
  • 网络Dry matter;dry material;DMI;drymatter
  1. 水稻在拔节孕穗后期干物质生产速率最大。

    In the late of jointing and booting stage rice has highest dry matter productivity .

  2. 子粒干物质的累积过程符合Logistic曲线。

    The dry matter accumlation of grain accorded with Logistic curve .

  3. 复苏植物,被定义为那些每克干物质通过摄取不足0。1克的水就能复苏的植物,它们是不同的。

    Resurrection plants , defined as those capable of recovering from holding less than 0.1 grams of water per gram of dry mass , are different .

  4. 不同播期条件下,玉米品种干物质积累可用logistic方程描述。

    The dry material accumulation of maize could be expressed by logistic equation .

  5. Cu、Zn、Ca和Mn对干物质的分解有促进作用。

    Cu , Zn , Ca and Mg could accelerate the decomposition of dry matter .

  6. 各穗型品种在不同栽插规格下的干物质积累均成Logistic动态曲线变化。

    The changes of the dry matter accumulation under the different transplanting patterns follows the Logistic dynamic curve .

  7. 水稻穗干物质重发育动态的QTL定位

    QTL Mapping for Developmental Behavior of Panicle Dry Weight in Rice

  8. 不同生长阶段遮荫对番茄光合作用、干物质分配与叶N、P、K的影响

    Effects of Shading on Photosynthesis , Dry Matter Partitioning and N 、 P 、 K Concentrations in Leaves of Tomato Plants at Different Growth Stages

  9. 应用正交实验设计,对新播长白落叶松苗期进行了N、P、K施肥试验,结果表明:N、P影响苗高、地径、植株干物质重量;

    Using orthogonal test design , fertilizer tests with N , P , K were conducted during seedling stages of Larix olgensis which were newly sowed .

  10. 结果显示:3种过瘤胃脂肪对绵羊瘤胃pH值及氨浓度影响均不显著;在干物质采食量方面,脂肪酸钙组的采食量最高,硬脂肪组最低。

    The results showed as follows : there were no significantly difference in dry matter intake , pH value and ruminal NH3-N concentration among the treatments ;

  11. 杂交稻高产群体干物质的积累动态呈Logistic生长曲线,积累半量期在减数分裂期,以中期积累最多,后期次之,前期较少。

    Dry matter accumulation pattern of high yielding hybrid rice colony appeared as Logistic curve with the higheSt accumulation speed at meiosis stage .

  12. 结果表明,生物有机肥A和B均能促进烤烟前期早生快发和旺长期干物质的积累;

    Result showed that biological organic fertilizer A and B improved the growth and development of flue-cured tobacco in early time as well as the accumulation of dry matter in rapid growth time .

  13. 结果表明,不同硼浓度下烤烟干物质积累动态和养分吸收动态可用Logistic方程描述。

    The results indicated that the dynamics of dry matter accumulation and N , P , K uptake of flue-cured tobacco could be described by logistic curve equation .

  14. 在混合基质(草炭、蛭石、炉渣灰)育苗条件下,随着施肥量增加,茄子幼苗生长、干物质积累以及植株对N、P、K的吸收量也随之增大。

    When eggplant seedlings were raised in mixed media ( peat , vermiculite and cinder ), the plant growth , dry matter accumulation and uptake amount of nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium increased with fertilizer application levels .

  15. 体外消化试验结果表明:乳酸菌剂和盐-酶处理组提高了24h玉米青贮干物质消化率(P<0.05),提高幅度分别是9.73%和6.73%。

    Results of in vitro experiment showed that 24 h-DMD was increased significantly by 9.73 % and 6.73 % ( P < 0.05 ) accordingly .

  16. 植株氮含量(g·kg-1)与其干物质积累、果糖含量和籽粒产量均呈显著负相关,与籽粒蛋白质含量显著正相关。

    Plant tissue nitrogen content ( g · kg - 1 ) was negatively correlated with their dry matter , fructan content and grain yield , but closely positively correlated with grain nitrogen ( protein ) content .

  17. 从元素动态模型上看,C、N元素均具有元素本身释放与干物质消失的双重释放格局,其中C是被公认控制N循环的重要因素。

    Judging from the element dynamic model , C , N elements all have the element itself release and dry matter disappearance of dual release pattern , where C is to be recognized as an important factor in controlling N cycling .

  18. 结果表明,在0.3%NaCl胁迫下,干物质重量、质膜透性、MDA含量略有增加,组织含水量略有下降;

    The results indicated that under the stress of 0 . 3 % NaCl , the dry matter weight , plasmalemma permeability and MDA content slightly increased but the water content slightly declined ;

  19. 干物质采食量(DMI)变化不显著(P>0.05),但有增加的趋势;

    Dry matter intake ( DMI ) had the tendency of increase , but not significant ( P > 0.05 );

  20. 沉水植物中粗纤维素占干物质的比重是影响其吸附容量的重要因素之一,其细胞壁上多糖的OH和CONH2可能是吸附的活性中心;

    The content of crude cellulose in dry matter is one of the main factor affecting the biosorption capacity of a submerged aquatic plant , and OH and CONH_2 groups of polysaccharides on cell wall maybe are active center of biosorption ;

  21. Ⅲ组50:50,研究不同日粮组成下新疆芦苇的干物质(DM)、粗蛋白(CP)以及中性洗涤纤维(NDF)在断奶初期奶公犊瘤胃内的动态降解。

    ⅲ, 50:50 . We investigated the degradation of DM , CP and NDF in rumen of the initial stage of weaning calf about Xinjiang reed within different composition diets .

  22. 两种穗型小麦品种硫肥不同处理对全生育期内的植株干物质积累、LAI和群体数量动态变化均表现为单峰曲线。

    The dynamic change of dry matter accumulation ( DMA ), leaf area index ( LAI ) and colony number showed as a single-peaked curve on different sulfur treatments .

  23. 伸根期干旱时烤烟干物质积累与烟株体内N、P、K含量呈正相关;

    The content of N , P , K in the plant and N , P , K , Ca , Mn in the leaf tissue was positively correlated with dry matter accumulation of the plant respectively when drought occurred at the root spreading stage .

  24. 实验结果表明:(1)蓝光和蓝紫光的照射能使春小麦植株趋于矮壮。提高总叶绿素含量,增加叶绿素b值,并能延迟春小麦的生育期和干物质积累的时间。

    The result of the experiment indicates that : 1 . Blue light and blue purple light can make wheat stems short and strong , raise the total amount of chlorophyll , increase chlorophyll and delay the accumulation of dry matter of spring wheat and its growth .

  25. 干物质向叶的分配率、RGR、NAR也有相当程度的恢复。

    The distribution ratio , RGR and NAR of the dry matter towards the leaf also have reinstatement in quite degree .

  26. 本文对生长第1、2、3年的王草在100cm高度时刈割的营养成分及其体外干物质、有机物降解率进行分析研究。

    The nutrient compositions of different growing years ( 1,2,3 year ) King grass were determined in the trial .

  27. PBC与玉米子粒和总干物质相对产量之间达极显著相关、与土壤速效钾之间达显著相关。

    PBC were very significantly correlated ( p-0.01 ) with the relative grain yield and relative total dry matter yield of corn , and significantly correlated with soil available K.

  28. 植株氮积累(g/m2)与干物质积累呈极显著正相关,而与其果糖积累、籽粒产量、籽粒蛋白质产量及含量无显著相关关系;

    Plant tissue nitrogen accumulation ( g / m 2 ) were significantly positively correlated with its dry matter , but not significantly correlated with their fructan accumulation , grain yield , grain nitrogen ( protein ) yield and content .

  29. 结果表明,CO2浓度增加促进了玉米的生长和发育,物候期提前,光合速率增大,蒸腾系数减少,加快了根、茎、叶等干物质积累,提高了生物产量和经济产量。

    The experiments show that increasing CO2 concentration can promote growth and development of maize , shorten phenophase , enhance photosynthetic rate , decrease evaporation rate , step up biomass accumulation of roots , stems and leaves , and increase biolgical and economic yields .

  30. 而168h内的脂肪含量、48h内的乳糖含量、48h~168h内的总干物质含量均低于冬季牛初乳相对应时间内的相对应成分。

    While the content of fat in 168h , lactose in 48h , the total dry matter in 48h-168h were lower than that in winter .