首页 / 词典 / good

  • cut;chop;hack;throw sth. at
  • 用刀斧等猛剁,用力劈:~柴。~伐。

  • 方言,把东西扔出去:~砖头。

  • 喻取缔(某组织)或取消(某项目、条款):原定的基建项目~了三分之一。


(用刀斧猛力把东西断开) cut; chop; hack:

  • 砍柴

    cut firewood;

  • 他用斧子在墙上砍出一个洞。

    He cut a hole through the wall with an ax.

  • 这棵树太大了, 你得砍掉一些枝条。

    The tree is so big, you'll have to chop back some of the branches.


(去掉) cut (down):

  • 这篇稿子太长, 得砍去一半。

    The article is too long and should be cut down by half.


[方] (把东西扔出去打) throw sth. at:

  • 拿砖头砍狗

    throw a brick at a dog

  1. 剩下的那片树林被砍得精光。

    The remaining block of woodland is cut down to ground level .

  2. 他原本也可以砍去许多重复的内容,从而缩减许多页。

    He could also have cut out much of the repetition and thus saved many pages .

  3. 我们挥舞着木棍一路劈砍,才在密林里开出一条路,穿了过去。

    We had to slash our way through the undergrowth with sticks .

  4. 剑砍在石地上,火星飞溅。

    The sword struck sparks off the stone floor .

  5. 他从那棵树上砍下一根树枝。

    He chopped a branch off the tree .

  6. 把卖家的要价砍到你能接受的价格。

    Beat down the seller to the price that suits you .

  7. 亚瑟王亲自捉住怪物,并砍下它的头。

    King Arthur himself captures the beast and cuts off its head

  8. 他挥手做了一个干净利落的劈砍的动作。

    He made a neat chopping motion with his hand .

  9. 他们拆掉了木栅栏,并砍去了一些树枝。

    They 've torn down wooden fences and broken branches off trees .

  10. 他们将他拖到村里的广场上,把他的头砍了下来。

    They dragged him to the village square and chopped his head off .

  11. 他砍树的时候砍伤了腿。

    He gashed his leg while felling trees .

  12. 马修拼命地将皮革砍穿。

    Matthew desperately hacked through the leather .

  13. 一伙持械歹徒闯上火车,开始见人就砍、举枪便射。

    An armed gang barged onto the train and began hacking and shooting anyone in sight

  14. 他砍下树枝当柴火。

    He chopped up branches of the tree into firewood .

  15. 他用斧子在墙上砍出一个洞。

    He cut a hole through the wall with an ax .

  16. 新船砍缆下水。

    The new ship cut her cable and slipped into the water .

  17. 小树要砍,小孩要管。

    A sapling needs pruning , a child discipline .

  18. 这篇稿子太长,得砍去一半。

    The article is too long and should be cut down by half .

  19. 老人砍了那些不结果的树。

    The barren trees are cut down by the old man .

  20. 他操起一把刀向敌人砍去。

    He took a knife and came for his enemy .

  21. 士兵用剑朝敌人砍去。

    The soldier cut at the enemy with his sword .

  22. 她砍一刀就把树苗砍倒了。

    She cut down the seedling with one chop .

  23. 斧子是一种砍木头的工具。

    An axe is a tool used cutting wood .

  24. 山上的树砍得溜光。

    The trees were all cut down , leaving the mountain totally bare .

  25. 我从树上砍下一根树枝。

    I chopped a branch off the tree .

  26. 这树我砍了半小时,但还未把它砍倒。

    I 've been chopping away for half an hour but the tree is still standing .

  27. 你用斧头砍东西时,一定要握住斧把。

    Be sure to take hold of the handle of an ax when you chop things with it .

  28. 一天,一个农夫把它砍下来卖给了一个木匠。

    One day , a farmer cut it down and sold it to a carpenter .

  29. 他用刀把树皮从树上砍下

    He slashed the bark off the tree with his knife .

  30. 斧头太钝,砍不倒树。

    The axe is too blunt to cut down the tree .
