
  • 网络Formality;formalization;formalize
  1. 然而,JohnBell后来通过实验反驳Bell不等式(正是它使EPR思维实验正式化)证明了真实粒子间的纠缠。

    John Bell , however , later demonstrated entanglement in real particles by experimental refutation of the Bell Inequality ( which formalized the EPR thought experiment ) .

  2. 他们开始只是非正式聚会,但到了近几年变得越来越正式化了。

    They started as informal gatherings but they have become increasingly formalized in the last few years .

  3. 事实标准XMLHttpRequest对象的正式化,它是Ajax通信的核心

    A formalization of the de-facto standard XMLHttpRequest object , the centerpiece of Ajax communication

  4. 此外,把它正式化可能会削弱公司和团队在校园中的自主权,令其受到一些规定的约束,比如性别平等法律《教育法修正案第九条》(TitleIX)等。

    In addition , formal recognition could diminish the autonomy that companies and teams have on campuses , bringing about rules like Title IX , the gender equity law .

  5. 我们和阿萨德之间的关系必须正式化。

    We need to formalize our relationship with him now .

  6. 信誉度由有公信力的第三方正式化并加以推广。

    Reputation is formalized and amplified by trusted third-parties .

  7. 巴林和以色列签署了一系列重要协议,使双边关系正式化。

    Bahrain and Israel have signed a series of key agreements formalizing bilateral ties .

  8. 本系列还会向您介绍怎样可以正式化地表示与系统分析相连接的用户接口。

    The series will also describe how you can formally represent user interfaces linked with system analysis .

  9. 该地图附带了一份被推迟了很久的总统法令,意思是想使禁令正式化。

    The maps are to be attached to a long-overdue presidential decree meant to formalise the moratorium .

  10. 使之正式化,并将其放到编制的性能评估目标中,作为实现成功的强制方法。

    Make it official and place it in your documented performance evaluation goals as a forcing function to success .

  11. 而随着网络技能交易的正式化,其工作流程成了威客网站运营商的一个大难题。

    With the network technology trade official , its work flow the Witkey website operators of a big problem .

  12. 为了使其正式化,约翰·汉考克,这位大陆会议主席在《独立宣言》上率先签名。

    To make it official , John Hancock , President of the Continental Congress , signed the Declaration of Independence .

  13. 这些模式正式化为一组规则,用于将解决方案中的功能构建为一组部件。

    These patterns codify a set of rules used to factor the functionality in a solution into a set of parts .

  14. 应该在组织内制定恰当评估的指南,并正式化为组织项目交付方法的一部分。

    Guidelines for developing proper estimates should be developed within the organization and formalized as part of your organization 's project-delivery methodology .

  15. 通过让这些关切中的一部分正式化(朝鲜问题六方会谈是一个不错的开端),能够逐渐打造互信。

    By seeking to formalise some of these concerns six-party talks on North Korea were a promising start trust can be gradually built .

  16. 正式化机制以个体特征为基础,可抽象为结构化、规范化和角色化三种过程。

    Based on the individual characteristics , the formalization mechanism can be abstracted as three processes , namely structurization , regularization and role-making .

  17. 研究结果表明:对于中小民营企业人力资源管理正式化与有效性之间的关系不能一概而论。

    The results show that : the relationship between the formalization and the effectiveness of HRM in small and medium private enterprises can not be generalized .

  18. 在摆了多年相同姿势照相后,四人决定将其正式化,并且各自纹上了这个独特家族姿势的纹身。

    After years of taking their positions for pictures , the foursome decided to make it official and each got identical tattoos of the infamous family pose .

  19. 通过这项计划,欧洲央行基本上是将干预欧元区成员国债券市场的这一流程正式化了。

    Known as the outright monetary transactions , the ECB essentially formalized the process by which it would intervene in the debt market of a eurozone member .

  20. 埃及的出口禁令使得以前执行不力的限令正式化。随后,全球第二大出口国越南和第三大出口国印度也实行了类似限制规定。

    The Egyptian export ban formalises a previously poorly enforced curb and follows similar restrictions imposed by Vietnam and India , the world 's second-and third-largest exporters .

  21. 然后论证了财务治理的目标是优化公司财务治理机制以实现代理成本的最小化,并将实现该目标的条件予以正式化;

    We draw a conclusion that the goal of corporation financial governance is to seek to the minimum agent cost by optimizing the corporation financial governance mechanism .

  22. 组织正式化特征、上司的领导行为和下属的内外控特征,对下属对影响策略的评价有影响。

    Several factors such as Organization formalization , superior 's leadership behavior , and subordinate 's self-perceptions of control influence the subordinate 's evaluation of upward influence tactics .

  23. 我们发现,人力资源管理不够完善,正式化程度较差是许多中小民营企业进一步发展的瓶颈。

    We found that the imperfections of human resource management and the lower level of formalization become the bottleneck of further development in many small and medium private enterprises .

  24. 对于它们的管理流程改变,百分之七十三的公司取得了初步的正式化(54%)或大部分的正式化(19%)。

    Severty-three percent of companies have achieved either modest formalization ( 54 percent ) or have formalized their change management process " to a great extent "( 19 percent ) .

  25. 情绪心态上的波动,使民众对自己的行为做出思考,进而寻求观念上的帮助,从中提取其中对自己有利的一面,并努力使之正式化、扩大化。

    Caused by the fluctuation in emotion , people have to think what to do next , so they would seek help from mind and try to make them official and extensive .

  26. 尽管有报道称这对夫妇已经推迟他们的婚礼计划,但这位女演员说他们只是在他们的工作日程中等待合适的时间来让其正式化。

    Despite reports that the couple has pushed back their wedding plans , the actress says they 're simply waiting for the right time in their work schedules to make it official .

  27. 随着新工具和技术的出现,以及新分析模式的发现和正式化,可以将这些新内容添加到工具集中,并将其组织为修改后的框架。

    As new tools and techniques become available , and as new analysis patterns are discovered and codified , you can add these to your toolkit and organize them into a modified framework .

  28. 通过209名主管和627名下属的配对数据发现,当工作不确定性越高,或组织正式化程度越高,或集权度越大,管理者的授权行为均会减少。

    Through the paired data from 209 supervisors and 627 subordinates , the results showed us that when the job uncertainty or the organizational formalization was high , or with high centralization , the manager would delegate less .

  29. 谈到他想让他们的关系“正式化”的愿望,拉格菲尔德曾表示:“目前还没有人类和动物结婚的……我从未想过我会像这样爱上一只猫咪。

    Speaking of his desire to make their relationship to be ' official ' , Lagerfeld once said : ' There is no marriage , yet , for human beings and animals ... I never thought that I would fall in love like this with a cat .

  30. 由于WSDL是一个事实上的标准(经过了W3C的正式标准化,这是不久的将来所需要的),所以它得到了多个供应商实现的支持。

    Since WSDL is a de facto standard ( with formal W3C standardization expected in the near future ), it is supported by multiple vendor implementations .