
  1. 现在我正黑入艾提哈德塔里的安保系统

    Hacking into the security cameras at Ethihad Towers .

  2. 在量电压时,红表笔接正,黑表笔接负。

    When measuring the voltage , the red test pen should be connected to the positive electrode , and the black one to the negative electrode .

  3. 黑迈克尔让他们做什么就做什么,就是杀人也干。弗里茨听说其中三个外国人现在正和黑迈克尔一起呆在斯特莱索。

    They did anything that the Duke ordered , and did not stop at murder.Three of them-the foreigners , Fritz had heard were in Strelsau now with Duke Michael .

  4. 北京无止境的为明日城市的建设正是黑桥艺术区艺术家阐释他们为此创作表达拆迁愤怒的艺术作品的灵感来源。

    Beijing 's relentless march to build a city of tomorrow is now the inspiration for artists interpreting the Black Bridge demolition battle as its own angry work of art .

  5. 巴菲特为他认为发生概率不大的事件提供保险,这种做法正是《黑天鹅》一书作者纳西姆·尼古拉斯·塔勒布(NassimNicholasTaleb)所批评的交易策略。

    Mr Buffett 's approach of insuring events he thinks are unlikely to occur is the kind of trading strategy criticised by Nassim Nicholas Taleb , who wrote The Black Swan .

  6. 季子正年少匹马黑貂裘&中国工商银行信贷管理部总经理魏国雄侧记

    Wei Guoxiong : General Manager of ICBC Credit Management Department

  7. 暮光之锤正尝试在黑海岸召唤一个上古黑锅神。索某某。

    The Twilight 's Hammer are attempting to summon an Old God in Darkshore , Soggoth the Slitherer .

  8. 深咖啡:底色为正褐色,黑色素含量比朱古力少,适合任何人群。

    Deep Brown : the base of color is right-brown , contains black pigment less chocolate , suitable for everyone .

  9. 异丁基铵黑药和正丁基铵黑药是同分异构体,它们有相同的分子式,只烷基异构。

    Ammonium di-iso-butyl dithiophosphate and ammonium din-butyl dithiophosphate is isobutyl isomers , they have the same molecular formula , only alkyl isomers .

  10. 他偶尔抬起头来,正看见她那双黑眼睛里的痴痴的神情。

    He looked up from time to time and caught sight of her somewhat blank expression .

  11. 本文利用正庚醇或正辛醇与白炭黑表面羟基反应制备了酯化白炭黑。

    The esterified white carbon has been prepared by the reaction between the surface hydroxyl groups of white carbon and n-heptanol or n-octanol .

  12. 本文介绍了轻印刷系统中,数学版中外文代号正、斜、黑、白体的排版技术及数学公式的排版技术。

    Foreign language ( standard , italics , boldface and lean type ) and mathematic formulas typesetting techniques are dealt with in light printing system .

  13. 走了几分钟,我们便抵达停泊林肯号的码头,林肯号的两座烟囱正喷出浓密的黑烟。

    And in a few minutes we arrived at the wharf next to which the Abraham Lincoln was vomiting torrents of black smoke from its two funnels .

  14. 我们当时并没对它太在意,因为正忙著抓黑寡妇蜘蛛。

    We didn 't think much of it at the time because we were black widow hunting ( not one of our smarter ideas , but it was a rush when we found one ) .