
  1. 2011年,苹果公司用非正常运转的iPad2代替了这些纸质标牌和广告纸板,在iPad2的屏幕上展示商品信息。

    In 2011 , Apple replaced those signs and boards with non-working iPad 2 units that displayed product information on their screens .

  2. 在橱窗里展示商品。

    To display goods in a shop window .

  3. 商店朝向街道的那一面;通常有展示商品的橱窗。

    The side of a store facing the street ; usually contains display windows .

  4. 申请人因在展览会上展示商品和/或服务而希望获得由此产生的任何保护的

    Where the applicant wishes to take advantage of any protection resulting from the display of goods and / or services in an exhibition

  5. 就像它在用户协议中阐明的那样,易趣并不保证所展示商品的存在、质量、安全性或合法性。

    As it explains in its user agreement , eBay does not guarantee the existence , quality , safety , or legality of items advertised .

  6. 广告影片惯于通过人物来展示商品,演员的健康漂亮只是广告影片成功的充分条件,但绝非必要条件。

    Advertising film wont through character to display commodities , the actors health beautiful just advertising film sufficient conditions of success , but not necessary condition .

  7. 销售人员销售商品、服务和房产,提供某些产品的售后支持如教授如何操作收银机,并展示商品。

    SALES WORKERS sell goods , services and property , and provide sales support in areas such as operating cash registers and displaying and demonstrating goods .

  8. 最好的推销文件会用最恰当的方式展示商品,即是用不择手段的方式使你看起来无比优秀。

    The best marketing documents show the product in the very best light , which means using whatever most outrageous tactics possible to make you look good .

  9. 例如,奢侈品公司会在商品预售推广广告和视频中展示商品的图片,之后在发行时又对产品做出轻微改变。

    For instance , they will show images of their products in the pre-sale commercial advertisements or promotional videos and make several slight changes to these products later .

  10. 新商品零售商通常选择挨家挨户上门推销,因为这种方法能够充分展示商品的特征,使之能与潜在的顾客进行直接与对的磋商。

    Retailers of new products often choose door-to-door selling because this approach can fully demonstrate the features of the products and enable direct and one-to-one consultation to prospective buyers .

  11. 优秀的商业橱窗,可以完美地展示商品,传达出商品的相关信息,树立品牌形象和提高商家的声誉地位,还可以刺激消费,扩大销售。

    The excellent commerce display window , can show a commodity consummately , relevance information communicating a commodity out , position , returns the reputation setting up the brand image and improving the business family back being able to stimulate consumption , expand selling .

  12. 橱窗是现代商业环境中传递商品信息的重要指示信息,它不但能展示商品的性能和特色,传递品牌的企业文化,而且能刺激消费者的购买欲望,并促成消费者最终的购买行为。

    Window is a modern business environment in the message indicates that the important information , which not only display of goods and characteristics , and delivery of the corporate culture , and can they desire , and the end of the consumer buying behavior .

  13. 包装作为一种新型的信息传播方式,不仅继续发挥着保护商品的古老作用,还利用其自身的符号语言,展示商品独特个性,影响我们的消费心理。

    Packaging as a new means of information dissemination , not only continues to play an ancient role in the protection of goods , but also use their own language of symbols to display the goods unique personality , the psychological impact of our consumption .

  14. 偷窃商店里展示的商品的行为。

    The act of stealing goods that are on display in a store .

  15. 下表展示了商品的交易。

    The following table contains transactions of items .

  16. 课程需要分组与老师讨论展示的商品、展示方式、展览企划书等。

    Students attend this class are encouraged to discuss their project , plans , products with the lecturer .

  17. 对于无需在实体店铺展示的商品,网络销售商稳操胜券。

    For wares that do not have to be displayed in a showroom , online retailers are hard to beat .

  18. 因此你应该确保你所展示的商品满足你所设置的最高标准,并且把产品最好的一面展示给消费者。

    Therefore you should make sure that what you display meet the highest standards you set for your products and show the best of your products .

  19. 其中基于VRML的3D虚拟商城框架是核心子系统,它具有一定的通用性,可以多种用途,如网上购物,网上产品展示,网上商品定制等。

    The framework of VRML-based 3D virtual mall is the core subsystem . It has a certain degree of versatility and can be a variety of uses , such as online shopping , online merchandise demonstrations , and online merchandise custom .

  20. 他在Basel的展览亭中接受采访说:它要传达的信息是希望、生命强于死亡、重生。此次参展的单位多达2100多家,争相展示最新商品,其中奢侈品参展商大大增加。

    " It is a message of hope , of life stronger than death , of rebirth ," he said in an interview in exposition booth in Basel , where more than 2,100 exhibitors are flaunting their latest wares amid a boom for the luxury goods sector .

  21. 展示您销售商品,不出售。

    Show what merchandise you sell and don 't sell .

  22. 北京方面还承诺举办更多贸易博览会以展示非洲的商品。

    Beijing also pledged to hold more trade expos to display African merchandise .

  23. 在电子商务领域,支持网上在线购物的商家往往是通过图像的方式展示他们的商品。

    In the area of electronic commerce , on-line shops often display the images of their goods to attract the customers .

  24. 两家公司还将推出在微博展示淘宝售卖商品的新方式,人们可以从微博直接下单定购。

    The companies are also introducing new ways to display products sold on Taobao on Weibo and allow people to place an order directly from Weibo .

  25. 据了解,环球购物频道主要通过有线电视网络播出,同时还汇聚了网络及手机、广播等立体化平台,致力于向受众展示中国制造商品以及国际知名品牌。

    " Global Go " is a cable TV program with internet , mobile phone and radio broadcasting platforms , offering audiences all over the world information on both China-made and world-famous brands .

  26. 电子拍卖是传统拍卖形式的互联网实现,卖方可以借助互联网上的拍卖平台来展示自己的商品,买方也可以借助互联网平台,足不出户在网上进行竞拍。

    Electronic auction is the traditional Internet auction , the sellers can realize by Internet auction platform to showcase their own goods , the buyers also can use Internet platform in online auctions , never leaving home .

  27. 在今年11月举行的拉各斯贸易博览会(lagostradefair)上,中国是唯一拥有自己展厅的国家逾50家公司在展厅展示了自己的商品。

    At the Lagos trade fair in November , China was the only country to have its own hall , where more than 50 companies displayed their wares .

  28. POP广告作为陈列于商业场所的售卖点促销广告,现已成为商家,特别是大型超市用来展示或推出新商品的直销式广告形式。

    POP advertising displays in commercial establishments as a point of sale promotions , has become a business , especially for large supermarkets to display or new product direct-style advertising .

  29. 它的目的是进行教育,分享创意,展示印第安纳最好的商品。

    Its goals were to educate , share ideas , and present Indiana 's best products .

  30. 迪亚斯表示:这可能是因为顾客喜欢那里展示的某件商品,也可能是他们迷路了或感到困惑。

    That could be because the clients like the display , or because they are lost and confused , says Mr Dias .