- 网络magma series

They were derived from different magma series : the gabbro was derived from tholeiitic magma series with higher TiO_2 , REE abundance and Fe ~ ( 3 + ) / Fe ( 2 + ) ratio ;
On the basis of metallogenic epoches , tectonic setting units of mineralization process and metallogenic specialization of magma series , these deposits in China could be divided into nine metallogenic series and eight metallogenic subseries .
The contents of Rb and Sr , the initial 87Sr / 86Sr ratios ( 0.70578-0.71437 ) and other geochemical data of 20 samples suggest that these volcanic rocks belong to the high-K calc-alkaline series of magma formed in the collision zone .
The basic rocks , which belong to alkali and tholeiitic magma series , enriched in LREE and LIL . The magmatic source of basic volcanic rocks was enrichment mantle being analogous to oceanic island basalts sources .
On the rare granites of three magmatic series and their REE distribution patterns in China
Magmatic series of Pan - Xi rift
In the inner belt , there are mantle derived basic to intermediate acid intrusive rocks resulting from the evolution of alkaline basaltic magmas , in which there occur skarn Cu , Fe , S and Au deposits .
They include mainly high-alumina basalt , basaltic andesite , a few of andesite and dacite as well , belonging to calc alkaline series but somewhat tholeiitic series in the early stage .
Since diwa granites in south Chi - na were emplaced in different time in an evolution series and occurred in different spaces having different tectonic nature and magma origins , the characters of granites changed greatly . So the granites must be classified .
The volcanic magmas , including calcium-alkali magmatic series and sub-alkali magmatic series , were derived from the enriched mantle .