
  1. 以工业思维促发达地区农业产业化

    Agricultural Industrialization in Developed Area

  2. 同时,它又被理性时代的工业思维笃定为一种现代性的表达,这种表达的背后暗藏着某种意识形态与工业口号的结合。

    At the same time , it is set as a representation of modernity by the industrial thought of logical age . Behind the representation there is the combination between the ideology and industrial watchword .

  3. 工业设计思维的开发

    Thinking Exploration in Industrial Design Development

  4. 从产品造型到产品界面&论工业设计思维方式的改变

    From " Product Styling " to " Product Interface " & the changing of thought mode in industry design

  5. 工业时代的思维方式以及NAICS产业代码使企业的思维模式陷入窠臼,它们的业务模式不是以产品为中心,就是以服务为中心。

    Industrial-era thinking and NAICS industry codes force companies into characterizing their business models as being either product - or service-focused .

  6. 他改变了人们对于工业组织的思维方式。

    He changed the way people think about industrial organisation .

  7. 过去关于工业化问题的研究都是在工业主义的思维方式下进行的。

    As I know , up to now nearly all researches on industrialization are still subject to the industrialist mode of thinking .

  8. 在人类走过了农业社会适应式思维、工业社会推进式思维进入信息社会之后,就需要一种新的思维方式牵引式思维,来适应时代进步的要求。

    After experienced the agriculture society , the suitable society , industry society , the impetus thinking , there should need a new thinking paradigm to fit the information society that is the attractive thinking .

  9. 微观上加强工业设计的理性思维模式,在宏观上把握普遍和谐思维方式,形成具有中国特色的工业设计。

    In the microscopic aspect , strengthening the rational thinking mode of industrial design while in the macroscopic aspect ; mastering the thinking method of universal harmony so as to form the industrial design with Chinese characteristics .

  10. 现实中小学的教学质量受到传统工业生产方式和思维方式的影响,以增加劳动强度延长劳动时间为特征的汗水劳动,得到的是高耗低效和起伏不定的质量结果。

    Current teaching qualities in middle schools and primary schools are affected by the traditional form of industrial production and traditional form of teaching . Extra labour intensity and long-time labour result in high cost and low efficiency and uncertain teaching quality .

  11. 工业绿色化是在外部环境压力的作用下,工业企业进行思维方式转变、组织结构调整、生产和营销方式变革,以获得工业可持续发展的响应过程。

    Greening of Industry is a response course that industrial corporations change the way of their thinking , adjust the structures of their organizations , and innovate the way of their production and sales in order to keep industrial sustainable development under the environmental pressure outside .