
cuò dāo
  • file;rasp;grater
锉刀 [cuò dāo]
  • [file] 金属加工用淬钢制成的手工切削工具

锉刀[cuò dāo]
  1. 即便是最小的金属物品,不管是指甲锉刀还是打火机,都会马上被没收。

    Even the smallest metallic object , whether a nail file or cigarette lighter , is immediately confiscated

  2. 形似老鼠尾巴的细圆的锉刀。

    A thin round file shaped like the tail of a rat .

  3. 锉刀柄部六方锥形体辊锻模具型面的3D共轭造型

    Construction of Cavity Surface of Roll Forging Die for Pressing Tapered Hexahedron Parts Using 3D Conjugating Approach

  4. 应用Matlab平台开发了粗糙度算法和数字化锉刀软件,实现了对轨道车辆车轮踏面外形的数字化虚拟打磨。

    A virtual file for smoothing digital profile of wheel tread of railway vehicles is created based on MATLAB and specific roughness calculation method .

  5. 用一段铁丝把吊臂和螺丝扣连接起来,然后再用一段吉他弦把螺丝扣连接到框架的顶端,经过一片用锉刀锉出V型刻痕的小钢板。

    A piece of iron wire connects the arm to the turnbuckle , then a piece of guitar string is used to connect it to the top of the frame , where it passes over a small steel plate with a " V " filed in it .

  6. 锉刀和锯条无毒淬火加热用盐

    Non-Toxic Salt Bath for Heat Treatment of File and Saw Blade

  7. 新型精密锉刀磨点布局理论的研究

    Study on Theory of Milling Point Distribution of New Type Precision File

  8. 请用细砂纸或锉刀研磨,或者用抛光器磨光。

    Grind it using a fine emery paper or buff it up .

  9. 这附近有可以买到指甲锉刀的地方吗?

    Is there a place I can get a nail file around here ?

  10. 美甲之后最好用粒度为180的锉刀打磨指甲。

    The best file to shape artificial nails would be a 180 grit .

  11. 他工作起来又用锉刀,又用凿子,又用锥子。

    He works with a file , a chisel , and an awl .

  12. 有尖端的粗糙的锉刀。用磨刀皮带使变得尖锐。

    A coarse file with sharp pointed projections . sharpen with a strap .

  13. 请用细砂纸或锉刀研磨旋梭尖的伤痕。

    Remove the scratches on the hook point using a fine emery paper .

  14. 指甲锉刀,无论可否折叠,贱金属制

    Nail file whether or not folding of base meta

  15. 温暖水域中窄而平的鱼,有似革的皮肤和锉刀状的长背脊骨。

    Narrow flattened warm-water fishes with leathery skin and a long file-like dorsal spine .

  16. 把斧头拿到隔壁房间去,把锉刀拿到这儿来。

    Take the axe to the next room , and bring the file here .

  17. 有尖端的粗糙的锉刀。

    A coarse file with sharp pointed projections .

  18. 他购买了一组锉刀。

    He bought a battery of files .

  19. 有两个扁的面的锉刀。

    A file with two flat surfaces .

  20. 需要一把三角锉刀。

    We want a triangle file .

  21. 指甲锉刀,将研磨料涂在木材上制的

    Nail file of abrasives on wood

  22. 有趋同的边缘的锉刀。

    A file with converging edges .

  23. 用一把比较好的锉刀朝着一个方向锉指甲,每周两次。

    File your nails in one direction , twice a week , with a fine-grain file .

  24. 有圆形横截面的锉刀;用来锉洞孔内部。

    A file with a circular cross section ; used to file the inside of holes .

  25. 带有许多小锉刀因此能开许多门的钥匙。

    A key with much of the bit filed away so that it can open different locks .

  26. 主要是为了削尖磨锯和不同类型的切割工具,作为车间工作的一个通用锉刀。

    For sharpening Mill saws and various cutting tools as a general purpose file for shop floor workings .

  27. 本系列锉刀适用于模具及各类有形状要求部位修整的制品。

    This series are designed to remove the rough surface of mould carved by milling machine of EDM .

  28. 锉自己的指甲的时候,我建议用两个锉刀紧挨在一起来磨指甲。

    When filing your own nail , I suggest getting two nail files and rubbing them closely together .

  29. 转一个5/8英寸的洞,然后用锉刀把这个排水口搞大点。

    Use a 5 / 8-inch drill bit , then a coarse cylindrical rasp to enlarge the drainage hole .

  30. 最好的指甲锉刀是分级别的那种,有不同型号和粒度(甲锉上数字单位的面积颗粒数,表示甲锉的粗糙程度)。

    A : Some of the best nail files are professional grade files , available in different types or grits .