
  1. 三峡山水美的特征

    Beauty The Features of the Nice Scenery in the Three Gorges

  2. 中国古代美学对山水美的主体条件的分析

    Subjective Qualifications Tasting Beauty of Landscape in Chinese Ancient Aesthetics

  3. 试论桂林山水美的审美生成及其层次&兼谈山水审美的主体条件

    On Aesthetic Generation and Levels of Beauty in Guilin Scenery & also on Subjective Conditions of Scenery Appreciation

  4. 中国古代美学将山水美生成的条件重点审美主体上,认为主体具有四个条件就可以实现对自然山水的审美欣赏。

    The stresses of conditions engendering beauty of landscape were set on the tasting subject in Chinese Ancient Aesthetics , which thought that subjects would need four qualifications to realize tasting natural landscape .

  5. 本文从旅游美学的角度,详细分析了大观园的山水美、花木美、建筑美和文学美,揭示了有关的旅游观赏原理。

    This paper analyzes the author 's description of hills and water , flower and trees , houses and buildings from the perspective of sight-seeing aesthetics , and reveals the principles for appreciation of beauty in sight-seeing .

  6. 在此基础上,便形成了中国传统城市生态美的典型形态&山水美和园林美以及传统民宅、宗教建筑的生态美。

    At the base of this , the typical form of ecological beauty of traditional city constructions takes shape : the beauty of mountain and river , the beauty of garden , the ecological beauty of human house and religious building .

  7. 让心灵与山水同美。

    Let your heart be as beautiful as the mountains and water .

  8. 心中山水之美&读王志铭的画

    An analysis Beautiful Landscape In His Heart of Wang Zhiming 's paintings

  9. 在山水之美的客观存在的认识前提下,谢灵运认为山水处处皆是美景。

    Under the premise that natural beauty was objective , Xie Lingyun supposed that landscape was beautiful everywhere .

  10. 山水之所以美还在于它常常作为独立的艺术形象,产生象征比喻意义,我国古典美学理论中的比德说导源于此。

    The beauty of moutains and waters also shows in artistic image which exists by itself , and has symbolic and analogy sense .

  11. 将桂林山水之美,巧妙融入标志,不单具有特色,而且意境优美,在标志设计中绝不容易。

    It is never an easy task to add the beauty of Guilin scenery to the icon , emerging not only the specific characteristic , but also elegant prospect .

  12. 清新自然的神秘与清朴自然的神秘这些作品充分展示了他的游观视野和审美视野下的山水之美,艺术性强,极大地丰富了中国古代山水文学的宝库。

    These works reveal the beauty of landscapes in his view of traveling and aesthetic standards , and they have great artistic value , which greatly enrich the treasure of China 's ancient landscape literature works .

  13. 宋之问用格律诗的形式美来表现自然山水的美以及诗人的闲情逸致,语言自然流丽,意境圆融,是盛唐山水诗的先声。

    Song zhi-wen described the nature beauty and his poetical enjoyment and leisure by the elegant form of his verse , and his poem with the naive and fluent language and syncretic imagery is the progenitor of the landscape poem in Tang Dynasty .

  14. 我想要用著纯真无邪的赤子之心唱出我内心山水景色的美。

    I want to sing my interior landscape with the simple artlessness of a child .

  15. “广西山水传说探美”,南宁:广西人民出版社。

    " Aesthetic sense of folk legends about the mountains and rivers in guangxi ", nanning : guangxi People Publishing house .

  16. 从独善其身诗篇产生的社会心理可知,有不少诗人正是通过追求山水林野之美来追求独立于封建伦理规范之外的人生理想。

    Many poets pursue a life ideal that is independent of feudal ethics by writing poems about the beauty of nature .

  17. 这一方面是指王维诗中用以表现山水景物线条美、构图美和色彩美的技法,即所谓的“融画入诗”;

    On one hand , the poems of Wang Wei employ the skills that embody the landscape 's beauty of line , composition of picture and colors , that is " merge the picture into the poems ";

  18. 论融会山水画与人格美的山水精神

    On the Spirit Integrating Mountain & water Painting and Personality Beauty

  19. 传统山水画创造艺术美的规律

    On Aesthetics Law of Chinese Traditional Landscape Painting

  20. 第三章主要论及近代山水画中的意境美。

    The third chapter deals mainly with landscape painting in the mood of modern America .

  21. 人与自然的和谐统一&论王维山水诗的生态美

    Harmony of Human and Nature : On the Ecological Beauty of Wan Wei 's Scenery Poems

  22. 栖居在诗意中&论王维山水诗的意境美

    Living in the Poetic Environment & A Discussion on Artistic Conception of Wang Wei 's Landscape Poetry

  23. 从内容、题材上看,二者的应制诗、描写女性的诗歌、咏物诗有着很大的相同之处,他们在写作中都善于刻画、描摹景物,展现山水、自然之美。

    Form the content and the theme , they had similarity in flatter poems , the poems describing female and the poems describing objects . Both of them were good at portray scenery , show the nature .

  24. 长期与山水自然为伍以及山水艺术美的创造活动又会使山水画家的人格特征得到进一步强化。

    In addition , with a long-term companionship of mountains and rivers , the professional personality characteristics of landscape painters are strengthened in their creation of the art beauty of mountains and rivers .

  25. 山水诗既是对自然山水美的艺术提炼,又是诗人审美创造的结果,因此具有丰富的美学内涵。

    Landscape poems are at once a refined art of natural beauty and the result of creativeness in beauty appreciation on the Part of the poets . Therefore they possess rich aesthetical implications .

  26. 当他们面向山水、走向山水时,他们发现了山水之美,而山水之美也给了他们的精神以慰藉。

    When facing with mountains and rivers and beginning to walk towards them , they found their beauty , which also gave them spiritual consolation .

  27. 中国古代风景诗是中国古代文学中的奇葩,它通过诗人们对祖国山水春夏秋冬的描绘,写下了一曲曲祖国山水时空美的大自然颂歌。

    Ancient scenic poems are a wonderful work of art , through which poets made description of people 's love for the country 's mountains and waters in spring , summer , autumn and winter and wrote down the natural songs of beauty of time space of the motherland .

  28. 其山水诗内容丰富,既多方面展示自然山水的客观之美,又寄寓诗人的主观情志;

    His landscape poems are rich in content , not only depicting the beauty of nature from different angles , but also expressing his subjective emotions .

  29. 自然山水是五彩纷呈的,咏叹桂林山水景物的桂林山水诗具有色彩美。

    The natural landscape is a colorful scene , the chant of Guilin scenery Guilin Landscape Poetry has the beauty of color .

  30. 这种试图以自然山水为背景而营造仙居的观念,显然蕴含着对自然山水之美的肯定,而这种肯定背后的道教因素无疑也是很明显的。

    Such attempts to creating the concept of fairyland with the background of natural mountains and rivers , apparently contained the affirmation of the natural beauty of mountains and rivers . It is no doubt that Xie Lingyun was influenced by Taoism .