
yán shí cénɡ
  • Rock layer;lithosphere
  1. 高R值强转折梯度带很可能是岩石层的剧烈变形带,多对应于地震高强度、高频度活动区;

    An abrupt gradient zone with higher R values may be a radical deformed zone of the lithosphere , it mostly corresponds to an seismic active region with higher intensity and frequency ;

  2. 计算结果表明,该地区地壳的剪切模量不会超过全球平均值的60%,岩石层地幔的粘性系数不大于1.5×10~(23)Pa·s。

    The results show that the shear modulus of the crust in that area is less than 60 % of the global average and the viscosity of the lithosphere mantle is less than 1.5 × 1023Pa .

  3. 中国东部海域及邻区岩石层地幔的P波速度结构与构造分析

    P wave velocity structure and tectonics analysis of lithospheric mantle in eastern China seas and adjacent regions

  4. 地震矩张量元素M(rr)的空间分布与中国大陆岩石层地块

    Seismic moment tensor element m_ ( rr ) as a simplified representation of crustal potential energy change : its spatial distribution pattern and relation to the continental tectonic blocks in China

  5. 数值结果表明莫霍面起伏与岩石层弹性厚度(hel)和载荷波长(λ)相关。

    The numerical results show the correlation between undulation of Moho and the elastic lithospheric thickness , h el , and loading wavelength , λ .

  6. 中国及邻区岩石层大地水准面正演模拟

    The simulation of lithospheric geoid in China and its adjacent area

  7. 粗糙的,岩石层的印度熔岩隧道管。

    The rough , rocky floor of the Indian Tunnel lava tube .

  8. 纳米地球科学:从电子运动到岩石层板块

    Nanogeoscience : from the movement of electrons to lithosphere plates

  9. 塔里木盆地岩石层热结构特征

    The lithospheric thermal structure beneath Tarim basin , western China

  10. 岩石层底部切向应力场及地球大地水准面异常

    Earths Geoid Anomalies Mantle Convection and Stress Field Under Lithosphere

  11. 冲绳海槽地区地壳结构与岩石层性质研究

    Research on crustal structure and lithosphere property in the Okinawa Trough area

  12. 岩石层消减中的密度反转效应

    Effects of Density Reversal in the Process of Lithosphere Subduction

  13. 青藏高原岩石层三维和二维结构与大陆动力学

    The 2D and 3D lithosphere structure and continental dynamics of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau

  14. 中国西北地区岩石层瑞利波三维速度结构与沉积盆地

    The 3-D structure of Rayleigh wave and sedimentary basins in Northwest China

  15. 那可能是经过岩石层过滤的,已经有一百万年历史。

    that 's perhaps a million years old filtered through rock layers .

  16. 岩石层流变学的研究现状及存在问题

    Rheology of lithosphere : studying status and remained problems

  17. 球层岩石层模型对表面荷载的响应

    The lithosphere 's response to surface loads & an elastic spherical shell model

  18. 科学家们开始研究详细记录了大规模灭绝事件的岩石层。

    Scientists then began searching the layers of rocks that delineate mass extinctions .

  19. 岩石层应力场(讲座)双层地基位移和应力场求解

    Solution to Displacement and Stress Field in Two-Layered Foundation

  20. 应用卫星重力数据研究全球岩石层下地幔流应力场

    Global Stress Field of Mantle Convection Currents under Lithosphere

  21. 地壳由很多不同岩石层构成。

    The earth 's crust is formed of many different layers of rocks .

  22. 地下蓄水层是一些有水的岩石层,如沙岩和白垩岩。

    An aquifer is a water-bearing rock stratum such as sandstone and chalk .

  23. 岩石层和震源的数字地震成像&数字地震学发展的回顾与展望

    Digital seismic imaging of the lithosphere and earthquake FOCUSES-REVIEW and prospects of Digital Seismology

  24. 磁化岩石层球面各向同性统计模型

    A statistical spherical isotropic model of magnetized lithosphere

  25. 中国岩石层物理的地震学研究

    The seismic study of lithospheric physics in China

  26. 地幔对流与岩石层板块的相互耦合及影响&(Ⅰ)球腔中的自由热对流

    Coupling between mantle circulation and lithospheric plates ──(ⅰ) thermal free convection in a spherical shell

  27. 大陆弹性岩石层有效弹性厚度对岩石层形变和大地水准面的动力影响

    Dynamic influence of various elastic thickness of continental lithosphere upon lithospheric deformation and geoid undulation

  28. 东秦岭岩石层的地电模型

    The lithospheric geoelectric model of East Qinling

  29. 高温高压下地球物质综合物性测量及岩石层结构的研究

    Comprehensive measurements of properties of the earth material and study of structure of the lithosphere

  30. 由地面、卫星重力资料研究岩石层密度

    Investigation of anomaly density in LITHO-SPHERE by using the ground gravity data and satellite observations