
gān zào dù
  • dryness
干燥度[gān zào dù]
  1. 结果表明:与虫害发生面积密切相关的因子有年积温(≥10℃)、年降水量和干燥度;虫害发生面积同三者的Pearson相关系数分别为0.701、-0.814和0.937;

    The results showed that the meteorological factors closely related to the insect pest occurrence area were the yearly accumulated temperature of ≥ 10 ℃, yearly precipitation and dryness , with the Pearson coefficient being 0.701 , -0.814 and 0.937 , respectively .

  2. 对导致土壤风力侵蚀的原因进行分析,指出风速、土壤干燥度、地表植被指数、土壤质地和坡度是土壤风力侵蚀的重要驱动因子。

    Wind speed , soil dryness , NDVI , soil property and land surface slope are the key factors to the soil wind erosion .

  3. 以遥感与GIS为支撑技术,以干燥度为干旱指标,并以此提取草地的动态变化,分析1995&2000年的中国干旱区草地动态变化状况。

    The grassland dynamics in China 's arid region from 1995 to 2000 are analyzed based on RS and GIS and with aridity as the indicator of drought .

  4. Ⅰ区:安徽濉溪,无霜期243天,干燥度DI为2.5,为优良产区。

    ⅰ: Suixi of AnHui Province , the Frost Free Days is 243 , DI is 2.5 , fine quality zone .

  5. 进一步计算了干燥度指数,并在10a代际尺度上详细分析了辽西干湿气候变化特征。

    Furthermore , we have calculated the aridity index and analyzed the inter-decadal fluctuation of dry and wet climate .

  6. 采用Holdridge潜在蒸发方法计算出了泾河流域的气候干燥度指数,构建了遥感植被指数与气候干燥度指数之间的回归模型。

    Potential evaporation equation of Holdridge was employed to calculate climatic aridity index ( AI ), and construct the regression model between Normalized Difference Vegetation Index ( NDVI ) and AI .

  7. 流域格局指数AI、CONTAG、SHDI、SHEI等与干燥度指数有很好的相关性;中上游地区气候相对湿润,景观破碎化程度较高,多样性、均匀度明显高于下游。

    Pattern indexes such as AI , CONTAG , SHDI , and SHEI and so on have good correlations with aridity index . Climate in upper and middle reaches is relative humid , degrees of fragmentation ; diversity and evenness here are much higher than lower reaches .

  8. 自然干燥度和实际干燥度及其应用

    Natural Aridity and Actual Aridity and Their Applications in Climatic Service

  9. 雨量与覆盖度、产草量成正比,与载畜量成反比,干燥度主要影响草层高度且与后者成正比。

    Dry degree mainly affect sward height and positively correlated to the later .

  10. 基于潜在蒸散和干燥度指数的河北省农业气候区划

    Agricultural climate division of Hebei Province based on potential evapotranspiration and surface aridity index

  11. 我国不同干燥度区域草地资源动态变化研究

    Grassland resource dynamics in aridity area in China

  12. 地理生态学的干燥度指数及其应用评述

    Aridity index and its applications in geo-ecological study

  13. 干荷极板干燥度的生产控制

    Production Control of Drying of Dry Charge Plate

  14. 同时利用干燥度指标研究了辽东地区气候干旱对气候变暖的响应。

    The responses of climatic drought to climate warming were also researched with aridity index .

  15. 近40年河北省地表干燥度的时空变化

    The Spatial Distribution and Temporal Trend of Surface Aridity Index in Recent 40 Years in Hebei Province

  16. 第二,基于中国高程分级、坡度分级、降雨量分级、干燥度分级和年均温分级,逐一分析了不同自然环境背景下的中国耕地动态变化。

    , yearly average temperature classification , gradually analyze the Chinese farm land dynamic change in the differ background .

  17. 第二,对耕地动态变化的环境背景进行了分析,依次为分高程耕地动态、分坡度耕地动态、分降雨指数耕地动态、分干燥度耕地动态以及不同均温下的耕地动态变化情况;

    Second , researched the environment background of farmland change on different elevation , grade , rainfall , dryness-degree and average temperature ;

  18. 按不同的年干燥度将全省在地域上分成半湿润、湿润和过湿润三个区。

    The writers have divided Fujian province into three zones : superhumid , humid and subhumid in accordance with the annual aridity index .

  19. 在东亚飞蝗的发生为害年份,土壤干燥度明显高于未发生为害年份。

    During the years when locust outbreak seriously occurred , soil drought is obviously higher than that of the years when locust plague is absent .

  20. 这些参数主要包括:外观、干燥度、离子污染、助焊剂残留、表面绝缘电阻和电迁移等。

    It'mainly concludes these characteristic parameters , such as visual , dryness , ion contamination , welding flux residual , surface insulation resistance and electric migration et al .

  21. 在一些的应用领域中,用冷干机是达不到工艺对气源干燥度要求的,如气动仪表、电子工厂等。

    In some application areas , with Leng Gan machine is not up to process on the drying air requirements , such as pneumatic instrumentation , electronic factory .

  22. 全区大部分区域喜凉作物和喜温作物温度生长期内参考作物蒸散量呈下降趋势,干燥度呈增加趋势。

    In most parts of the area , the reference evapotranspiration of chimonophilous and thermophilic crops during their temperature-defined growth season decreased , and the aridity index increased .

  23. 基于山东省及周边地区1973~2002年42个气象站点的基本气象数据,计算出各气象站的多年平均气温、大于10℃积温、干燥度、年降水量和年降水变率等。

    Based on the meteorological data of 42 meteorological stations during 1973 ~ 2002 in Shandong province , the annual mean temperature , accumulated temperature > 10 ℃, aridity index , precipitation and precipitation variability were computed up .

  24. 小波分析结果表明,在年际尺度上,从1960到2007年锡林郭勒盟四个生态地理区的年降水量、年平均气温和年干燥度均存在明显的25-32年周期信号,形成正负相间的震荡中心。

    The wavelet analysis results showed that in the inter-annual scale , there was an obvious signal of the 25-32 year cycle of annual precipitation , annual average temperature and annual dryness in 4 eco-geographical zones from 1960 to 2007.3 .

  25. 目前划分干旱与湿润区采用的主要指标有降水量和干燥度;

    At present , the major indexes adopted in classifying the arid and humid areas are chiefly the precipitation and dryness , ( 3 ) the ranges and boundaries of the arid areas in China are not classified , in unification .

  26. 在国内外的应用研究中,置换通风是最常用的,现有工程中提出用风机盘管来处理空气,这样可以保证室内干燥度,但满足不了卫生的要求。

    The application of research at home and abroad , the displacement ventilation is the most commonly used , and existing projects in the fan-coil used to deal with air , so can guarantee that the indoor dry , but failed to meet health requirements .

  27. 最后用季干燥度将全省分成全年湿润、夏干、秋干、夏秋干、秋冬干和夏秋冬干六种气候类型。

    According to the seasonal aridity index . Fujian climate has been divided into six climatic patterns in humidity : humid throughout the year , dry in summer-autumn winter , dry in autumn-winter , dry in summer-autumn , dry in summer , and dry in autumn .

  28. 不同沟灌方式之间由于表层土壤干燥度及水平方向上的吸力梯度存在差异,估算得到的土壤入渗参数亦有所不同,表明沟灌方式不同对土壤入渗参数的确定会产生一定的影响。

    There were differences in the surface soil aridity and the suction gradients in horizontal direction among different furrow irrigation ways and in the soil permeation parameters estimated , which indicated that the furrow irrigation ways exerted on a given effect on the determination of soil permeation parameters .

  29. 同时,由于受蒸汽压力和干燥真空度等等多方面的影响,PID控制器的参数难于整定,经常产生很大的超调。

    The tuning parameter of PID controller is quite difficult . Because of the main vapor pressure end the vacuum degree end so on , big overshoot is often produced .

  30. 香蕉冻干过程中参数较佳的工艺条件建议为物料厚度选取5~7mm,采用速冻方法冻结,加热板温度设定45℃,干燥室真空度控制于20~30Pa。

    The quick freezing method of bananas , material thickness of 5mm ~ 7mm , heating temperature of 45 ℃, and 2 0 ~ 30 Pa vacuum for drying chamber were optimum technical conditions for drying of bananas .