
shǔ xìng
  • attribute;property;nature;quality
属性 [shǔ xìng]
  • [attribute] 事物所具有的不可缺少的性质

属性[shǔ xìng]
  1. 一件艺术品的内在品质似乎开始成为它最不重要的属性。

    The intrinsic quality of a work of art is starting to seem like its least important attribute .

  2. FIRST属性也是可选的。

    The FIRST attribute is also optional .

  3. 无线电信号具有电、磁双重属性。

    A radio signal has both electrical and magnetic properties .

  4. 用于重置页面,对没有指定css属性的页面元素指定缺省值

    This resets CSS values that browsers tend to set for you .

  5. 他看见上帝完美的道德贯穿着祂所有的属性。

    He saw God 's complete moral excellence that unifies His attributes .

  6. 受激情属性控制的智力,总是逆着活动的正确方向行事。

    Intelligence in the mode of passion is always perversely .

  7. 表示验证消息时要使用的散列算法的属性

    Property indicating which hash algorithm to use when authenticating the message .

  8. 的确,避免破损解体是复杂系统主要的属性。

    Indeed , warding off disruption is the principal property of complex systems .

  9. 属性“{0}”是不可声明的,不能被重写。

    Property ' { 0 } ' is not declarable , and cannot be overridden .

  10. 字符串,对机器的操作系统,硬件,和内核属性进行隐意编码

    A string which opaquely encodes various aspects about a machine 's operating system , hardware , and kernel attributes .

  11. 对于涂抹者来说,香水的亲密属性诠释了气味尽可能与涂抹者契合的特点。

    The intimate nature of a fragrance to its wearer dictates that the scent be as close as possible a match .

  12. 网络迷因一个重要的特点是所有的传播过程都是自发的,没有任何强迫或自动发送属性。

    A meme might be a joke or quotation of a meme is that it is voluntary , a communication which spreads from one place to the next without any kind of compulsion or automation .

  13. 属性,事件日志会默认为application日志。

    Property , the event log defaults to the application log .

  14. 每一个“set”元素都有name和value属性。

    Each " set " element has name and value as attributes .

  15. 然而,属性页签被隐藏,并且将保留STATE值。

    However , the attribute tag is hidden and will hold the STATE value .

  16. name属性是一个单值包容引用。

    The name property is a single-valued containment reference .

  17. name属性定义变量的名称。

    The name attribute defines the variable 's name .

  18. 选择Next保存连接属性。

    Select Next to save the connection properties .

  19. 例如,DataTable控件通常拥有一个var属性。

    For example , Data Table controls usually have a var attribute .

  20. 因此,获取name属性只是小事一桩。

    So getting the name attribute is trivial .

  21. list属性指定一个输入字段的

    The list attribute specifies an input field 's < datalist > .

  22. 标签有一个id和value属性。

    The tag takes an id and value attribute .

  23. 选择Input节点并打开其属性。

    Select the Input node and open its properties .

  24. 如果这个属性是true,那么相应的组件必须有一个值。

    If the attribute is true then the corresponding component must have a value .

  25. String对象只有一个属性,即length,它是只读的。

    The String object only has one property length which is read only .

  26. 每个输入元素拥有一个validity属性。

    Each of the input elements has a validity property .

  27. 要添加动作到Show下拉窗口中,打开SharedAction属性框。

    To add an action to the Show drop-down window , open the Shared Action properties box .

  28. 要停止此行为,后续元素需要指定“clear”属性。

    To stop this behavior , the subsequent element needs to specify the " clear " property .

  29. transient(该属性不能被序列化)。

    Transient ( the attribute won 't be serialized )

  30. 其它有用的伪属性有type和alternate。

    Other useful pseudo-attributes are type and alternate .