
  1. 并以此为基础,构思了山东大学博物馆在下一个发展阶段的规划。

    Based on this , the author conceived Shandong University museum in the planning on the next developing stage .

  2. 课题的主要研究对象是山东大学数字博物馆,但同时也综合了对国内其他数字博物馆的可用性评估结果。

    The main study object is Shandong University Digital Museum , while I also evaluated another domestic digital museum .

  3. 通过评估分析山东大学数字博物馆在可用性方面的长处及不足,为提出提高山东大学数字博物馆的可用性建议提供了依据。

    In this study we have gave some usability advice as to how to improve the usability of Shandong University Digital Museum .

  4. 山东大学考古数字博物馆设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Digital Archaeology Museum of Shandong University