
  • 网络Satoru Iwata
  1. 任天堂公司总裁岩田聪还宣布,公司将开发一款代号为NX的新主机。

    Nintendo president Satoru Iwata also announced that the company is working on a new console , codenamed NX .

  2. 任天堂总裁岩田聪(SatoruIwata)交给他一个被称为“魔杖”的游戏控制器,然后引导他的手抛出虚拟的钓鱼线。

    Satoru Iwata , Nintendo 's president , handed him a games controller called a wand and guided his hand to cast a virtual fishing line .

  3. 游戏产业听上去并不重要,因此与乔布斯挽救苹果或郭士纳(LouisGerstner)拯救IBM等备受追捧的大转折故事相比,任天堂在岩田聪带领下的复苏很容易被忽视。

    The games industry does not sound important , so Nintendo 's revival under Iwata is easy to ignore compared with feted turnrounds such as Jobs 's rescue of Apple or Louis Gerstner 's of IBM .

  4. 一名玩家买PlayStation3游戏机要花499美元,而岩田聪卖给家庭的Wii游戏机只售249美元,还附带网球和保龄球等游戏。

    Instead of one person having to pay $ 499 for a PlayStation 3 , he sold the family a Wii for $ 249 with games such as tennis and bowling .

  5. 在岩田聪和任天堂首席游戏设计师宫本茂(ShigeruMiyamoto)的注视下,科蒂克把魔杖向后拉,一条鱼跳出了池塘。

    As Mr Kotick drew back the wand , observed by Iwata and Shigeru Miyamoto , Nintendo 's chief games designer , a fish popped out of the pond .

  6. 然而,岩田聪明白一件竞争对手不明白的事:魔力可以打败技术。

    Iwata , however , understood one thing that his competitors did not : that magic beats technology .

  7. 岩田聪开始掌舵任天堂时,许多分析师曾预测任天堂也将输给索尼和微软。

    Many analysts expected Nintendo to also succumb to Sony and Microsoft at [ AT ? ] the time that Iwata took charge .

  8. 岩田聪知道,任天堂注定会输掉这轮竞争,他把目标完全转移到了别处:扩大市场规模。

    Knowing that Nintendo was bound to lose this contest , Iwata aimed at something else entirely : expanding the size of the market .

  9. 从1月中旬岩田聪发表声明起,就有议论认为,这家公司应当将战略中心转向为其他设备开发游戏。

    Since the mid-January statements by Iwata , there has been chatter that the company could shift its focus to developing games for other devices .

  10. 与乔布斯一样,岩田聪和宫本茂是凭借相信自己的本能(和公司的历史积累)、并坚决无视其他人而取得成功的。

    Like Jobs , the two men achieved this by trusting in their instincts - and the company 's heritage - and obstinately ignoring everyone else .

  11. 上个月,任天堂总裁岩田聪宣布,公司调整了截至2014年3月31日的财年的合并财务预测。

    Last month , Nintendo president Satoru Iwata announced that the company had revised its full-year consolidated financial forecast for the fiscal year ending Mar. 31 , 2014 .

  12. 岩田聪认为这种业内普遍流行的对全价游戏进行折扣的做法除了导致以上的负面效果外,更严重影响到了新游戏的销售。

    However , Iwata believes that the discounting of full-price software which has become prevalent in the industry is even more damaging than this effect , and is damaging the sales of new software .

  13. 日前任天堂总裁岩田聪表示,公司近期不会考虑下调定价,部分原因在于目前任天堂游戏机的售价已经在成本线以下了。

    Nintendo president Satoru Iwata recently said the company was not planning a price cut any time soon , in part due to the fact that the company is already selling the console below cost .