过的尼龙钓鱼线从颈总动脉插入颈内动脉,可逆性地阻断一侧大脑中动脉。

    Method The nylon string with its tip disposed was inserted into the internal carotid artery from the common carotid artery , occluding the middle cerebral artery reversibly .

  30. 对2005年和2010年轮胎用钢帘线、聚酯帘线、尼龙帘线等骨架材料的需求进行介绍和预测,并对芳纶帘线的应用前景做了描述。

    The requirements of such skeleton materials for tyre as steel cord , polyester cord nylon by 2005 and by 2010 are introduced and forecasted , the application prospect of kevlar cord is described .