
  • 网络KHI;Kawasaki Heavy Industries;kawasaki;Kawasaki Heavy;kawasaki heavy industries ltd
  1. 空客则与川崎重工(KawasakiHeavyIndustries)结成了同盟,竞标这一名为“UH-X计划”的合同。

    Airbus teamed up with Kawasaki Heavy Industries to bid for the contract , known as the UH-X programme .

  2. 三菱重工和川崎重工(KawasakiHeavyIndustries)打算赢得一笔价值500亿澳元(合360亿美元)的为澳大利亚建造新潜艇的合同。

    MHI and Kawasaki Heavy Industries were poised to land a A $ 50bn ( $ 36bn ) contract to build Australia 's new submarines .

  3. JR东海设计并运行其自己的列车,不过建设工作会转包给工程企业,如川崎重工(KawasakiHeavyIndustries)。

    JR Central designs and operates its own trains , though construction is contracted to engineering companies such as Kawasaki Heavy Industries .

  4. 与GE合作是中国非常重要的一步,因为中国高铁网络一直以来都依靠其他火车制造厂商的技术转移,包括西门子、阿尔斯通、庞巴迪和川崎重工。

    Roping in GE is a significant move because China 's HSR network has so far relied on technology transfer from other train makers including Seimens . Alstom , Bombardier and Kawasaki Heavy Industries .

  5. 分析师称,规模经济和其他成本优势或可使他们能以对手一半的成本进行投标,其竞争对手包括西门子(Siemens)、阿尔斯通(Alstom)和川崎重工(Kawasaki)。

    Analysts say economies of scale and other cost advantages could allow them to tender bids at half the cost of rivals , which include Siemens , Alstom and Kawasaki .

  6. 介绍了川崎重工为满足客户提出的大幅度降低噪声和提高乘坐舒适度的要求而对客车进行的研究工作。

    Described are the researching work on passenger cars by Kawasaki in order to meet the customer 's requirements of great reduction of noise and improvement of ride comfort .

  7. 日本军方目前占川崎重工销售额的14%。同时这两家公司的军工部门已经多年难以达到足够大的制造规模,无力投资于产品和降低成本。

    The Japanese military at present accounts for 14 per cent of sales at Kawasaki , and the companies ' defence divisions have long struggled to manufacture on a large enough scale to invest in products and drive down costs .