
  • 网络shandong university of technology;sdut;sdut.edu.cn
  1. 山东理工大学学生营养现状与相关知识行为相关性分析

    Correlation Study of Nutrition Status and Dietary Knowledge and Behavior Among Students in Shandong University of Technology

  2. 情理之中,意料之外&谈山东理工大学学生活动中心设计

    Reasonable , Unexpected & To Talk about the Design of student Activity Center Program for Shandong University of Technology

  3. 本文在我国社会主义市场经济体制逐步完善的过程中,面对加入WTO的机遇与挑战研究了当前山东理工大学师资队伍建设现状,提出了该校师资队伍建设的新模式。

    This paper studies the existing situations in the teachers construction of Shandong University for Science & Technology , and introduces a new pattern to follow in order to face the challenges and opportunities resulting from the entry into WTO and to meet the demand of the socialist market economy .

  4. 本研究立足于相关文献提供的理论背景及问卷调查提供的实验数据。研究对象为山东理工大学的120名非英语专业的二年级学生。

    The participants were 120 non-English major sophomores from Shandong University of Technology .

  5. 山东理工大学农机研究所是一所科研实力雄厚的研究中心,曾承担过许多省级课题和国家课题。

    Agriculture machinery Institute of Shandong University fortechnology is a research center with tremendous strength , which has undertaken many provincial and national technical tasks .

  6. 本文旨在研究认知与元认知词汇学习策略培训对山东理工大学非英语专业学生词汇学习的有效性。其理论基础来源于认知语言学、心理语言学和外语学习策略理论。

    This thesis reports a study of the effects of cognitive and metacognitive strategy training on vocabulary learning in an English classroom of Shandong University of Technology .

  7. 该研究的被试为山东理工大学2008级两个艺术设计班的78名学生,其大学英语听说课和读写课均由本文作者教授。

    The subjects of the study are 78 students of art designing enrolled in 2008 at Shandong University of Technology . The author of the thesis taught them both the listening and speaking course and the reading and writing course .

  8. 并且通过山东理工大学学生活动中心方案的创作过程,体会只有经过理性的分析和在此基础上的创新,才能创作出既能合理解决设计中的技术问题,又具有自己特色的作品。

    And through the creative process of student activity center programmes for Shandong University of Technology , understand only after rational analysis and on the basis of innovation , which can produce reasonable solution design technical issues and works with our own characteristics .

  9. 方法采用测量、文献资料、比较研究以及数理统计等方法,对山东理工大学03级4497名大学生进行新《标准》实施后的体质测试。

    Methods By using document data and comparison research and mathematical statistics process , 4497 students of Shandong Technology University were investigated by physical fitness condition under the new standard , and the testing results were compared with the normal model from the whole country .

  10. 结论山东理工大学男女学生的身体机能、身体素质较差,建议通过体育教学手段进行干预,逐步提高大学生的身体素质,改善大学生健康状况,真正树立健康第一的指导思想。

    Conclusion The physical function and physical quality of students of Shandong Technology University are not good , and suggest through tampering of P.E teaching build up the guidance thinking of fitness first . Providing beneficial measures and guarantee for improving physical quality and fitness of college students .