
  • 网络Urination;emiction sense;micturition desire
  1. 在强烈尿意感觉出现后让受检者排尿,先前所见到的交感皮肤反应几乎完全消失,而此时主观的尿意感也是消失的。

    When subjects were asked to urinate after the occurrence of strong micturition desire , sympathetic skin response almost disappeared and subjective micturition desire disappeared , too .

  2. 观察两组尿意恢复时间、拔除导尿管时间、下尿路感染率、残余尿量、排尿障碍程度及男性功能分级。

    The recovery time of micturition desire , catherization time , lower urinary tract infection rate , residual urine , severity of urinary disorders and sexual disorders were observed .

  3. 23例患儿有尿意,尿流呈线状,两次排尿间隔时间在40min左右,膀胱最大容量、残余尿量较术前减少,膀胱压力增大,视为改善。

    Twenty three patients had voiding desire before micturition , with linear urine current , more than 40 minutes ' interval between micturitions , and reduced maximal bladder capacity and residual urine volume , but increased bladder pressure , which was regarded as improved .

  4. 7例恢复尿意,9例输尿管返流减轻。

    Vesicoureteral reflux was relieved in 9 cases .

  5. 我常常会有尿意。

    I feel like to urinate often .

  6. 喝得太多会导致晚上因为尿意而经常醒来。

    Drinking too many fluids at night can cause you to awaken frequently to urinate .

  7. 我没有受到咖啡的诱惑而离开座位,而且尽管我喝了杯汤力宁水,现在也没有任何尿意。

    I didn 't trick myself from my chair with promises of coffee , and despite the tonic I had no need to urinate .

  8. 方法:腹部叩诊&尿意法即产妇首次排尿后,护士由脐平向下间接叩诊,同时询问产妇有无尿意,将耻上叩诊出现尿意者定为叩诊尿潴留阳性。

    Method : Patients lie on her back after micturition , then nurses percuss the abdomen from the umbilicus downwards and ask the patient 's emiction sense .

  9. 强烈尿意出现时,记录到的交感皮肤反应的波幅和频率明显增加,并与受检者的主观感觉有很好的一致性;

    When strong micturition desire occurred , the amplitude of wave and the frequency of sympathetic skin response increased markedly , and this result was consistent with subjective sensation of subjects .

  10. 由于人可以通过主观意识使尿意提前出现,也就是说,主观意识对膀胱感觉功能有着重要影响,使膀胱感觉功能评估更为复杂。

    Owing to presence of desire to void ahead of schedule by subjective consciousness , namely : subjective consciousness has a vital effect on bladder sensation . , which makes more difficult to assess the sensory function of bladder .

  11. 对照组一与对照组二患者症状的改善效果与治疗组相比不明显,其中两组尿意均无恢复,对照组二膀胱排空方法及非自主漏尿频率均无改变。

    A control group and the control group the improvements of the two symptoms and treatment group than not obvious , the two of them were no recovery means urine group and control group in two empty the bladder and spontaneous way urinary leakage were no change frequency .

  12. 方法:将346例留置尿管需拔管的住院病人随机分为实验组186例,对照组160例。实验组待病人尿意明显时协助其蹲在便器上缓慢拔管,尿随管出。

    Methods The author grouped 346 patients reserved with catheter randomly : experimental group ( 186 cases ), control group ( 160 cases ), then helped the patients in experimental group squat on commode and pulled out the catheter slowly as soon as they had obvious consciousness to maturate .

  13. 膀胱感觉功能实质上就是大脑皮层对下尿路传入信号的感知,形成主观的尿意感觉。

    Sensory function of bladder is actually the subjective sensation from cerebral cortex stimulated by the afferent nervous signal from LUT .