
  1. 针对上述问题,本文结合山东青年政治学院的管理工作现状,设计开发了学生和教职工综合信息管理平台。

    To tackle these problems , this thesis , combining the current situation of Shandong Youth University of Political Science , designs and develops a comprehensive information management platform for university students and staff .

  2. 该论文中所涉及的研究对象是山东青年政治学院大学一年级的134名学生,其中男生为41名,女生为93名,年龄从19岁到21岁不等。

    The subject for this research is college students in Shandong Youth University of Political Science aged from 19 to 21 in four classes and the total number is 134 with 41 males and 93 females .