
  • 网络Shizhong District;central city
  1. 以GIS为平台,采用修正法和因素法相结合,对乐山市中区农用地定级进行了研究。

    Based on GIS technology , agricultural land gradation was studied applying factor method and modifying method in the centre of Leshan City , Sichuan Province .

  2. 枣庄市中区岩溶塌陷特征与成因分析缩略语成因之探究

    Analysis on the characteristics and causes of the karst collapse in Zaozhuang

  3. 我是在市中区那间艺术学校认识他的。

    Pedr I met him at the art school downtown .

  4. 峨眉河乐山市中区段水环境污染及防治对策

    Water Pollution and Its Countermeasures in the Leshan Urban Section of Emei River

  5. 内江市中区人感染猪链球菌病流行病学调查

    Epidemiological Survey on Streptococcus Suis Human Infected Cases in Central District of Neijiang City

  6. 内江市中区环境噪声长期监测和降低噪声污染的对策

    Long-term Monitoring of Environmental Noise in the Town Centre of Neijiang and Some Countermeasures to Reduce Noise Pollution

  7. 区域土地资源生态安全评价&以山东省枣庄市中区为例

    Evaluation on Ecological Security of Regional Land Resource & A Case Study of Center District of Zaozhuang , Shandong Province

  8. 昨天,上海市中区的一栋住宅楼被大火吞没。

    The death toll of a big fire that engulfed a high-rise building in downtown Shanghai had risen to53 by9:20 a.m.

  9. 公司地处的乐山市中区,水陆交通发达,是风景秀丽的国家级旅游名城。

    Therefore , it has transport facilities in water and land . Moreover , Leshan is the famous national grade tour city with beautiful scenery .

  10. 全文以指导市中区新一轮规划编制和实施,完善区域规划评价体系为目的。

    This paper aim at advising the newly land use planning drafting and implement , assesses the land use planning implementation in the midtown of Suining City .

  11. 项目内容:在市中区新建一条利用稻草、桔梗、石灰岩附属物加少量专用物质生产板材。

    Project Content : Establish a production line with the use of straw , orange peduncle , calcareousness adjunct with small quantity of special material to produce the plank .

  12. 项目优势:在市中区的一期工程所需160亩土地已全部完成征用手续。

    The Advantage of Project : The procedure document of the 160-mu foundation expropriation for the primary period work in center municipal district of Leshan city has been finished .

  13. 之后以济宁市中区两所小学作为样本进行研究,对120名教师进行问卷调查、对其中的20名教师进行访谈、并以4位教师为主进行课堂观察。

    After two elementary schools in jining downtown as sample of 120 teachers , questionnaire , 20 of them teacher to conduct interviews , and with four teachers mainly carries on the classroom observation .

  14. 利用广元市市中区1978年到2004年GDP数据,构建了广元市市中区时间序列趋势的ARMA模型。

    The ARMA model is constructed with the GDP data of Guangyuan downtown between 1978 and 2004 . The GDP data between 2006 and 2010 are predicted .

  15. 山东省枣庄市市中区岩溶塌陷调查与成因分析

    Investigation and genesis of karst collapse in center area of Zaozhuang City

  16. 山东省枣庄市市中区地质灾害调查与防治

    Survey and Prevention of Geological Hazards in Middle District of Zaozhuang City

  17. 目的了解济南市市中区先天性风疹综合征发病情况。

    OBJECTIVE In order to understand the incidence of congenital rubella syndrome .

  18. 城市土地分级方法探讨&以胶州市市中区土地分级为例

    Method of urban land grading bloody land

  19. 了解济宁市市中区医疗机构消毒灭菌状况,控制医疗机构内感染。

    To know the disinfecting conditions of medical institution and to control the hospital onset of infection in Jining .

  20. 枣庄市市中区主要地质灾害有喀斯特塌陷、采空塌陷和崩塌。

    Major hazards in middle district of Zaozhuang city are karst collapse , stope out collapse and break down .

  21. 景区距省会成都250公里、乐山市市中区110公里。这是我们杜区中心,留着它人人都会受益的。

    It is 250 kilometers away from provincial capital Chengdu , 110 kilometer away from Leshan center municipal district .

  22. 酒店座落于成都市市中区,毗邻繁华商业区,商务休闲购物方便快捷。

    Minshan is located in central Chengdu near the downtown , which is convenient for commerce , leisure and shopping .

  23. 济南市市中区餐饮单位量化分级管理及实施效果评价研究

    Jinan City Catering Units in the Area to Quantify the Effect of Management at Different Levels and the Implementation of Evaluation Studies

  24. 换言之,“长治”工程综合治理在遂宁市市中区中已经取得了令人满意的生态效益,其成功的经验值得推广和借鉴。

    In other words , the implementation of comprehensive land management practices in the midtown of Suining City has produced satisfying ecological benefits , and the successful experiences are worthy of consideration .

  25. 结果表明,重庆市冬季夜间四周山区有下坡冷空气向市中区汇集,中午前后逐渐向谷风环流转变。

    Evidence suggests that downslope cold air pools the center of the city at nocturnal hours , changing to a valley wind circulation around the noon .