
  • 网络Slaughterhouse;Slaughter house;abattoir;butchers
  1. 他们在屠宰厂里不给母牛喝水吗?

    Don 't they water cows at the slaughter house ?

  2. 自有屠宰厂或与屠宰厂签合同?

    Own slaughter house or contracted slaughter house ?

  3. 结合某屠宰厂废水处理的工程实例,详细介绍了SBR法的工艺流程。

    SBR technology process is specifically introduced through the slaughter-house wastewater treatment engineering example .

  4. 聪明的机器狗伤心地走向机器屠宰厂。

    Intelligent machine dog moves towards machine sadly to slaughter factory .

  5. 牛羊屠宰厂废弃物组成检测和发酵试验

    Determination of Cattle and Sheep 's Butchery Waste Composition and Fermentation Experiment

  6. 许多家禽屠宰厂纷纷关门。饲料的销量也因而受到影响。

    Many chicken slaughter plants have shut down , and feed sales have been affected .

  7. 检验通常由指定的兽医或肉类检验员在屠宰厂进行。

    The inspection is usually carried out by designated veterinarians or meat inspectors at the abattoir .

  8. 滑甚钝邮报的访谈中,一个屠宰厂工作者说到:“它们一点一点的死亡。”

    In an interview with The Washington Post , one slaughterhouse worker said ," They die piece by piece . "

  9. 生猪定点屠宰厂(场)病害猪无害化处理工作探讨甘肃兰州地区屠宰市场兔球虫病流行病学调查

    Research for the Bio-safety Disposal of Sick Pigs in Pig Slaughterhouse Epidemiological Investigation of Rabbit Coccidiosis in Lanzhou , Gansu Province

  10. 向屠宰厂工人以及生肉生产商开展卫生食品操作方面的教育,对于尽可能降低污染程度至关重要。

    Education in hygienic food handling for abattoir workers and raw meat producers is essential to keep contamination to a minimum .

  11. 腌制的公猪的腹部的肉。生猪定点屠宰厂(场)病害猪无害化处理工作探讨

    Salt pork from the belly of a hog carcass . Research for the Bio-safety Disposal of Sick Pigs in Pig Slaughterhouse

  12. 和种普遍的怀疑相反,热狗不是由堆放在屠宰厂地板上的剩肉制成的。

    Contrary to popular belief , hot dogs are not made from left-over meat laying around on the floors of meat-packing houses .

  13. 甘肃省无公害农产品生产的对策研究生猪定点屠宰厂(场)病害猪无害化处理工作探讨

    Countermeasures on production of agricultural products with low pesticide residue in Gansu ; Research for the Bio-safety Disposal of Sick Pigs in Pig Slaughterhouse

  14. 向屠宰厂工人和参与生肉生产的人进行食品处理卫生教育对于将微生物污染降低到最低水平至关重要。

    Education in hygienic handling of foods for workers at farms ( 1 ), abattoirs and those involved in the food production is essential to keep microbiological contamination to a minimum ( 2 ) .

  15. ⑶对扬州地区三个农贸市场和某生猪屠宰加工厂空肠弯曲菌和结肠弯曲菌污染情况进行初步调查研究。

    ⑶ Investigation of the prevalence of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli contamination pattern in three local markets and pig slaughter factory .

  16. 对从长春地区某一肉鸡屠宰加工厂在9个月期间内抽取的冻鸡肉样品进行弯曲杆菌检查,发现38.2%(58/152)的样品为弯曲杆菌属阳性。

    Campylobacter was surveyed in 152 frozen chicken meat samples sampled from a poultry processing plant in Changchun over a nine-month sampling period .

  17. 美国农业部报告显示,9月份美国饲养场(牛在高大的围栏靠吃玉米长大,然后被运往屠宰加工厂)的养牛数量同比下降了19%。

    The number of cattle placed on us feedlots , vast pens where they feast on corn before shipment to meatpackers , fell 19 per cent on year in September , the USDA reports .

  18. 应用灰色系统理论中的重要内容之一&灰色关联分析方法将黑龙江省兴隆生猪屠宰分割综合加工厂新建项目可能对环境造成影响的因子进行环境影响综合评价。

    One of major contents of gray system theory & gray relational analysis method was applied in the overall environmental impact assessment of a new project .

  19. 英国养猪场、屠宰场和加工厂正在艰难应对投入成本高、售价低的问题。咄咄逼人的零售商为了赢得囊中羞涩的消费者,压低了猪肉价格。

    British pig farmers , abattoirs and processors are struggling in the face of high input costs and of pricing constrained by aggressive retailers trying to win over cash-strapped consumers .