
  1. 然后运用组件开发、数据完整性、信息集成、对对象的协同控制机制等关键技术,以及采用Oracle数据库技术和PowerBuilder开发工具实现了工程合同管理系统的开发。

    Then utilizing essential technology , for example module development , data integrity , information integration , object coordination control mechanism and so on , as well as using the technology of Oracle database and the PowerBuilder development kit , " The Project Contract Management System " is realized .

  2. 加强工程合同管理预防和减少合同纠纷

    Strengthening Contract Management of Engineering to Reduce and Prevent Contract Dispute

  3. 天生桥一级水电站大坝和溢洪道工程合同管理

    Contract Management for the Dam and Spillway of TSQ-1 Hydropower Project

  4. 建设工程合同管理的国际比较分析

    International Comparison and Analysis of Contract Management of Construction Engineering

  5. 建设工程合同管理教学内容改革与实践

    Construction Engineering Contract Management contents of courses reform and practice

  6. 水利工程合同管理模式比较研究

    Comparison on Approach of Water Conservancy Project Contract Management

  7. 建设工程合同管理系统决策支持体系研究

    Study of decision support system for construction contract management

  8. 土建类学生工程合同管理能力的培养与探索

    Train and explore of civil engineering specialty students ' management capacity of engineering contract

  9. 大坝和溢洪道工程合同管理的特点

    Features of dam and spillway works contract management

  10. 建设工程合同管理的信息化

    In for mation of construction contract management

  11. 加强工程合同管理合理控制工程造价

    Strengthen the Contract Management of the Project Control the Fabrication cost of the Project Rationally

  12. 高校建设工程合同管理存在的主要问题及其对策

    The Major Problems Existing in the Contract Management of University 's Construction Engineering and Countermeasures

  13. 输水工程合同管理的探讨

    Discussion on Contract Management of Irrigation Projects

  14. 国际工程合同管理实践与菲迪克施工合同条件案例解析

    Practice of Contract Management for International Project and Case Study of FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction

  15. 研究了对合同管理的效率有影响的工程合同管理的组织模式,并提出了设置合同管理组织的方法。

    It Studies the organization pattern of project contract management , and proposed the method to establish contract management organization .

  16. 本文提出了建设工程合同管理信息化的必要性,并构建了合同管理信息系统的框架。

    The necessity of information of construction contract management is explained ; meanwhile , the framework of contract management information is constructed .

  17. 在分析了产生问题的原因之后,在本文的第三部分,介绍了国外关于建设工程合同管理实践,并分析了国外的建设工程合同管理对我们的借鉴意义。

    After analysis of the causes of the problems in the third part of this article , foreign construction contract management practices , and foreign construction contract management for our reference .

  18. 本文根据工程合同管理的目标和特点,讨论了合同管理与质量、进度、投资、安全控制的关系;

    According to the the goal and the characteristic of project contract management , this thesis discuss the relations of contract management and the quality , the progress , the investment . the safety control ;

  19. 这些具有丰富的工程合同管理经验的工程师,作为独立的第三方,比业主更能有效、科学地进行工程合同管理,有利于工程合同全面、正确地履行。

    These who have rich experience in project management contract engineers , as an independent third party , are more effective and scientific than the owners , more conducive to a comprehensive , correct discharge for project contract .

  20. 本文从我国实际情况出发,说明了我国实行建筑工程合同管理信息系统的必要性,并对合同管理信息系统的开发和设计提出了基本构架。

    This article embarked from our country actual situation , showed our country practiced the architectural engineering contract management information system the necessity , and proposed the basic skeleton to the contract management information system development and the design .

  21. 根据工程合同管理的目标和特点,本文分析、讨论了合同管理系统的需求和主要功能。本课题从符合操作简便、界面友好、灵活、实用和安全的要求出发,对整个系统进行详细设计。

    In accordance with the objectives and characteristics of contract management , the needs and main functions of the contract management system is discussed in detail in this paper . The whole system is designed based on the requirements of simplicity , user-friendly , flexibility , practicality and safety .

  22. 工程项目合同管理是建设项目管理的灵魂。

    Project management of construction project contract management is the soul .

  23. 谈工程项目合同管理与责任成本控制

    Discussion on contract management and responsibility cost control of engineering projects

  24. 津巴布韦道路工程施工合同管理体会

    A Study of Highway Engineering Construction Contract Management in Zimbabwe

  25. 施工企业工程承包合同管理诌议

    The tentative discussion about the contract management of construction enterprises

  26. 建筑工程施工合同管理问题及对策

    The Problem and Counterplans that Developments Engineering Construction Contract Management

  27. 施工企业如何加强建设工程施工合同管理

    Measures to strengthen construction contract management by construction enterprises

  28. 施工索赔是施工单位在工程承包合同管理工作中的一项重要内容。

    Construction claim is an important part in engineering contract management for construction company .

  29. 老挝万象市政国际承包工程项目合同管理与索赔

    Contract Management and Claims in International Contracting Project of Vientiane Urban Improvement Project in Laos

  30. 建设工程施工合同管理中的工程造价控制

    Costing Control in Construction Project Contract Management