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shān ɡǔ bīnɡ chuān
  • valley glacier
  1. 甘肃省的梦柯冰川是祁连山脉最大的山谷冰川,而根据当地一所研究中心的报告,梦柯与另两座冰川自90年代就开始加速消融。

    In Gansu Province , the Mengke Glacier , the largest valley glacier in the Qilian range , and two others have been retreating at an accelerating rate since the 1990s , according to a report by a local research center .

  2. 山谷冰川稳定态时积累区面积比率研究

    Study on AAR of Valley Glaciers in the Steady State

  3. 山谷冰川是世界上那些巍峨耸立的山脉所具有的特征。

    Valley glaciers are typical of lofty mountain ranges the world over .

  4. 【地质】火山断裂带山谷冰川只限于多山地带的山谷。

    Volcanic rift zone Valley glaciers are confined to valleys in mountainous terrain .

  5. 不同规模山谷冰川及其径流对气候变化的响应过程

    Response of Valley Glaciers in Various Size and Their Runoff to Climate Change

  6. 而大型的山谷冰川仅占高原总数的46%,但其面积和冰储量分别占高原总数的335%和486%。

    However , the glacial area and ice volume account for 33.5 % and 48.6 % respectively of the total glaciers on the plateau .

  7. 各次冰期的冰川性质分别为大型山岳冰川、冰帽、山麓冰川和中小型山谷冰川。北冰洋的冰雪消融将会使最大的油轮驶抵那里。

    The glacial epochs are characterized by great mountain glaciers , ice caps , piedmont glaciers and medium - to small-scale valley glaciers . Disappearance of the Arctic pack would enable the largest tanker to reach there .

  8. 冰川覆盖北欧大部分和北美;人类进化时期。各次冰期的冰川性质分别为大型山岳冰川、冰帽、山麓冰川和中小型山谷冰川。

    From 11 thousand to 2 millions years ago ; extensive glaciation of N hemisphere ; time of human evolution . The glacial epochs are characterized by great mountain glaciers , ice caps , piedmont glaciers and medium - to small-scale valley glaciers .

  9. 但1992-1993年两条山谷冰川突然前进。对比亚洲中部其它山系,发现本区冰川动态变化独特,说明不同地区冰川对于全球性气候的响应过程比较复杂。

    However , two glaciers advanced suddenly from 1992 to 1993 . It is found that the glacier change is distinctive in this region in comparison with those in other mountains in central Asia , which means that the response of glacier to global change is complicated in different regions .

  10. 大部河流的冰川作用等级在0.20以下,其大小取决于山谷型冰川的数量和个体规模。

    The glaciation grades in most of the rivers in the Tianshan Mountains are smaller than 0.20 and depend on the number of the valley glaciers and their sizes .

  11. 该区域面积约为9300平方英里(1.5万平方公里),很久之前,这里的山谷就被冰川刻蚀,留下一层破碎的砾石和卵石,恶劣的天气消蚀着这里的一切。

    Covering 9300 square miles ( 15000 square kilometers ) , its valleys were carved by glaciers that long ago retreated , leaving in their wake a broken layer of boulders , gravel and pebbles , all of which have been worn down by the harsh weather and sorted by the strong winds .

  12. 该区地方气候分为三种不同尺度的类型(山区动力热力性环流,山谷风环流和冰川局地环流)。

    The local climate can be classified into three categories , that is the mountain scale , the valley scale and the glacier scale .

  13. 高山山谷里有着冰川的遗迹。在冰川的下游,有一些冰川形成的清澈而冰冷的湖泊。香山北麓末次冰期风成沉积物粒度的空间变化研究

    In the high valleys , there are remains of glaciers , while below them are clear , icy lakes which the glaciers made . Study on Grain-size of the Aeolian Sediments in the Northern Fringe of Xiangshan Mountain During the Last Glacial

  14. 五大湖盆地都是冰挖掘出来的,如今许多现有地形都是这种大陆冰川作用的结果。高山山谷里有着冰川的遗迹。在冰川的下游,有一些冰川形成的清澈而冰冷的湖泊。

    The Great Lakes basins were excavated by the ice , and many present landforms are the result of this continental glaciation . In the high valleys , there are remains of glaciers , while below them are clear , icy lakes which the glaciers made .