
  • 网络dry environment
  1. XRD、IR等结果显示SrFeO4样品在干燥环境中放置时会分解生成无定形的低价态铁盐。

    The XRD and IR results show that SrFeO_4 kept in dry environment may decomposes to amorphous Fe salts with lower value state .

  2. 研究结果表明:干燥环境中,采用B聚酰胺与DETA多胺混合固化剂体系时,浆液渗透性高、可灌性好、粘结强度高,因此,宜采用该混合固化剂体系;

    Results show that , when it is selected the curing agent system of B polyamid mixed with DETA multi-amines in dry environment , epoxy resin grouts have low viscosity , good grouting property and high adhesive strength , so it should select the system of mixed curing agent ;

  3. 这就是为什么专家们正在从上百个野生咖啡品种中寻找一种能耐受更温暖、更干燥环境的植物。

    That 's why experts are searching among more than a hundred wild coffee species for a plant that can tolerate warmer and drier conditions .

  4. 牙刷保存于干燥环境中,其Hp阳性率明显低于潮湿环境中(P0.01)。

    The method to keep the toothbrush was related to Hp positive rate too , dry place was better than wet place ( P0.01 ) .

  5. 但是,取自于亚伯达(Alberta)的柳树枝因对过去干燥环境的“记忆”产生了一组与取自于萨斯喀彻温省(Saskatchewan)的不同的基因。

    But the trees from Alberta activated a different group of genes in response to the " drought " than the poplars obtained from Saskatchewan .

  6. 一个是开发新的能抵抗疾病和适应干燥环境的种子;

    One istodevelop new seeds that resist disease and dry conditions .

  7. 铝在含SO2湿润/干燥环境中的腐蚀规律

    Corrosion of aluminum in wet / dry environment containing SO_2

  8. 西昌地区室内干燥环境植物选配方案探析

    Analysis of Plant Selection Project in Dry Indoor Environment in Xichang Region

  9. 干燥环境下乳化沥青改性水泥砂浆的试验研究

    Experiment on Emulsified Asphalt Modified Cement Mortar in Dry Condition

  10. 干燥环境下最高可防600伏电压。

    Protects the wearer against open circuit up to600 volts in dry conditions .

  11. 密闭液性环境干燥环境下供皮区创面愈合的比较研究

    Comparative research of the donor site wound healing in occlusive and dry environments

  12. 寒冷干燥环境下肢体火器伤的病理学观察

    Pathological observation of gunshot wound in limbs of rabbits in cold and dry environment

  13. 干燥环境条件下大掺量矿物掺合料高强混凝土的抗冻性

    Freeze-thaw durability of high strength concrete with high volume mineral admixtures at dry environment

  14. 对干燥环境参数的测量与控制是实现合理干燥工艺的基准和关键。

    The control and performance measurement of environmental parameters are very important to drying technics .

  15. 国外研究发现海藻糖可有效降低角膜上皮细胞在干燥环境中的死亡率,保护角膜组织,尤其是角膜上皮和内皮细胞;

    It has been found that trehalose can protect corneal epithelial cells in culture from death by desiccation .

  16. 如果产生大量镁屑和镁粉,则千万不能在干燥环境下存放。

    If larger amounts of magnesium chips and dust are produced , these must not be stored dry .

  17. 结论:本制剂在低湿的干燥环境下制备和贮藏是稳定的。

    Conclusion : The preparation and storage of amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium for suspension is stability under low humidity .

  18. 古利人形成了适应这种炎热、干燥环境自己的生活方式。

    Kooris developed a way of life that was suitable for this hot and in many places dry country .

  19. 高温干燥环境下钢筋混凝土水池施工特点及防水措施原水池防腐蚀

    Construction and Damp Proof of RC Water Tank in High Temperature and Dry Condition Corrosion Protection of Raw Water Pit

  20. 结论:本品在长期放置条件下稳定性良好,但有引湿性,应置于密闭容器、干燥环境中保存。

    CONCLUSION : Vertilmicin is stable during the stability study but it must be kept in a dry circumstance because of hygroscopy .

  21. 结论:寒冷干燥环境下火器伤的救治应有别于常温常湿条件,其早期伤道清创时限可适当放宽。

    Conclusion : The management of gunshot wound in cold and dry environment may be delay moderately in time of debridement and sewing .

  22. 调节引风机,使上箱体中床层物料上部保持微负压,维持良好的干燥环境并防止粉尘外泄。

    Fan regulation , which box on the bed material to maintain the upper-vacuum , maintain good dry environment and prevent dust leakage .

  23. 目的比较研究密闭液性环境和干燥环境下供皮区创面的愈合过程。

    Objective To compare and research the process of wound healing in occlusive moist environment and dry environment on the skin donor site .

  24. 如果焊机长期不使用,应将焊机放入原包装,存放在干燥环境中。

    If the welder is not used for a long period of time , seal it in the original packaging and store in dry condition .

  25. 目的观察寒冷干燥环境下羊肢体枪伤骨折后血糖和胰岛素变化规律。

    Objective To investigate the pattern of changes in plasma glucose and insulin in sheep with gunshot fracture on limbs in the cold and dry environment .

  26. 研究结果表明在干燥环境下乳化沥青和高吸水树脂能阻止水分蒸发,促进水泥水化;

    The results show the cationic emulsified asphalt and the polyacrylate super - water-absorbent resin can prevent water from evaporating and promote hydration of the cement .

  27. 本文介绍了一种能在水中或干燥环境中对金属、混凝土、玻璃或其他刚性材料牢固粘合的环氧型胶粘剂。

    An epoxy resin adhesive which can bond metal , concrete , glass and other rigid materials firmly both in water and dry environments is described .

  28. 目的:探讨寒冷干燥环境下火器伤细菌定量变化及感染发展过程与特征。

    Objective : To investigate the change in quantity of bacteria and the development process and characteristics of the infection after gunshot in cold and dry environment .

  29. 用无机矿物作载体的AS复合助磨剂,克服了有机助磨剂在高温、干燥环境下被分解而失效的难题。

    The type AS grinding aid with inorganic mineral as carrier overcomes the disadvantage of failure caused by decomposition of organic grinding aid at high temperature and very dry atmosphere .

  30. 调查进入沙漠腹地,在酷热、干燥环境下作业的石油工人所出现的不适症状,提出沙漠燥证的概念。

    Based on investigations on the manifestations occurred in oil workers working in the hinterland of desert areas , a new term ," desert dryness syndrome "( DDS ) was introduced .