
  • 网络indian women
  1. 印度妇女投票表达自己的而不是丈夫的意见。

    Indian women vote their minds , not their husbands ' .

  2. 印度妇女身穿仿佛参加婚礼的装束。

    The Indian women have all dressed as though for a wedding .

  3. 一位印度妇女申请离婚,理由是丈夫未能在社交网站Facebook上将婚姻状况改为已婚。

    An Indian woman is filing for divorce after her husband failed to change his relationship status to married on social network site Facebook .

  4. 浅论印度教对印度妇女的影响

    A Trial Analysis of Hinduism 's Influence on Indian Women

  5. 教育是提高印度妇女地位的关键

    Education Is the Key to Improving the Social Position of the Indian Women

  6. 然后在怀孕期间,印度妇女只能增加一半的推荐体重。

    Then during pregnancy , Indian women gain only half the recommended weight .

  7. 我认为这是印度妇女的特殊责任。

    I think this is the special responsibility of the women of India .

  8. 印度妇女戴的可以将她们与男人或陌生人区分开来的面纱。

    A screen used in India to separate women from men or strangers .

  9. 安妮:印度妇女太了不起了!

    Annie : the Indian women are great !

  10. 在去南亚的旅行中,我遇见了一位贫困潦倒的印度妇女。

    On a trip to south Asia , I met a desperately poor Indian woman .

  11. 本文主要考察印度妇女史的书写与妇女研究的互动关系。

    This thesis mainly examines the interaction between the writing of history and the women studies .

  12. 所以,一位印度妇女卡玛拉受雇照顾这个小女孩。

    So an Indian woman , Kamala , was paid to take care of the little girl .

  13. 造成印度妇女地位低下的原因是多方面的,其中受教育程度低是一个根本的原因。

    The low social position of the Indian women has become a main concern of the world .

  14. 科特基记得他曾在村里的集市上与一个印度妇女有过一次激烈的争吵,

    Kottke remembers him getting into a furious shouting match with a Hindu woman in a village marketplace who ,

  15. 海啸过后体现的是一名印度妇女在海啸后躺在沙滩上伸开双臂,悼念一位在海啸中遇难的亲人。

    After the Tsunami illustrates an Indian woman lying on the sand with her arms outstretched , mourning a dead family member .

  16. 安德鲁:记住那一刻,当马龙?白兰度让印度妇女去接受奥斯卡奖杯的时候,天下大乱了吗?

    Andre : remember that moment when Marlon Brando sent the Indian woman to accept the oscar , and everything went haywire ?

  17. 起初由印度妇女穿的一种服饰;上面有几码的发光布料点缀着。

    A garment worn primarily by Hindu women ; consists of several yards of light material that is draped around the body .

  18. 印度妇女将手机装在五颜六色的袋子中。这些袋子更主要的作用是对手机起保护作用,手机转手时不致贬值太多,而不是出于时尚的考虑。

    Indian women keep phones in colourful pouches , less as a fashion statement than as a way to protect the devices and preserve their resale value .

  19. 靠我们妇女用头顶运土去完成,被称为印度妇女用鲜血和生命筑起了亚运会的工程。

    The Indian women carried earth on their heads to complete the construction . It is called " a project con-structed by the blood and life of the Indian women " .

  20. 我坐在中庭后方,和所有的母亲坐在一起;这些印度妇女自在地盘腿而坐,她们的孩子像膝盖毯似的跨在她们身上睡觉。

    I 'm sitting in the back of the courtyard with all the mothers , the Indian women who are so comfortably cross-legged , their children sleeping across them like little human lap rugs .

  21. 为了说明印度妇女在印度独立后地位变化的趋势,本文将从印度独立后妇女地位变化的原因、成就以及存在的问题等几个方面进行分析阐述。

    Indian women in India to illustrate the status of women change after independence , the trend , this article will change the status of women in India after independence , the reasons for , the achievements and problems of analysis of the aspects described .

  22. 像孟加拉的Grameen银行和BRAC以及印度的妇女个体企业协会(SEWA)这样的机构,数十年来为大量的贫困人口提供了金融资源。

    Organizations like Bangladesh-based Grameen Bank and BRAC and India 's Self Employed Women 's Association ( SEWA ) have provided financial resources to large numbers of poor people for decades .

  23. “个体户妇女协会”的志愿者们与印度农村妇女一起讨论绿色耕作方法。

    SEWA volunteers discussed greener methods of farming with women in rural parts of India .

  24. 在印度,妇女节是一次盛大的节日,人们会在这一天举行庆祝活动。

    IWD is a big event in India , where people hold celebrations throughout the day .

  25. 印度的妇女团体已经呼吁捉拿允许撒提进行的村民。

    Women 's groups in India have called for the arrest of people in the village who allowed the sati to go ahead .

  26. 鲍斯说服她在马来西亚和新加坡招收印度侨民妇女加入他们的事业:和日本联盟,通过缅甸入侵印度,夺下首都。

    Bose persuaded her to recruit Indian women from the diaspora in Malaya and Singapore to fight for the cause : to link up with the Japanese , invade India through Burma , and seize the capital .

  27. 一位住在巴西或印度乡下的妇女,或许工作机会有限,eagle先生补充道,“但她仍能用自己的手机搜集当地价格及产品数据,甚或完成市场调研。”

    A woman living in rural Brazil or India may have limited access to work , adds Mr eagle , " but she can still use her mobile phone to collect local price and product data or even complete market-research surveys . "

  28. 印度佛陀时代妇女地位试析

    Indian Women ′ s Position in the Buddha ′ s Time

  29. 印度吠陀时代妇女的地位探略

    The Position of Indian Women in the Vedic Age

  30. 印度后殖民妇女史与妇女研究的互动

    Women History Writing and Studies in Postcolonial India