
  • 网络Shanhaiguan;shanhaiguan district
  1. 2001年,山海关区又荣膺国家历史文化名城称号。

    In2001 Shanhaiguan Pass district won the title of national historical and cultural town .

  2. 总规划面积为687平方公里。分布在秦皇岛市的海港区、北戴河区、山海关区、昌黎县、抚宁县和卢龙县。

    With a total planning area is687 square kilometers , they are dotted in Qinhuangdao 's Haigang District , Beidaihe District , Shanhaiguan District , Changli County , Funing County and Lulong County .

  3. 实地考察了秦皇岛市下辖的三区四县(北戴河区、山海关区、海港区、昌黎县、抚宁县、卢龙县、青龙县)农田杂草的种类、分布、危害及主要杂草的生育期。

    The kinds , distribution , harm and growing periods of farmland weeds in Qinhuangdao area were given on the spot investigation .

  4. 本文以秦皇岛市山海关区为例,进行了农用地实例评估。经验证,评估方法科学实用,对农用地估价理论和方法研究具有重要的借鉴意义。

    The valuation theory and method are tested to be scientific and practical after a case study in Shanhaiguan District , Qinhuangdao City .

  5. 小学生心身疾患和焦虑问题分析本文报告了秦皇岛市山海关区某村小学生,1995年11月23日因误种卡介苗发生癔病流行的症状、预后及处理经过。

    This paper reported a hysteric epidemic induced by accidentally injection of BCG vaccine to village primary school students in Shanhaiguan District of Qinhuangdao City on 23 Nov , 1995.The authors represented the disease symptoms , prognosis and its management .