
  1. 鸟高飞时展开双翼。

    A bird extends its wings when soaring .

  2. 乌鸦展开双翼盖住兔子的身体,看起来有点不祥,还有点炫耀的意思。

    There was something sinister in the way it spread its wings over the limp white body , something sinister and triumphant .

  3. 二基路伯要在上面展开双翼,遮掩施恩座,基路伯的脸要彼此相对,他们的脸要朝着施恩座。

    And the cherubims shall stretch forth their wings on high , covering the mercy seat with their wings , and their faces shall look one to another ; toward the mercy seat shall the faces of the cherubims be .

  4. 拇指姑娘说。她坐在这鸟儿的背上,把脚搁在他展开的双翼上,同时把自己用腰带紧紧地系在他最结实的一根羽毛上。

    " Yes , I will go with you ," said Tiny ; and she seated herself on the bird 's back , with her feet on his outstretched wings , and tied her girdle to one of his strongest feathers .

  5. 如今我每次见到白鸽,我都会猜测那是不是琦珀兰,或者还是别地哪个女孩,在某一天向天空展开了她的双翼。

    Now , every time I see a white dove , I wonder if it 's her , tsipporah , or perhaps some other girl who 's stretched her wings out one day , looking for the sky .