
  • 网络Island owner;Island main
  1. 岭澳核电站二期工程常规岛主厂房布置设计优化

    Design Optimizations for Conventional Island for Ling'Ao Phase II Nuclear Power Plant

  2. 昨日,辽宁海洋渔业厅的相关人士表示,单位和个人都可以有偿申请做“岛主”。

    Groups and individuals are both allowed to apply the islands'ownership , an official of Liaoning Marine Fisheries Office said yesterday .

  3. 大部分岛主为意在开发旅游业的企业,但也有私人岛主,他们买岛则是为了在岛上建私人会所招待朋友。

    Most of these islands were owned by corporations planning tourism , but also by individuals who built private clubhouses to entertain friends .

  4. 在那之前,日本刚刚宣布从私人岛主手中购买这些岛屿将其国有化,这一举动激怒了中国。

    The landing came shortly before Japan nationalized the islands , purchasing them from private owners , in a move that angered China .

  5. 据中国岛主联盟发起者林东估计,目前中国至少有600名岛主。

    There are at least 600 island owners in China , Lin Dong , founder of the China Island Owners Association , estimates .

  6. 上个月在日本政府从日本私人岛主手中买下钓鱼岛之后,中日两国间长期存在的领土争端出现加剧。日本政府此举正式确立了日本对钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿的控制。

    The long-standing territorial row intensified last month after the Japanese government purchased the islands from private Japanese owners , formalizing Japanese control over the territories .

  7. 小岛上也许布满了松树和橄榄树,可岛主们还得额外花钱来租借他们自己的海滩,因为那仍然属于国家财产。

    The islands may be strewn with pines and olives but owners will have to pay extra to lease their own beaches , as they remain government property .

  8. 据当地媒体报道,她将成为河南信阳南湾湖景区61岛总岛主,她的工作内容就是每天写博客、拍摄宣传片、组织招募网友活动和参加景区大型活动。

    Her job is to write blogs , shoot promotion videos and recruit and organize netizens to visit the Nanhu Lake Senic Spot in Xinyang City , Henan Province .

  9. 但是岛主TonciJuresko表示这种“心碎”是暂时的,这两条被推土机铲平的陆地以后会种上橄榄树。

    But the island 's owner , Tonci Juresko , vowed that the heart-break was only temporary , and that the bulldozed strips are destined to become groves of olive trees .

  10. 周六招募程序正式在北京展开,这次招募活动的主办方之一搜狐网把这份工作称作中国版大堡礁岛主。

    The recruitment process in Beijing officially started on Saturday , with one of the organizers , club . sohu . com , calling the job as a Chinese version of island caretaker of the Great Barrier Reef .

  11. 结构分析表明按照目前设计方法设计的常规岛主厂房满足设定的性能目标,承载力以及变形要求均满足要求。

    The nonlinear analysis of main machine hall is carried out in Perform-3D.This paper indicates that the main machine hall designed by the present design method can satisfy the performance target set in the paper , including strength capacity and deformation ability .

  12. 日本内阁官房长官说,日本政府已经与私人岛主就购岛事宜达成了协议。他强调说,此举符合政府以和平稳定的方式维护对这些岛屿控制权的政策。

    Japan 's chief government spokesman said it had agreed with the islands ' private owners to purchase them , stressing it was in line with the government 's policy of maintaining control of the islands in a ' peaceful and stable ' manner .

  13. 豪车和私人飞机已经不再是中国亿万富翁的购物首选,现在土豪们的野心更大了:去斐济、图瓦卢和大溪地当“岛主”。本月,部分富豪将组团前往南太平洋实地考察,求购属于自己的私人岛屿。

    Luxury cars and private jets are no longer topping the " to-buy " lists of Chinese billionaires . Instead , it appears that some are about to set off for the South Pacific later this month in search of something altogether bigger : Their very own island in Fiji , Tuvalu or Tahiti .