
niào dào kǒu
  • Urethral orifice;urinary meatus
  1. 尿道口护理中护患心理接受程度的调查分析及对策

    The Analysis of the Psychological Acceptability of the Patients and Nurses for Urinary Meatus care and Proper Management

  2. 并发症发生率11.5%(7/61),其中尿瘘3例、尿道外口狭窄3例,尿道口退缩1例。

    Incidence of complication was 11.5 % ( 7 / 61 ), including 3 cases of urinary fistula , 3 cases of urinary meatus stenosis and 1 case of urethral orifice retraction .

  3. 倒U形切开尿道口成形术治疗尿道处女膜融合症

    Urethromeatoplasty in Reversed " U " Treatment of the Confluence of Urethra and Hymen

  4. 电灼术中联合5-Fu注射治疗尿道口尖锐湿疣的临床观察

    Clinical Effects Observation on Treating Venereal Wart in Urinary Canal with Electrocautery and 5-fluorouracil

  5. 目的:观察CO2激光治疗尿道口尖锐湿疣的疗效。

    Objective : To observe the efficacy of CO 2 laser in the treatment of urethra condyloma acuminatum ( CA ) .

  6. 目的探寻尿道口、肛周、宫颈口等特殊部位尖锐湿疣(CA)适宜的治疗方法。

    Objective To explore a proper treating way of Condyloma Acuminatum ( CA ) on the regions surrounding orificii externi urethra , anus , and cervix .

  7. 压力性尿失禁(StressUrinaryIncontinence,SUI)是指患者腹压突然增加(咳嗽、大哭、喷嚏、体举重物)时,尿液不自主地由尿道口流出的现象。

    The stress urinary incontinence ( SUI ) is a disease that the urine flow outward without orders when the patients have a sudden pressure to their abdomen such as cough , laugh , cry , sneeze , raising heavy body .

  8. TURP组发生尿道口狭窄1例、TURS2例、尿外渗3例,并发症发生率2.6%。

    In TURP group , meatus urinarius stenosis occurred in 1 case , transurethral resection syndrome ( TURS ) in 2 , and urinary exudation in 3 , with a complication rate of 2 . 6 % .

  9. 带蒂皮管正位尿道口一期尿道下裂修复术

    MAGPI one stage repair for hypospadias with vascular pedicle skin tube

  10. 报告1985年2月~1996年11月经门诊和住院诊断与治疗的尿道口处女膜病30例。

    30 cases of urethral orifice hymen disease were reported .

  11. 轻度尿道口狭窄1例,尿道口扩张后治愈;

    One case with urethra orifice stricture through urethra dilation was cured .

  12. 尿道口解剖结构上的异常是导致本病的主要原因。

    The main etiology is the abnormal anatomical structure of the urethral orifice .

  13. 尖锐湿疣术后复发或再生者可重复给予治疗,患者术后无疤痕形成、尿道口狭窄等并发症出现;

    No scar or stricture on the peristome of urethra for condyloma acuminata .

  14. 二氧化碳激光治疗尿道口尖锐湿疣56例

    Clinical Observation of 56 Cases of Urethra Condyloma Acuminatum Treated with CO_2 Laser

  15. 无尿道口狭窄、尿道阴道瘘等后遗症。

    No stricture on the peristome of urethra or urethrovaginal fistula was observed .

  16. 外用氨基酮戊酸光动力疗法治疗男性尿道口尖锐湿疣的疗效观察

    Observation of Aminolevulinic Acid Photodynamic Therapy for the Treatment on Urethral Condyloma Acuminatum

  17. 方法对我院73例行尿道口成形术的女性尿道综合征患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。

    Methods The clinical data of 73 cases treated by urethroplasty were retrospectively analyzed .

  18. 尿道口旁囊肿(附27例报告)

    Parameatal cyst ( Report of 27 cases )

  19. 氯霉素用于长期留置尿管尿道口感染的疗效

    Therapeutic effect of chloromycetin on urethra infection due to long term indwelling urinary catheter

  20. 留置导尿病人尿道口及尿液的霉菌监测

    Monitoring of Fungi of Meatus Urinarius and Urine in the Patients with Indwelling Catheter

  21. 光动力治疗尿道口内尖锐湿疣的治疗体会

    Photodynamic therapy urethra in the treatment of condyloma

  22. 光动力疗法治疗尿道口尖锐湿疣疗效观察

    Observation of the Therapeutic Effect of Photodynamic Therapy on Condyloma Acuminatum in Urethral Orifice

  23. 其初期症状显示排尿困难及间歇性尿道口脓液排出。

    The primary presenting symptoms were dysuria and intermittent pus discharge from the urethral meatus .

  24. 对照组,按常规行尿道口护理,2次/d;

    For the control group , their urethral orifice was treated conventionally twice a day ;

  25. 专科检查发现所有病倒尿道口及处女膜局部均有明显的病理改变;

    The scope of vaginal hysterectomy Pathological changes were found in urethral orifice and hymen .

  26. 第二个切口较低,也可以在这里看到,这是新的尿道口。

    A second lower incision is also visible ; this will be the new urethral opening .

  27. 2例并发尿瘘,1例并发尿道口狭窄,经治疗后痊愈。

    There were 2 cases of urethral fistula and 1 case of meatus retraction healed after treatment .

  28. 正位尿道口阴囊纵隔带蒂皮管一期修复尿道下裂(附24例报告)

    MAGPI one-stage repair of hypospadias with scrotal sepal vascular pedicle skin tube ( Report of 24 cases )

  29. 方法本组39例,均发现尿道口处女膜融合或处女膜伞形成,表现为以尿频为主的尿道综合征。

    Methods 39 women with hymenal fusion were analyzed . The major symptoms were serious pollakiuria of urethral syndrome .

  30. 目的探讨煮沸后冷却到38~40℃的开水(以下简称温开水)在尿道口护理中的应用。

    Objective To test the utilization of the38 ~ 40 centigrade boiled water in the nursing care of urethra hole .