
  • 网络Territory management;apanage management
  1. 输电线路属地管理之利弊及调研分析

    Advantage and Disadvantage Analysis and Investigation on Apanage Management of Transmission Line

  2. 扬州市的流动人口计划生育属地管理

    FP Residence Management of Floating Population in Yangzhou City

  3. 机场属地管理后的企业化变革

    Enterprise Reform Of Airport After Its Localization Management

  4. 首先,属地管理原则要求巩固和发展社区卫生服务。

    Firstly , the principle of dependency administration calls for consolidation and development of community health service .

  5. 本文运用契约理论建立理论模型对比研究了垂直管理体制和属地管理体制的优劣。

    We set up a model of contract theory to compare the vertical management institution and the jurisdictional management institution .

  6. 游泳场所的开放服务,遵循依法管理、属地管理和法人管理的原则。

    Swimming place services shall follow the principles of administration according to law , in a localized way , and by legal persons .

  7. 而在我国,作为国家公共资源的世界遗产的属地管理体制,导致了世界遗产景区旅游产品定价的利润最大化倾向。

    Unfortunately the pricing of tourism products in most world heritage tourism areas in china tends to maximize the commercial profits due to the administrative management system .

  8. 此前,除银行个人信贷征信系统全国联网外,房屋权属信息在各城市间并不联网,房屋权属信息均采用属地管理原则。

    Besides national network for home loan information , there has been no such nationwide system for property ownership as the data are managed in cities where the houses were bought or sold .

  9. 首次全面论证了中心城市新闻出版管理的运行机制,提出了以属地管理为核心的分级管理运行机制概念。

    In the second place , explicate firstly the mechanism of operation of administration of press and publication in core cities , and put forward the conception of classified administration based on control of possession .

  10. 通过属地管理原则和员工岗位责任制,把社区基层单位纳入社会治安综合治理也具有一定的新意。因此,本文具有一定的理论和现实意义。

    Through the principle of territorial management and staff positions accountability , the community grass-roots units into the comprehensive management of social security also has a new idea . Therefore , this paper has a theoretical and practical significance .

  11. 目前,云南天然橡胶产业的主要力量云南农垦集团正在进行的制度改革,正式把39个农场和122个医疗机构移交相关州市实行属地管理。

    At present , the main force of Yunnan natural rubber industry in Yunnan and land reclamation group ongoing system reform , formally 39 farms and 122 by medical organizations such as land reclamation pimp execute appendage management over related .

  12. 长沙市数字化城市管理信息系统采用空间网格技术,以社区为基础,根据属地管理、地理布局、现状管理、方便管理、管理对象等原则,划分单元网格。

    The Digitization Urban Management Information System of ChangSha used spatial grid technique . Based on community , according to territorial management , geographic distribution , status management , convenient management , management object , the system plotted the grid unit .

  13. 社区卫生服务属地化管理的实践和探索

    The Exploration and Practice of Localized Management of Community Health Service

  14. 属地化管理模式在综合医院门诊管理中的实践

    Practice of localization management model in complex management of outpatients

  15. 属地化管理后,地矿单位逐步实现企业化。

    Territorial management , the progressive realization of the geological survey unit enterprise .

  16. 对建设境外人员属地化管理机制的思考

    A Reflection upon Local Management Mechanism for Foreigners

  17. 大型国有企业医院面临的困境与实行属地化管理的对策

    The large state - run enterprises hospitals ' difficulties and the localized administration strategies

  18. 属地化管理属于企业管理范畴,涵盖了海外企业管理的方方面面。

    Management localization belongs to corporate management and covers all aspects of overseas management .

  19. 浅谈属地化管理后地质勘查单位的改革

    Elementary introduction on the reform of the geological exploration unit after it is localized

  20. 北京市城乡结合部流动人口属地化管理服务问题研究

    On Problems of the Transient Population Localization Management and Service of Urban-rural District in Beijing

  21. 世界遗产和国家重点风景名胜区分权化(属地)管理体制的制度缺陷

    Analysis on the Institutional Disadvantages of Decentralized Administration and Management for World Heritage and Key National Park of China

  22. 地勘企业属地化管理以后,地勘单位之间的竞争越来越激烈。

    After the geological exploration enterprises possession melt manage , the competition among geological exploration units becomes more and more fierce .

  23. 文章认为,理清劳动关系是地勘队伍属地化管理,地勘单位企业化经营的重要的基础工作。

    The paper considers that straightening out labour connects are fundamental for localized management and business management of geological prospecting units .

  24. 地勘队伍属地化管理后,建立新体制,推进企业化经营是地勘单位改革的重点。

    It is key for reform in geological prospecting units to Establish new system and push forward running as enterprise after localized management .

  25. 在实施过程中,逐渐形成了省市结合,以市为主、社会职能属地化管理等经验,但同时也存在着职工安置困难、清算资金匮乏、地方政府压力过大等问题。

    In the process of implementing , successful experiences includes province and city in combination , city as major , social functions ' subject to local management etc. ;

  26. 改革管理体制,以属地化管理为主,形成有效的管理和服务网络,为流动人口提供多方面服务。

    And provide various services for migratory people by reforming the management system and setting up efficient management network based on where the migratory people live and work .

  27. 属地化管理后的地勘单位要融入当地的区域经济发展,必须找准自己的立足点和切入点。

    If geological prospecting units want to be in harmony with local regional economic development , they must find a starting point and establish a foothold for themselves .

  28. 地勘队伍改革发展形势和对策&写在地勘队伍属地化管理10周年之际

    The Situation and Countermeasures with regard to the Reform and Development of Geological Exploration Team & Written for the 10th Anniversary of the Geological Exploration Teams Run by the Local Authorities

  29. 地勘经济是独立的行业经济,目前地勘行业面临着与市场经济接轨、属地化管理、公益性和商业性地质工作分制运行的现实。

    At present , the geological prospecting industry is facing the following : transition to the market economy , located management , and the separately running of public and commercial geological work .

  30. 文章作者根据多年的工作实践经验,针对地勘队伍属地化管理、地勘单位企业化经营的现状,对地勘工作改革与发展提出了10个方面的基本思路。

    Focusing on localized management of geological prospecting troops and present situation of geological enterprise , the author puts forward ten aspects of basic thinking about reform and development of geological work .