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  1. 在混合和沸腾过程中,随着温度和压力的降低,pH值和fO2逐渐降低,这是紫金山铜金矿成矿流体的重要特征。

    During mixing and boiling , the fugacity of oxygen and pH value of the ore forming fluids decreased with the falling of temperature and pressure , as is an important characteristic of the Zijinshan copper gold deposit .

  2. 大宝山铜铁矿区水体重金属污染评价

    Assessment of Aquatic Pollution of Heavy Metals in a Copper-iron Area

  3. 福建紫金山铜金矿床地质地球化学找矿模型及应用

    The geological-geochemical prospecting model of the Zijinshan copper-gold deposit and its application

  4. 福建紫金山铜金矿床类型与环太平洋浅成低温矿床的比较

    Comparison of the Zijinshan Copper-Gold Deposit and Circum-Pacific Epithermal Deposits

  5. 地质统计学储量计算方法在紫金山铜矿床中的应用

    Application of Geological Statistics on Calculating Reserves of the Zijin Copper Deposit

  6. 初论紫金山铜金矿床超临界成矿流体系统

    Preliminary discussion on supercritical ore-forming fluid system of Zijinshan copper-gold deposit in

  7. 紫金山铜(金)矿床成矿模式

    The metallogenic mode of Zijinshan Copper ( Gold ) Deposit

  8. 福建省紫金山铜金矿床成矿物理化学条件的研究

    On the Metallogenic Physicochemical Conditions of the Zijinshan Copper-Gold Deposit in Fujian Province

  9. 丰山铜钼矿区钼矿地质特征及其综合利用问题

    Molybdenum Mine Geological Features and Comprehensive Utilization Issues of Fengshan Copper-molybdenum Ore District

  10. 冬瓜山铜选厂半自磨生产现状及探讨

    Production Status and Transformation of Semi - autogenous Grinding

  11. 内蒙古莲花山铜银矿床蚀变统计分带研究

    Statistical Alteration Belt of Lianhuashan Cu - Ag Deposit

  12. 兰坪八宝山铜银矿床地质特征

    Geological characteristic of Cu-Ag deposit of babaoshan , lanping

  13. 激电极化法在滇西北八宝山铜矿床隐伏矿预测中的应用

    Application of Induced Polarization Method in Forecasting Buried Mine in a Copper Deposit

  14. 麻姑山铜钼矿试验采场矿石的回采

    Experimental Stope Mining of Magu Mountain Cu-Mo Mine

  15. 紫金山铜金矿床成矿年代及同位素找矿评价研究

    The research on the mineralization chronology and isotopic exploration assessment for Zijinshan copper-gold deposit

  16. 紫金山铜金矿床是福建新发现的一个新的矿床类型。

    Zijinshan copper-gold deposit is a new type of ore deposit found in Fujian recently .

  17. 铜绿山铜铁矿保有大量选厂生产的尾矿资源。

    There is a large resource of tailings produced by dressing plant of Tonglushan Copper-Iron Mine .

  18. 福建紫金山铜金矿床成矿流体演化数值模拟&混合和沸腾过程研究

    Numerical modeling of evolution of ore forming fluid in the Zijinshan Copper Gold deposit , fujian Province

  19. 基于斑岩成矿体系结构的深部找矿预测&以鄂东丰山铜金矿田为例

    Prediction for deep ore prospecting based on the structure of a porphyry metallogenic system : according to Fengshan Au-Cu ore field

  20. 云南维西大宝山铜(银)多金属矿区通过近年的地质勘查,探明的铜资源量已达中型规模。

    Recent years'geological exploration has confirmed that the proved copper reserves in Dabaoshan copper ( silver ) polymetallic ore field has reached middle scale .

  21. 八宝山铜矿床位于滇西北兰坪&维西地区,为新发现的铜矿床,在控矿因素、矿床成因、成矿规律和深部隐伏矿预测等方面的研究尚不足。

    Babaoshan copper deposit , located in Lanping-Weixi zone in the northwest of Yunnan province , is a newly-discovered copper deposit in recent years .

  22. 铜绿山铜铁矿床位于鄂城-大幕山新华夏复合隆起带中部、阳新复式岩体西北端。

    The Tonglushan Cu-Fe deposit is located at the middle part of the Neocathaysian compound mole track and the northwestward of the Yangxin complex massif .

  23. 通过对大冶铜绿山铜铁矿尾矿库周围土壤中重金属形态分析实验,研究了重金属各种形态在土壤中的分布特征。

    Distribution characteristics of the heavy metal species in soils were studied by speciation analysis of heavy metals in the soils near Cu Fe tailings in Daye .

  24. 通过对天宝山铜铅锌多金属矿矿石性质和浮选工艺流程研究,查明该矿石的共生、嵌布关系复杂。

    Through the investigation on the properties and flotation process of Tianbaoshan copper-lead-zinc polymetallic ore , it is found that the ore has complex association and dissemination .

  25. 铜绿山铜铁矿氧化铜矿石品位低,泥和碱性脉石含量高,属难选氧化铜矿。

    Oxidized copper ore from the Tonglushan Copper iron Mine , low in copper grade and abundant in mud and alkali gangue , is difficult to concentrate .

  26. 红透山铜锌矿床赋存于辽北太古宙绿岩红透山岩组,为极具工业意义的大型矿床。

    The Hongtoushan Cu-Zn deposit , located in the Hongtoushan rock formation of Archean greenstone in North Liaoning Province , is a large-scale ore deposit with great industrial significance .

  27. 本文介绍了七宝山铜-锌-黄铁矿的主要特性,其中重点介绍了矿石在矿体中所经受的氧化蚀变作用。

    Characteristic mineral features of the copper-zinc pyrite in Qibaoshan Deposit are described , particularly the oxy-alteration action the ore was subjected to in the formation of the ore body .

  28. 在本研究及选矿试验研究的基础上,铜绿山铜铁矿已建成了从尾矿中回收铜、铁、金、银的生产系统。

    According to the research on process mineralogy and dressing experiment , a system of recovering copper , iron , gold and silver from tailings has been built in Tonglushan Mine .

  29. 本研究以湖北省铜禄山铜山口矿区的酸性矿坑水为材料,进行At.f菌的分离纯化,并对其生长特性、浸矿效果、浸出机理进行了初步研究。

    A strain C1 was isolated and purified from acid mine drainage of Tong Shan Kou mine at Tong Lu Shan in Hubei province and its growth characteristics , phosphate ore leached conditions and leaching mechanism was studied .

  30. 八宝山铜银矿床的发现对扩大成矿区找矿远景具有重要意义,文章在分析矿床地质特征的基础上,初步总结了矿床的成因类型,探讨了矿区的找矿远景。

    The discovery of the Cu-Ag deposit is very important for enlarging ore prospecting , Based on analyzing the geological characteristic of the deposit , the paper primarily summarized the genetic type of the deposit , discussed the ore prospecting .