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  1. 其中在绘画方面,主攻花卉,兼绘山水及人物。

    In painting , the main flower of painting landscapes and figures .

  2. 主攻国画山水、人物。

    Landscape painting the main characters .

  3. 他的绘画创作涵盖了山水、人物、花卉等中国画主要体例。

    His paintings cover the landscape , figures , flowers and other major style of Chinese painting .

  4. 中国的绘画艺术发展至宋代,无论山水、人物、花鸟诸体都已臻登峰造极。

    The development of Chinese painting to the art of the Song Dynasty , whether landscapes , figures , birds and flowers of various apex body of all giants .

  5. 继承和重视花鸟、山水、人物、动物画的优秀传统,但又不被传统技法所限;

    He inherits and pays more attention to the excellent tradition relating to birds and flowers , landscapes , characters , and animal paintings , but is not restricted by traditional techniques .

  6. 他画山水、人物、楼台自远而近、自大而小,不爽分毫,能准确地表现出空间关系,呈现出中西合璧的交融风格。

    The most accurate distance , size of the landscapes , figures , towers in his paintings can precisely express the relative spatial relationships of things , a blend of the Western and Chinese styles .

  7. 宋代扇面绘画题材广泛,包括花鸟虫鱼、山水、人物等题材,画家在扇面上留下了丰富多彩的艺术珍品。

    Song Dynasty Fan Paintings wide range of topics , including insects , fish , birds and flowers , landscapes , figures and other topics , the painter left the fan on the rich art treasures .

  8. 其高超艺术在山水与人物两方面都有贡献,毕生创作了无数成功的作品。这些作品无论从美学上,从时代发展上,从民族文化上都具有划时代的意义。

    He creates innumerable successful works in all his life , making a great contribution to landscape as well as figure paintings which embraces epoch-making significance from the aspects of aesthetics , social progress and national culture .

  9. 在民居建筑中,最具特色的要数屋顶、梁头、柱础、门墩、窗子上的雕刻,房屋上雕刻着花鸟、山水、人物,吉祥图案,等这些图案具有一定的意义。

    In residential buildings , the most unique sculpture to the number of roof beam head column bases , mounds , the windows on the upper houses carved with flowers , birds , landscapes , figures , auspicious patterns , etc. These patterns have a certain significance .

  10. 唐代的花鸟画与山水画同人物画鼎足而立。

    Flower-and-bird painting , landscape painting , figure painting were in a tripartite balance in the Tang period .

  11. 我们的书画有山水的、人物的、鸟类的、昆虫的、花卉类的、动物类的,等等。

    We have landscape , human figures , birds , insects , flowers , animals and so on .

  12. 梁衡的散文作品从题材上可以分为山水散文和人物散文。

    Liang Heng ' prose works can be classified into two categories : the landscape prose and dramatis personae prose .

  13. 无论是山水花鸟还是人物画创作,都在不同程度上体现传统时代与个性的不懈追求。

    No matter their landscape painting , flower-bird painting or figure painting , all of them are revealing the persistent pursuit of conventional features as well as individuality .

  14. 而姜世晃作为具备了诗、书、画之才能的人物,关注山水、花卉、人物等各绘画领域。

    Able to create poems , books and paintings , Jiang Shihuang focused on such painting domains as landscape , flowers and figures .

  15. 李思训、李昭道作为唐代青绿山水画的代表人物,在中国的绘画史上占有重要地位。

    Li Sixun and Li Zhaodao , representatives of the landscape-painting in the Tang Dynasty , are very important in the history of Chinese painting .

  16. 其中涉及山水、花鸟、人物等等画种的倒影景象,在表现形式和表现技法上也更趋多样化。

    Among them , involving Landscape , Flowers and-birds , Characters , and so on , the type of water-reflection painting diversified in the form of expression and performance skills .

  17. 构图是每个画家都要下大功夫钻研积累的学问,国画题材一般按山水、花鸟、人物来分,这三种题材因为内容的不一样,在构图上还是有不同的处理方法和技巧要求的。

    Composition is a knowledge that every artist should study and accumulate . traditional Chinese painting subjects differentiate by mountains and rivers , flowers and birds , characters , these three subjects because of different content in the composition need have different treatment methods and techniques requirements .

  18. 移情山水,萧然忘羁论中国山水人物画的意境天人合一

    On the Artistic Conception of Traditional Chinese Painting & The Integration of Heaven and Human

  19. 山水画题材较之以前有了很大的进步,艺术审美趣味也得到进一步提高与转变,山水画从人物画中脱离出来形成独立的画种,技法与理论在这一时期交相辉映,互相影响。

    Landscape painting themes than previously had very great progress , aesthetic tastes have been further improved and transformation of landscape painting , figure painting is formed from separate independent painting , techniques and theories in this period add radiance and beauty to each other , and influence each other .