
  • 网络work sharing;Job Sharing;Job-sharing
  1. 问题11:说话者所说的工作分享政策是什么意思?

    Question 11 : What does the speaker mean by the work sharing scheme ?

  2. 德国的工作分享及其大众公司的时间有价证券制度

    The Experience of Work-sharing in Volkswagen and its time securities

  3. 听起来这种工作分享很适合你。

    It sounds like job sharing has worked out well for you .

  4. 破解就业难题&我国企业实行工作分享制的可行性探讨

    The Analysis of Job Sharing Feasibility in Chinese Enterprises

  5. 西方发达国家实施工作分享制对我国的启示

    The Inspiration of Work-Sharing in Developed Western Countries

  6. 在网上突出你的工作并分享给潜在雇主。

    Highlight your work online and share it with potential employers .

  7. 而且,要寻求热衷于跟他人一起工作并分享成功的人。

    Also , look for someone who is enthusiastic about working with others and sharing successes .

  8. 便捷的创建账户,更好的帮助人们在工作时分享信息。

    Easy create by people who wanted a better way to connect and share with people at work .

  9. 你的到来也使我有了远离工作,分享一段轻松的时间的机会。

    And it also gives me a chance to get away from my work and share a relaxing time .

  10. 如果公司盈利,年底可凭工作业绩分享公司盈利。

    Employees should share the benefit according to the work performance at end of year if company paying off .

  11. 三个国际研究小组,所作的工作,分享他们的发现,该工作发表在周四的科学杂志上。

    The work , by three international research teams that shared their findings , was published online Thursday by the journal Science .

  12. 不到一星期的时间,我那次不都会与我的顾客、受训者、工作同事分享我在打著呵欠巡逻演讲会所学到的重要观念?

    Not a week goes by where I don 't share an important point I learned at Yawn Patrol with my clients , trainees or colleagues .

  13. 实践意义:通信产业设施种类繁多,各种工种的工程师来自不同领域、团队和场所的人员一起工作来分享和改进所共同积累的知识,让知识的应用能发挥到极至。

    Research implications-Communication industry facilities sort is various , various kinds of engineers from different areas , team and the place of personnel work together to share and improve the accumulated knowledge together , make the application of knowledge can play extremely to .

  14. 工作上,分享计划和想法,请求上级的帮助(top-levelVIPs)。

    At work , present proposals and ideas , and petition the help of top-level VIPs .

  15. 资源可能被其他工作或项目分享。

    Resources may be shared on other tasks or other projects .

  16. 任务团队应当定期地将他们的工作拿出来分享给大家。

    Task teams should share their work regularly .

  17. 我们正在与我们的地球盟友一起工作与他们分享相同的观点。

    We are working with our Earth allies and with those who share a similar vision .

  18. 你可以创建个人工作页面,分享你的推荐,标签,播放列表。

    Create and share your recommendations , tags , and playlists via a personal user page .

  19. 我们与该营地的工作人员一起分享。我们和60个营员度过了夏天。

    We shared the experience with the camp staff we had spent the summer with and the600 campers that session .

  20. 夫妻都是专业人士的情况下,夫妻双方大多都工作,因此分享工作中的烦心事或许能成为夫妻相互支持的一种方式。

    In the majority of professional couples both partners work , so sharing work concerns can be a kind of reciprocal support arrangement .

  21. 不过,剩下的几项看起来能吸引更广泛的用户,分别专注于云计算、个人财务管理和工作场合的分享。

    But some of the others sound like they would have pretty broad appeal , focusing on cloud computing , budgeting and workplace sharing .

  22. 我们与我们的客户一起合作,通过基准管理工作情况和分享全球最佳实践经验来降低成本,并以我们的全球客户为基础,开发出一个基准管理和最佳实践经验库。

    We work in partnership with our customers to reduce costs by bench marking performance and sharing global best practice , and have developed a library of benchmarking and best practice based on our global customer base .

  23. 这两个公司的信息以及利益会一同分享,双方所有工作人员能分享我们利润的10%,这些都包括在新的合同协议中。

    The sharing of both company information for the benefits of both companies and to share ten percent of the profits for staff members working for both parties which all will be included in the new contract agreement .

  24. 为了证明来自两个应用的Flex代码是如何与STOMP客户端一起工作的,Wischusen分享了这一代码片断。

    To demonstrate how the Flex code from both applications work with STOMP client , Wischusen shared the code snipes .

  25. 如果你喜欢你的工作就让孩子分享你的快乐。

    If you enjoy your job , share your excitement .

  26. 这是他的身旁,热爱工作和社区,分享知识和教育。

    This is the side of him that loves to work with community , share knowledge and Educate .

  27. 有些单位的职工不只分享工作环境,还分享宿舍,澡堂,餐厅。

    In addition to sharing their place of work , many employees share their bedrooms , bathrooms and dining rooms .

  28. 如果你能在打电话的时候(不论是私人电话还是工作电话)快速分享照片的话,为什么不这样做呢?

    Why shouldn 't you be able to quickly share photos of your surroundings while on a personal or work call ?

  29. 同时,微软将会必须与将会以窗口帮助这些对手伺候器软件工作更多的对手分享技术上的数据。

    Also , Microsoft will have to share technical information with rivals that will help these rivals'server software work better with Windows .

  30. 因为贵公司是本市最具高效率、令人敬佩的公司之一,我想为它工作,也能分享它的盛誉。

    Because yours is one of the most effective and respectable companies in our city . I 'd like to work for it and enjoy its high prestige as well .