
  • 网络Raekoja Plats;Rathausplatz;City Hall Plaza;the city hall square
  1. Herning市政厅广场

    Herning City Hall Square

  2. 澳门城市特色景观&市政厅广场解读

    Characteristic Urban Landscape of Macao & Explanation for Senate Square

  3. 澳门半岛的市政厅广场是澳门的市政中心,它沿袭了欧洲中世纪广场的特色。

    Senate Square of the Peninsula is the municipal center of Macao , and it followed characteristic of middle ages squares of Europe .

  4. 市议会决定把市政厅前的广场铺上石板。

    The town council decided to pave the square before the Hall .

  5. 市议会决定为市政厅前的广场铺路。

    They town council decided to pave the square before the Hall .

  6. 在市中心,有市政厅、人民广场和人民公园。

    In civic center , there is city hall , People 's Square and People 's Park .