
  • 网络full competitive;sufficient competition
  1. 充分竞争是竞争性价格形成的基础。

    Sufficient competition is an formative foundation of competitive prices .

  2. 创造一个自由、开放和充分竞争的环境,让遵循客观规律的企业获得强大的自生能力,是各国政府的首要作用。

    The fundamental responsibility for government is to create an environment encouraging free , open and sufficient competition .

  3. 运用完全竞争模型的分析结果指出VOIP技术既可以促进市场充分竞争,又可避免重复建设,应该得到政府的支持与推广。

    The analysis results gotten out by using of entire competition model point out that the VOIP technique can not only improve market competition , but also can avoid overlapped construction ; therefore it should be supported and populated by governments .

  4. 家电行业在国内是一个充分竞争的行业,特别是作为耐用消费品的大家电,行业的竞争就更加激烈。

    Home appliances industry is a very competitive industry in China .

  5. 充分竞争:补偿所有权监督不足的市场安排

    Complete Competition : the Market Arrangement to Compensate Property Supervision

  6. 产品市场的不充分竞争使外部约束弱化;

    The imperfect competition of product market has weakened the exterior constraint ;

  7. 宏观层面的影响主要在于非充分竞争的外部环境。

    The result of macro influences is a not fully competitive market place .

  8. 但这种业绩的取得是在这个行业并没有充分竞争的情况下取得的。

    However , this performance was achieved because of short of full competition .

  9. 这是一个接近充分竞争的社会,机会是不缺的。

    This is a nearly utterly competitive society in which there are many opportunities .

  10. 零售银行必须充分竞争。

    Retail banking must be made genuinely competitive .

  11. 在一个市场没有达到充分竞争之前往往是研发推动市场。

    In a market did not achieve full competition before is often driven market research .

  12. 同时,对保险公司的救助一旦蔓延将伤害业已充分竞争的保险市场。

    Extending the bailout to insurers would also distort what is now a very competitive insurance market .

  13. 在一个充分竞争的市场环境中,市场组织演进的结果体现出经济效率导向的要求。

    In a full competition market , the result of market organization evolution must according to economic efficiency .

  14. 经过近二十年的发展,中国的手机行业已完全进入了充分竞争的行业成熟期。

    China cell phone market has entered a fully competitive mature industry stage after nearly 20 years of development .

  15. 公平价格:公司之间在充分竞争的条件下形成的价格(相对于转帐价格而言)。

    Arm 's length price : Price Between corporations under fully competitive conditions ( the opposite of transfer price ) .

  16. 垄断与竞争:制度安排与价值决定&反垄断与充分竞争的法经济学思考

    Monopoly and Competition : System Arrangement and Value Decisions & Opposing Monopolies and Promoting Fair Competition in Law and the Economy

  17. 由于市场已经充分竞争,细分市场的争夺更加激烈。

    Because of the market is already fully competitive , the competition in market segmentation is becoming more and more intensive .

  18. 打破垄断,建立一个充分竞争、高效率的电力市场已是我国电力工业不可逆转的发展趋势。

    Breaking monopolization , building a competitive and high efficiency power market is the trend of our country ' electric power industry .

  19. 她指出:在全面放开前,国内银行之间必须先行充分竞争,同时必须发展出容量更深的资本市场。

    Internal competition between banks and the development of deeper capital markets must come first , before opening up , she says .

  20. 现代经济学理论认为,在充分竞争市场下,由于买卖双方都是价格接受者,各方均缺乏制定价格的能力,因此在完全竞争市场上不存在定价权的问题。

    Modern economic theory that , in a highly competitive market , buyers and sellers are due to the price of recipients .

  21. 坊间还传有更激进的改革计划,即大幅开放农业及医疗等领域,以实现充分竞争。

    There is also talk of more radical reform , by opening up areas such as agriculture and healthcare to greater competition .

  22. 为了形成充分竞争,降低工程造价,所有风电项目监理均实行招标。

    Tendering , which can form adequate competition and reduce the cost of supervision , has been used in all wind power projects .

  23. 根据政府采购法的规定,政府采购要贯彻公平竞争的原则,保证提供一个充分竞争的采购市场环境,被称之为政府采购中的竞争政策;

    According to the laws concerning governmental procurement , there should be a fair competitive principle and fully competitive market , known as competitive policy .

  24. 简言之,充分竞争测试是指一个公司能否在市场份额不发生不可持续损失的情况下提价。

    Put simply , the test of sufficient competition is whether a company can put its prices up without suffering unsustainable loss of market share .

  25. 文章最后对我国建立一个信息公开、程序规范、充分竞争的控制权转让市场提出了一些政策性建议。

    In conclusion , the article brings forward some reasonable advices on building a corporate control transferring market with public information , normative procedures and completely competition .

  26. 随着经济全球化下的贸易自由化、市场的充分竞争、信息技术的广泛运用,生产制造型企业已不再是过去利润丰厚的行业。

    With the economic globalization of trade liberalization , market competition , the extensive use of information technology , the manufacturing enterprises is no longer profitable business .

  27. “帕累托最优”要求一个有充分竞争的市场环境,所以,促进我国资金资源的配置效率就必须要打破垄断的局面,在银行业引入有效竞争机制。

    Pareto Efficiency requires a free market , so what we can do is to break the state of monopoly and introduce effective competition to the market .

  28. 目前中国房地产行业已成为国家的支柱型产业,行业正处在从粗旷经营到充分竞争的演变过程中。

    Now the real estate industry in China has already become a pillar industry , which is currently in the evolution process from sketchy management to full competition .

  29. 有研究表明,产品市场竞争是解决所有者和管理者之间代理问题的有力手段,充分竞争的市场环境会自动导致公司的有效治理。

    Product market competition is one of the best ways to solve the agent problem between owners and managers , and fierce competition can improve corporate governance efficiently .

  30. 发展中国家应推行金融自由化的金融改革,取消对利率、外汇和银行的控制,促进金融市场的充分竞争。

    Therefore , the developing countries should reform financial system , call off controlling over interest rate , foreign exchange and bank to motivate full competition in financial market .