
  • 网络the shandong peninsula
  1. 山东半岛城市群是山东省经济最发达的地区

    Shandong Peninsula Agglomerations are the most developed region of Shandong Province .

  2. 基于GIS的山东半岛城市群空间布局研究

    Research on the Spatial Distribution of Shandong Peninsula Urban Agglomeration

  3. 关于{x/n}的分布山东半岛地质环境与温泉分布

    Relationship between the geological environment and the distribution of warm springs in Shandong Peninsula

  4. 山东半岛经济增长与环境污染之间的关系已处在倒U曲线的下降区域。

    Generally , the relationship between economic growth and environmental pollution in Shandong Peninsula is among the decline area of Environmental Kuznets Curve .

  5. 在SWOT分析的基础上提出了山东半岛蓝色经济区发展战略的内涵、规划以及定位所在。

    Based on SWOT analysis , the connotation , plan and position of the Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone are defined .

  6. 在山东半岛近岸海区存在一个在近岸处厚度超过40m、向岸外变薄的楔形沉积体,被称之为山东泥楔。

    Clinoform is in the offshore of north - eastern the Shandong Peninsula .

  7. 学者傅罗文(RowanK.Flad)在《古代中国的盐业生产和社会等级》(SaltProductionandSocialHierarchyinAncientChina)一书中写道,早在公元前685年,山东半岛的齐国就开始对盐业生产进行垄断,但这种制度或许出现得更早。

    A monopoly on salt production was introduced as early as 685 B.C. in the state of Qi on the Shandong Peninsula , though it may have existed even earlier than that , the scholar Rowan K. Flad writes in " Salt Production and Social Hierarchy in Ancient China . "

  8. 它从庙岛群岛起沿山东半岛北部向东绕过山东半岛东端向南延伸,并可延伸到80m等深线处。

    It starts from the Miaodao Island , extends eastward along the northern Shandong Peninsula , then turns southward at the eastern tip of the Shandong Peninsula , even reaching to 80 m isobaths .

  9. 2005年12月3~4日山东半岛发生了一次强降雪过程,文登最大雪深达到了35cm,产生此次暴雪的对流云带主要位于烟台和威海沿岸区域,呈西北&东南走向排列。

    On 3 ~ 4 December 2005 a Quasi-stationary convective cloud band which was located in coast of yantai and weihai resulted in a severe cold-air outbreak snow storm and brought a snowfall of about 35 cm in wendeng .

  10. 山东半岛城市群生态系统安全评价

    Security evaluation on ecological system of city group in Shandong Peninsula

  11. 山东半岛东部中尺度大暴雨过程成因分析

    Analysis of a Meso-scale Heavy Rain Event in Eastern Shandong Peninsula

  12. 山东半岛南部近海铬的形态和分布

    Chromium speciation and distribution in southern coastal sea of Shandong Peninsula

  13. 山东半岛气温变化的基本特征

    The basic features of the air temperature changes in Shandong Peninsula

  14. 山东半岛与韩国的经贸合作分析

    Analysis of Economy and Trade Cooperation Between Shandong Peninsula and Korea

  15. 山东半岛地区大学生手、足长非对称性的研究

    Asymmetry of hand-length and foot-length of students in Shandong Peninsula District

  16. 山东半岛区域综合开发的构想与对策

    Conception of and Countermeasures in regional comprehensive exploitation in Shandong Peninsula

  17. 山东半岛可持续发展能力的综合评价研究

    The Comprehensive Assessment on Capacity of Sustainable Development in Shandong Peninsula

  18. 山东半岛城市群发展问题初析

    The primary analysis of the questions of Shandong ruban agglomerations development

  19. 山东半岛西北海岸的蚀退与防护

    Retrogression and protection of the north-west coast of the Shandong Peninsula

  20. 山东半岛地区龙卷风及其破坏力参数特征

    Shandong Peninsula Regional Tornado And Its Destructive Power Parameter Character

  21. 山东半岛海岸的风成沙丘

    Wind - induced dunes along the coast of Shandong Peninsula

  22. 山东半岛的地体构造及金矿成矿的区域地质背景

    Terrane tectonics and tectonic setting of gold deposits in the Shandong Peninsula

  23. 第二,农业耕作因素。山东半岛农产品加工产业带建设研究

    Construction of Agricultural Products Process Industrial Belt in Shandong Peninsula

  24. 山东半岛典型流域土地利用格局分析

    Analysis of Land Use Pattern in Typical River Basins of Shandong Peninsula

  25. 山东半岛低空冷流降雪分析研究

    Characteristics of Low Level Cold Airstream Snowfall in Shandong Peninsula

  26. 基于精益思想的山东半岛农产品物流体系构建

    Constructing Agricultural Products Logistics System in Shandong Peninsula Based on Lean Thinking

  27. 该群落分布于山东半岛及辽东半岛近岸海域。

    It was located at offshore area of shandong and liaodong peninsula .

  28. 山东半岛月湖的潮汐水位特征

    Characteristics of Swan Lake tidal water levels , Shandong Peninsula

  29. 影响山东半岛夏季旱涝因子的初步分析

    Preliminary analysis of factors affecting the drought-flood during summer in Shandong Peninsula

  30. 山东半岛海砂资源的合理运用与开发

    Reasonable Utilization and Development Countermeasure for Sea Sand Resources in Shandong Peninsula