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  • yield strength
  1. SiCw/Al复合材料基体屈服强度的X射线测量

    Determination for the Yield Strength of Matrix in a SiCw / Al Composite by the X-ray Diffraction

  2. 屈服强度和裂纹深度对COD降低系数的影响

    The effects of yield strength and crack depth on the COD reducing coefficient

  3. 微量稀土Ce、形变织构与2090合金板材屈服强度异向性

    Minor rare earth element cerium , texture and anisotropy of yielding strength in 2090

  4. 用有限元法研究屈服强度和硬化指数对COD降低系数m的影响

    Study on Influence of Yield Strength and Work-harding Exponent on COD Decreasing Coefficient m by Finite Element Method

  5. 化学抛光前后,对纯钛标准拉伸试件进行拉伸实验,结果为:两组试件的抗拉强度、屈服强度和延伸率的测试结果在统计学上无显著性差异(p>0刀5)。

    Compared control group with chemical polishing group , there was no significant difference in mechanical properties of castings , which includes tensile strength , yield strength and elongation rate .

  6. 薄板坯连铸连轧工艺Ti微合金化高强钢屈服强度影响因素回归分析

    Regression Analysis of Influence Factors to Yield Strength for Ti Micro-Alloying High Strength Steel in Thin Slab Casting and Rolling Process

  7. 大塑性变形-反应烧结TiAl合金的高温压缩屈服强度

    Compressive Yield Strength of TiAl Alloy at Elevated Temperature

  8. 经适当降解的PVC的屈服强度和断裂强度均高于相应未降解PVC的强度。

    The yield strength and the strength at break of the slightly degraded PVC are higher than those of undegraded PVC .

  9. 从硬聚氯乙稀(PVC)塑料纱管的塑化度入手,介绍了制品塑化度与其抗冲强度、屈服强度的关系;

    Starting with modelbility of hard PVC tubes , the paper presents the relationship between modelbility , impact and yield ability .

  10. 研究结果表明,纤维状多相复合组织的屈服强度与F的强化状况及可动位错数量有关。

    The results showed that yield strength of fibrous multiphase mixed structure was related to strengthening state and quantity of movable dislocation in ferrite .

  11. 结果表明:Y、Zn元素提高了合金的屈服强度但降低了抗拉强度和延伸率。

    The results show that the addition of Y and Zn improves YTS values but decreases the UTS and elongation values of as-cast alloys .

  12. 尼龙1010/POE-g-MAH/GF复合材料的屈服强度、弯曲强度和模量随GF用量增加几乎呈线性增加。

    The yield strength , flexural strength and modulus almost linearly increased with increasing GF content .

  13. 终轧温度对低V钢的屈服强度和韧性存在显著影响,但对高V钢的组织性能影响不大。

    Finish rolling temperature showed great effect on yield strength and impact toughness of low V-bearing steel , but showed no obvious effect to the high V-bearing steel .

  14. 结果表明,合金的马氏体相变开始温度可达212°C,合金在马氏体及奥氏体状态下具有不同的屈服强度及形变强化能力。

    The result shows that the martensite start transformation temperature is determined as 212 ° C . The specimens in martensitic and austenitic state yield at different stress level and show different strain hardening ability .

  15. 结果表明:PVC的拉伸屈服强度随外力作用速度的提高而提高,断裂伸长率却随之下降。

    The results showed that with the the increase of outside force velocity , the tension yield strength of PVC increased , but its breaking elongation decreased .

  16. 马氏体相或母相的屈服强度略有下降,而硬化系数则略有增加,Ni还使CuZnAl合金中α相析出变得困难。

    The yield stength of either its martensite or parent phase will decrease a little and Ni can also prevent the precipitation of α - phase from Cu-Zn-Al type alloy .

  17. 随着V、N含量的增加,铁素体晶粒尺寸减小,弥散析出的颗粒变多、变细,屈服强度得到大大提高,同时韧塑性略有降低;

    The ferrite grain size is minished , precipitated particles become thin 、 many more and the yield strength is raised and toughness-plasticity is lowered slightly with V and N content being increased .

  18. 随着ABS树脂橡胶含量的增大,材料的冲击强度逐渐升高。材料的屈服强度逐渐降低。断裂伸长率增大。

    With an increase of rubber content in ABS resin , the impact strength and elongation of it was increase and yield strength of it was decreased .

  19. 当淬火温度达到1010℃时,试样的屈服强度开始达到API标准;经过热处理的试样韧性得到显著改善。

    The yield strength could reach the API standard when the quenching temperature is 1010 ℃ . The toughness have notably improvement when the steel was treated by heat treatment .

  20. 提出了一种利用X射线应力分析技术和应变电测法测量附着膜的等效应力&等效单轴应变、屈服强度和加工硬化指数的方法。

    A new method is presented to measure the equivalent stress-equivalent uniaxial strain curve , yield strength and strain-hardening exponent of a polycrystalline film on substrate using X-ray stress analysis and strain gauge techniques .

  21. 利用INSTRON试验机研究了微屈服强度的测试方法。

    The measuring method of the microyield strength has studied with the INSTRON testing equipment .

  22. 实验结果表明,随着充油量的增加,生胶ML值,屈服强度和拉伸强度均下降,可塑性增加,扯断伸长率变大,混炼行为变佳,胶料挤出性能由劣等转变为中等。

    The experimental results showed that the Mooney viscosity value , yield and tensile strength of raw rubber decreased , but plasticity and elongation at break increased with increasing the oil loading .

  23. 研究了屈服强度σy和裂纹相对深度a/W对COD降低系数m的影响。

    The effects of the yield strength (δ y ) and the relative depth of crack ( a / W ) on the COD reducing coefficient ( m ) were investigated .

  24. 同时,在相同道次TCP变形后A路径的屈服强度均高于Bc路径,而抗拉强度和塑性却低于后者。

    Moreover , at the same pass the yield strength for route Ais higher than that for route Bc , but tensile strength and ductility are lower than the latter .

  25. 结果表明,Ti对晶粒的细化可以大幅提高试验合金的抗拉强度、延伸率和断裂韧性,但对合金的屈服强度影响不大。

    The results showed that the grain refining by the trace amounts of titanium could improve the tensile stress , percentage elongation and fracture toughness , but had little influence on their yield stress .

  26. 降低变形速率、提高变形温度有助于降低Ti-Al纳米杆的屈服强度,使塑性变形更容易进行。

    The lower strain rate and higher deformation temperature decrease the yield strength and then benefit the plastic deformation .

  27. 冷加工拉伸25%的800M合金管的晶粒变形拉长,屈服强度和抗拉强度增大而延伸率降低,管的残余应力增加,SCC敏感性增加。

    Cold work led to lengthening of grains , decrease in ductility , increase in strength , residential stress and susceptibility to SCC .

  28. 紫外辐照后,HDPE的杨氏模量和拉伸屈服强度提高,但断裂伸长率和缺口冲击强度下降。

    After ultraviolet irradiating , the Young 's modulus and tensile yield strength of HDPE are increased ; its elongation at break and notched Izod impact strength are decreased .

  29. Marc有限元分析软件对其进行有限元模拟分析,比较研究了相对密度对蜂窝材料的变形机制、屈服强度、平台应变及能量吸收性能的影响。

    Marc software , and studied effect of the relative density on the deformation mechanism , yield strength , strain platform and energy-absorption of the metal honeycomb .

  30. 通过对比合金元素含量不同的建筑用耐火钢的力学性能和显微组织,研究了合金元素Mo与V对建筑用耐火钢高温屈服强度的影响。

    This paper describes fundamental studies on the effects of alloying elements Mo and V on elevated-temperature yield strength through the comparison between the mechanical properties and microstructure of fire-resistant steels with different content of alloy elements .