
  • Watsons;Watsons Water;A.S.Watson
  1. 运用SWOT分析法,分析屈臣氏个人护理用品店在市场竞争中的优势、劣势、机会和威胁。

    By means of SWOT analysis method , it analyzes the superiority , weakness , opportunity and threats in market competition facing Watsons ' personal care outlets .

  2. 3月,李嘉诚发售他旗下药品及食品连锁企业屈臣氏(Watsons)四分之一的股份,而没有整体剥离,让银行业人士感到失望。

    In March , bankers were dismayed after Mr Li sold a quarter-stake in Watsons , his pharmacy and food chain , instead of risking another spin-off .

  3. 屈臣氏集团(a.s.watsongroup)目前在中国、东南亚和土耳其拥有2000多家门店。

    The as Watson Division has more than 2000 outlets in China , Southeast Asia and Turkey .

  4. 这笔交易也提升了和记黄埔集团(HutchisonWhampoagroup)的总体估值,其中包括了屈臣氏。

    The transaction also raised the value of the overall Hutchison Whampoa group , in which AS Watson sits .

  5. 屈臣氏集团1828年在华南成立之初是一家药店。该公司希望未来能进入保健业务。

    The group , which began in 1828 as a pharmacy in southern China , hopes to expand in healthcare in future .

  6. 马上打电话26606688,找到屈臣氏家用精华电器咨询处,你就可能免费获得最好的冷热蒸馏器。

    Call 26606688 now and find out this Watson 's home elite table , hot and cold top dispenser cna be yours for free .

  7. 屈臣氏自有品牌产品(比如广受欢迎的瓶装水)的售价是竞争对手的两到三倍。

    Watsons ' own brand products , such as its popular water brands , sell for two to three times the price of competitors .

  8. 屈臣氏的主要客户是18至24岁的年轻人。市场研究人员称,这一年龄段的人愿意将越来越多的钱花在护肤和美容产品上。

    The group 's main consumers are aged 18-24 , a demographic group that market researchers say is willing to spend an increasing amount on skin care and beauty products .

  9. “一瓶400毫升的屈臣氏水会花掉我两块钱,但是,以前在学校,我不用为水付费,”唐慧婷说。

    " A400 ml bottle of Watsons water costs me two yuan , but I did not need to pay for the water on campus [ in the past ] ," said Tang .

  10. 小山表示:屈臣氏明白他们不是在打廉价牌,因此他们的门店设计非常适合中上阶层:干净、明亮、空气清新。

    Watsons understands that they are not just selling cheap , so their stores are designed very well for the upper middle class : they have a nice , bright , clean , airy atmosphere , he said .

  11. 在李嘉诚投资于欧洲设施的同时,他正准备让旗下全球零售企业屈臣氏上市,有分析师估计,筹资金额将高达200亿美元。

    But as Mr. Li invests in European utilities , he is considering an initial public offering of his global retail business , A.S. Watson & Co. , next year , which some analysts have valued at more than $ 20 billion .