
  • 网络Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access;ofdma;ofdm
  1. 该文给出了一种应用于上行正交频分多址(OFDMA)系统的同步参数盲估计方法。

    An algorithm for the blind estimation of uplink OFDMA synchronization parameters is introduced in this article .

  2. 无线正交频分多址系统中自适应资源配置研究

    Research on Adaptive Resource Allocation in Wireless OFDMA System

  3. 研究了正交频分多址接入(OFDMA)上行链路中采用交织子载波分配方案的多用户信号同步及分离。

    Multi-user signal synchronization and separation for the interleaved orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ( OFDMA ) uplink are investigated .

  4. 提出了一种采用分布式天线的三角形小区架构,充分运用了正交频分多址(OFDMA)以及分布式天线等先进的物理层技术。

    Making full use of advanced physical layer technique like orthogonal frequency multiply access ( OFDMA ) and distributed antenna .

  5. 正交频分多址(OFDMA)因其高频谱效率等优势被选为LTE下行链路的多址方案。

    Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access ( OFDMA ) is chosen as multiple-access scheme for downlink of LTE due to its high spectral efficiency and some other superiorities .

  6. 在OFDMA(正交频分多址)系统的上行链路,单个用户的定时偏移也会导致多用户干扰(MUI)。

    In uplink OFDMA , timing offsets ( TO ) of other users with respect to a desired user can cause multiuser interference ( MUI ) .

  7. 下行采用正交频分多址(OFDM),而上行是采用单载波频分多址(SC-FDMA)。

    Orthogonal frequency division multiple access ( OFDM ) is used in downlink , and single carrier frequency division multiple access ( SC-FDMA ) has been adopted in uplink .

  8. 近年来,无线移动通信技术取得了巨大的进步,其中最具有代表性的两项技术就是多跳中继技术和正交频分多址接入(OFDMA)技术。

    Wireless mobile communication has made huge progress in recent years , and multi-hop relay and orthogonal frequency division multiple access ( OFDMA ) are two important new technologies in such field .

  9. LTE无线通信系统的下行链路采用正交频分多址(OFDMA)技术,通过基于动态比特分配的链路自适应技术最大化实现信道容量。

    Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access ( OFDMA ) is the downlink channel technology in next generation wireless communication system LTE . Dynamic bit loading adaptation link technology can be used to maximize OFDMA channel capacity .

  10. 这代系统依赖各种不同码分多址(CDMA)技术,在LTE中,下行是采用正交频分多址(0FDM),上行是采用单载波频分多址(SC-FDMA)。

    The generation relied on variations of Code Division Multiple Access ( CDMA ), However LTE implements Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ( OFDM ) for its downlink and for uplink it implements Single-Carrier Frequency-Division Multiple Access ( SC-FDMA ) .

  11. 为了实现这个目标必须要高效的利用有限的频谱资源,因此正交频分多址(OFDMA)技术与中继技术的结合应运而生。

    To achieve this goal must efficiently use the limited scarce spectrum resources . The combination of orthogonal frequency division multiple access ( OFDMA ) technology and the relay technology will be used in the next generation wireless communication networks .

  12. 本文针对正交频分多址(OFDMA)多跳中继蜂窝网络,提出一种基于染色理论的频率分配框架。

    In this thesis , a novel channel assignment framework is presented based on incidence coloring for orthogonal frequency division multiple access ( OFDMA ) - based multiple hop cellular networks , which aims at suppressing multi-links interference and enhancing spectral efficiency .

  13. 在LTE中,上行链路采用单载波频分多址(SC-FDMA),实现方式为离散傅里叶变换扩展OFDM(DFT-S-OFDM)技术,下行链路采用正交频分多址(OFDMA)技术。

    The uplink used single carrier frequency division multiple access ( SC-FDMA ) which is realized by the extended discrete Fourier transform OFDM ( DFT-S-OFDM ) technology , and the downlink uses orthogonal frequency division multiple access ( OFDMA ) technology in LTE .

  14. 通过对移动通信系统关键技术的发展趋势和网络实时业务服务质量(QoS)需求的分析,提出了一种适用于时分-正交频分多址接入系统(TD-OFDMA)的简单高效的随机接入方案。

    By the analysis of the development of key technologies and quality of service ( QoS ) requirements of the real-time traffic in mobile communication systems , a simple and efficient random access scheme which is suitable for TD-orthogonal frequency division multiple access ( TD-OFDMA ) systems is proposed .

  15. 正交频分多址接入系统的上行载波同步跟踪方法

    Uplink carrier offset tracking method for orthogonal frequency division multiple access systems

  16. 为了解决上行正交频分多址系统中频率偏差导致多用户干扰和载波间干扰的问题,提出了一种载波同步跟踪方法。

    A synchronization tracking method is given for uplink orthogonal frequency division multiple access ( OFDMA ) systems .

  17. 提出了一种基于正交频分多址接入系统的混合业务分组调度算法。

    A packet scheduling algorithm for mixed traffics was proposed in orthogonal frequency division multiple access ( OFDMA ) systems .

  18. 链路自适应传输是正交频分多址系统关键技术,对提升系统性能起到关键作用。

    Link adaptation transmission is a vital technology for OFDMA system , and it has great effect on the performance .

  19. 提出了一种基于功率谱叠加的交织正交频分多址系统上行链路载波频偏和定时同步联合估计算法。

    Performance analysis on the spatially correlated multiuser MIMO-OFDM systems in the presence of carrier frequency offset and channel estimation error ;

  20. 近年来,正交频分多址接入系统做为一种新的多址接入技术受到了极大关注。

    Recently , Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access ( OFDMA ) as a new multiple access technology has received a lot of attention .

  21. 为了能在下一代无线蜂窝网络中提供高速的无线多媒体业务,正交频分多址被提议作为一种有效的多址接入方案。

    To support high-speed wireless multimedia applications for the next generation wireless cellular networks , such as long term evolution ( LTE ), orthogonal frequency division multiplexing access ( OFDMA ) is proposed as a promising multiple access scheme .

  22. 作为多用户技术和OFDM技术的结合,正交频分复用多址接入(OFDMA)技术拥有和OFDM相同的优点。

    As the combination of multiuser technique and OFDM , Orthogonal frequency-division multiple access ( OFDMA ) technique has the same advantages of OFDM .

  23. 提出了2种适用于多用户正交频分复用多址接入(OFDMA)系统的分组数据调度算法,分别是多载波正比公平(MPF)算法和增强容量的MPF算法。

    Two downlink packet data scheduling algorithms applied to orthogonal frequency division multiple access ( OFDMA ) broadband wireless access systems are proposed , which are multi-carrier proportional fair ( MPF ) scheduler and MPF algorithm enhancing capacity .

  24. 论文还给出了两种两节点互为中继的基于正交频分复用多址的协同模型,具有子载波分配灵活的优点。

    This paper also presents two kinds of cooperative model that node helps to relay data each other , based on the orthogonal frequency division multiple access ( OFDMA ), with the advantage of flexible subcarrier allocation and higher resource utilization .

  25. OFDM(正交频分复用)和多址技术的结合能够允许多个用户同时共享有限的无线频谱,从而获得较高的系统容量。

    OFDM ( Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ) combined with multiple access technique can promise several users to share the limited radio spectrum simultaneously and gain the more system capacity .