
kǎn shāng
  • gash;chop wound
砍伤[kǎn shāng]
  1. 他砍树的时候砍伤了腿。

    He gashed his leg while felling trees .

  2. 囚犯们有的被刺伤,有的被砍伤,而有的头部首创,伤势不一而足

    Inmates suffered injuries ranging from stab wounds and slashes to head trauma .

  3. 之前还发生过其他一些针对香港记者的袭击事件。1998年,颇受欢迎的电台主持人郑经翰(AlbertCheng)被砍伤。

    Other previous attacks on Hong Kong journalists include a 1998 incident in which popular radio host Albert Cheng was slashed .

  4. 她把他的手腕砍伤得很厉害,鲜血喷射出来。

    She cut his wrist so badly that blood jetted out .

  5. 她包扎了被砍伤的脚趾。

    She put a dressing on the mangled digit .

  6. 擦伤砍伤或损害皮肤的表面。

    Bruise , cut , or injure the skin or the surface of .

  7. 她包扎砍伤的脚趾。

    She put a dressing on the mangled toe .

  8. 博罗县警方追捕的嫌犯涉嫌在该县砍伤两名行人。

    The officers were chasing the suspect for allegedly stabbing two pedestrians in Boluo county .

  9. 该技术同样适用于人为砍伤或牲畜啃坏的枣树。

    The bridge technique is applicable for the deficient jujube tree hurted by human or animal .

  10. 在械斗中手臂被砍伤;被破裂的玻璃划伤了脸。

    Got a gashed arm in a knife fight ; had a slashed cheek from the broken glass .

  11. 秦丽霞的头部和右手被砍伤,据说伤情严重。

    Ms. Qin 's injuries included stab wounds to her head and hands . Her condition was said to be serious .

  12. 有人说这个名字出自于皮革的厚重的颜色,早期的水兵在打仗的时候把皮革绕在脖子上防止被砍伤。

    Some say the name comes from the thick colours of leather early marines worn around their necks to protect them from cuts during battles .

  13. 曾多次获奖的电影导演鄢颇在停车场被人蓄意砍伤,导致骨折,跟腱断裂。

    Award-winning film director Yan Po was brutally stabbed by premeditated attackers in a parking lot , resulting in bone fractures and a severed Achilles tendon .

  14. 他曾告诉采访记者,他情愿“砍伤手腕”也不要马上回去演邦德。

    The source also suggested that by playing coy - remember when he told an interviewer he 'd rather " slash his wrists " than immediately return to Bond ? -

  15. 吉尔伯特,46岁,身上多处砍伤,官员说,他不愿透露姓名因为没有被授权公开谈论此案。

    Gilbert , 46 , suffered multiple machete wounds , said the official , who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly about the case .

  16. 但他醒过来后跑了出去,提了把刀回来,在医院二层的一个房间里,砍伤了急诊科护士秦丽霞。

    But after regaining consciousness he ran out , only to return with a knife and attack the intensive care unit nurse , Qin Lixia , in a room on the second floor .

  17. 北京警方透露,这名嫌疑人姓高,25岁,来自吉林省通化市,他在三里屯酒吧南口毫无缘由地砍伤两名被害人。

    Beijing police said the 25-year-old suspect , surnamed Gao , who is from Tonghua , Jilin province , attacked the two without provocation at the " south entrance of Sanlitun Bar Street . "

  18. 希波克拉底医疗圈提供了有关那位护士被砍伤的更多细节:被拘留的砍人男子先是被一位过路者发现昏倒在路边,路人打电话叫了救护车。

    The Hippocratic Community site provided additional details about the nurse 's stabbing : The man detained for the attack had been found lying unconscious on the street by a passer-by , who then called an ambulance .

  19. 官方通讯社新华社、以及云南网和中央广播电台的报道都说,这位护士今年30岁,有一个4岁的孩子,她已接受了紧急手术治疗,将其砍伤的男子已被警方控制。

    The 30-year-old nurse , the mother of a 4-year-old , had undergone emergency surgery , and the man had been apprehended by the police , said the reports on Xinhua , the state news agency , as well as on Yunnan Online and on China National Radio .
