
gān cǎo yuán
  • steppe;dry steppe
干草原[gān cǎo yuán]
  1. 典型干草原退化草地的时空分布特征及其动态监测

    A study on dynamic monitoring rangeland regradation and its distribution in the Xilin Gol Plateau 's dry steppe

  2. 干草原牧草贮藏碳水化合物含量变化规律的研究

    The Study on Changing Patterns of Carbohydrate Reserves in Inner Mongolia Steppe Rangeland

  3. 选用不同草种改良干草原草地试验研究

    An experiment on reforming dry grassland by selecting different variety of grass

  4. 交通对干草原土壤物理性质影响的试验研究

    Impact of traffic on physical properties of Arid Grassland Soils

  5. 半干旱区湿地&干草原群落交错带边缘效应研究

    Edge Effect of Wetland and Arid Grassland Community Ecotone in Semi-arid of China

  6. 内蒙古干草原春季火险预报模型的研究

    Research on the spring FIRE-RISK FORECASTING model in dry grasslands in Inner Mongolia

  7. 木本植物多度在草原和稀树干草原中增加的研究进展

    Increased abundance of woody plants in grasslands and savannas

  8. 蒙古国的心脏地带是相对平稳的干草原。

    The Mongolian heartland consists of relatively flat steppes .

  9. 宁夏干草原不同放牧方式对植被特征影响的研究

    Research on the influence of different grazing system on vegetation characteristics in Ningxia typical grassland

  10. 干草原区植被保护支持技术研究&冬春季绵羊最佳饲养模式初探

    Studies on Supporting Technology of the Vegetation Conservation in Steppe-Sheep Raising Method in Winter and Spring

  11. 微生物生理生物化学低山丘岭干草原土壤微生物氮素生理群研究

    Study on the Nitrogen Physiological Groups of Soil Microorganisms in the Low Mountain and Hill Steppes

  12. 干草原放牧强度对草地生态变化及其利用效果的影响

    Effects of Grazing Intensity on the Water Content of Grassland Soil , Grassland Productivity and Sheep Increasing Weight

  13. 固原东部半干旱黄土丘陵区干草原草场改良方法初探

    Comparision of methods for improving arid prairie at loess hill country of semi-arid region in Eastern Gu Yuan

  14. 干草原禾草草场关键灌水期与缺水损失函数研究

    An Investigation of Key Irrigation Period and loss Function of Water Deficiency about a Grass Grazing in a Steppe

  15. 一种多刺的旱生常绿灌木,形成密丛林,花玫瑰紫色、美丽;生长在加利福尼亚干草原上。

    Spiny evergreen xerophytic shrub having showy rose-purple flowers and forming dense thickets ; of dry rocky mountain slopes of California .

  16. 归纳了草群的组成及结构特征,总结了草地初级生产能力的特点,阐述了温性干草原初级生产能力分布的空间规律、季节动态及年动态,提出了合理利用这类草地的建议。

    The seasonal and annual dynamics of grassland primary productivity are summarized . The technical system fro rational utilization of grassland is suggested .

  17. 再以长城沿线为界,南部为森林草原区,北部为干草原、沙化草原区。

    Another line is nearly in Great Wall zone , where the south is forest grass zone , the north is dry and desert prairie .

  18. 草麻黄从东南至西北受气温和降水等因素的影响,在东南部丘陵沙地干草原区集中分布;

    In this area , Chinese Ephedra are growing from northwest to southeast , and they are influenced by temperature , precipitation and other factors .

  19. 干草原草场面积最大,约占总土地面积的5.1%左右,但单位面积产草量较低;

    The area of dry grassland is largest and its area is about 5.1 % of the total area , but its yield is lower .

  20. 晚全新世植被为干草原,气候寒冷。

    The results indicate that the climate in the Early Holocene was colder and drier , Middle Holocene was warmer and wet and Late Holocene was dry and cold .

  21. 研究区位于中国干草原干润均腐土的东南缘、农牧交错带、荒漠化严重发展区。

    The studied area is located at the southeastern edge of the steppe Uap-Ustic Isohtumisols , being a transitional zone between farming and animal husbandry , with seriously desertified lands .

  22. 在中部低山丘陵干草原区呈零星分布,在西北部山地草甸草原区无分布。

    Most Chinese Ephedra are growing in hilly sandy dry rangeland area in the southeast and a few growing in low hilly dry rangeland area in the middle of this area .

  23. 还有一件事也发生在最初几个月的旅行里。某天晚上,马奎斯在一片过度放牧的辽阔干草原(她称此地为丑陋的高尔夫球场)上宿营的时候,听到有马队向他奔来。

    Another night during those first months , while Marquis camped on a vast , overgrazed steppe that she describes as looking like an ugly golf course , she heard horses galloping toward her .

  24. 海南岛西部是我国唯一的热带稀树干草原沙漠化地区,是热带沙漠化土地类型、沙漠化过程十分典型的区域。

    The west of Hainan Island is the only sandy desertification district of the tropical dry grasslands with sparse trees in my country , and it is very typical of the sandy desertification types and course .

  25. 本文研究了干草原向荒漠草原过渡地带7种禾本科牧草的生物学特性、生活型、根系类型、生态分布、生态特征及其叶片解剖结构。

    It is studied on the biological characters , life forms , types of root system , ecological distribution and leaf anatomical structures of seven grass species grown in the transition region from steppe to desert steppe .

  26. 从生态系统干扰的角度,讨论了木本植物多度增加机制的复杂性,并指出木本植物幼苗补充和定居的连续性和间断性两种方式,对于草原和稀树干草原木本植物多度增加的贡献。

    From a view of disturbances in ecosystems , we discuss the complexity of mechanisms for the increased abundance of woody plant , and indicate the contributions of episodic and continuous recruitment and establishment of seedling to woody plant expansion in the vegetation .

  27. 新疆阿勒泰市坐落于阿尔泰山南麓低山丘陵带的狭长断陷谷地内,相应的生物气候带属干旱荒漠与干草原带,是山地环境变化和人类活动反应最为敏感地带。

    Altay City is located in a long and narrow fault basin in the hill zone on southern piedmont of the Altay Mountains , it belongs to arid desert climate , and the zone is an arid steppe and is the most sensitive to the environment change and human activities .

  28. 内高加索,北高加索:苏联欧洲部分东南部高加索地区的干旷草原,位于高加索山脉主脉以北。

    Ciscaucasia : steppeland of southeast European U.S.S.R. in the Caucasus north of the main range of the Caucasus Mountains .

  29. 23KaBP之后,气候冷干,以稀疏草原为主,在末次盛冰期植被甚至演化为荒漠草原。

    After 23 ka BP , the open steppe occupied the Jingning area , the climate was cold and dry , and the desert steppe expanded during the LGM .

  30. 2.555~2.300MaBP:植被为温凉偏干的疏林草原,湿度开始下降;

    From 2.555 to 2.300 Ma BP , the vegetation was arid grassland with sparse forest , and humidity began to decline ;