
wěi shén jīnɡ
  • coccygeal nerve
  1. 实验观察了刺激交感神经(sympatheticstimulation,SS)、静脉注射去甲肾上素(noradrenaline,NA)和酚妥拉明对糖尿病痛过敏大鼠尾神经中各种传入单位的影响。

    Responses of afferent unit to sympathetic stimulation ( SS ), intravenous injection of noradrenaline ( NA ) and phentolamine in the caudal nerve of diabetic rats were investigated .

  2. 本文研究了不同月龄Wistar大鼠坐骨神经、尾神经传导速度、动作电位幅度、时程及绝对不应期的变化。研究发现。

    The changes of conduction velocities , amplitudes , durations and absolute refractory periods of the action potentials were studied in the sciatic and caudal nerves of Wistar rats in different age .

  3. 实验观察了链脲佐菌素糖尿病大鼠尾神经中各种传入单位的反应特性,发现糖尿病大鼠的部分C单位和Aδ单位具有自发放电,它们的机械阈值显著降低。

    In the present study , the responsive properties of afferent units in caudal nerve of streptozotocin ( STZ ) induced diabetic rats were investigated . It was found that some of the C and A δ units spontaneously discharged and their mechanical threshold was decreased significantly in diabetic rats .

  4. 运动训练对糖尿病大鼠尾神经传导速度的影响

    The effect of exercises training on caudal nerve conduction velocity in diabetic rats

  5. 链脲佐菌素糖尿病大鼠尾神经中传入单位的反应特性

    Responsive property of afferent units in the caudal nerve of streptozotocin - diabetic rats

  6. 糖尿病痛过敏大鼠尾神经中传入单位对交感传出的反应

    Responses of afferent unit of the caudal nerve of diabetic hyperalgesic rats to sympathetic efferent stimulation

  7. 第8周在电镜下、光镜下观察各组尾神经神经纤维髓鞘变化。

    And the end of the eighth weeks caudal nerve were observed in the electron microscope , changes in myelin sheath of nerve fibers under the light microscope .

  8. 大鼠尾壳核的神经纤维联系:轴突顺-逆行追踪

    The connections of caudate - putamen nucleus in rat : the anterograde and retrograde tracing studies