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xiānɡ sú
  • country custom, local custom, village custom
  • country custom
乡俗 [xiāng sú]
  • [country custom] 乡间的习俗

  • 很多的乡俗

  • 乡俗好尚。--清. 黄宗羲《柳敬亭传》

  1. 按照乡俗,他得叩三个头。

    According to the local custom , he had to kowtow three times .

  2. 老调多弹,乡俗常拾;(坚持普罗大众的感兴趣的话题);

    stick to subjects of general interest ;

  3. 乡俗礼仪中的民间戏班研究&对两个民间戏班的田野调查乔先生十分重视田野调查,认为做田野是人类学工作者的基本功和成年礼。

    An Investigation on the Theatrical Troupes Acting Within Rural Rituals of Hequ Country - Shanxi Province ; Mr. QIAO attaches importance to field investigation , believing that fieldwork is a basic skill and the Initiation Rite of anthropologists .

  4. 但是,要想生意繁荣就真的不得不进乡顺俗吗?

    But do you really have to behave like a Roman to thrive in Rome ?

  5. 它记录着东北习俗的方方面面,反射着乡风土俗的奇光异彩,同时也映射着东北地域的文化心态。

    It records all aspects of northeast customs , reflects the glamour of local customs , and includes the cultural attitude of northeast region at the same time .